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Thread: actual 221 manga discussion

  1. #1

    actual 221 manga discussion

    for those who want to discuss the manga, not a summery, I am starting a new thread. raw is out and damn dude. . something is definately up with the uchiha clan. i never really hated itachi and now i really like him, at least the old him. remember how he said that the best ninja's are the ones that can police bad ninja's? cant wait for this to get translated

    i seriously think something weird was going on. true this is from sasuke's perspective so you really gotta wonder what it is that he DOESNT know, since we are seeing all the bad stuff from his POV. i never bought the itachi is totally bad, a truely bad guy would have waxed his little bro as well, avenger or no. also the fact he didnt kill sasuke in front of the sharkfin guy, beat the crap out of him enough to be convincing.

    actually i am glad for this 'flashback' i didnt like the ones rehashing stuff we had already seen but its a good break from the constant battles, we learn more about one of the most interesting characters and about one of the things most debated about.

    ok, after reading the inane version. . . WTF. dad is obviously obsessed with something, maybe status of family or whatever but sasuke seems to love his brother even though everyone just talks about itachi.

    the comment by itachi, that we have to hate each other to overcome our barriers. it explains the 'hate more' statement, although not the killing every other uchiha. i definatly think he was contacted by akatsuki or came upon them somehow during his missions. he definatly shows a weird attitude, even ignoring his fathers behavior.

  2. #2

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    i never bought the itachi is totally bad, a truely bad guy would have waxed his little bro as well, avenger or no. also the fact he didnt kill sasuke in front of the sharkfin guy, beat the crap out of him enough to be convincing.
    i always thought itachi wants sasuke to become stronger so one day sasuke would be able to kill itachi and itachi would be able to atone for his sin of killing his own clan ... lol i personally dont like the idea of sasuke beating itachi but sasuke IS one of the main characters ... so just MAYBE xD ...

    i saw the raw version but i really cant make anything out of it .. ill wait for it to be translated ...

  3. #3

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion


  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    well, it's better than last weeks chapter...

    It seems almost clear that all the "Itachi is good, Sasuke is a jerk' theories are probably right at some way...

    did anyone understand Sasuke's report card? 1/30? 1/90? what the hell is that?
    oh, and who do you think those three guys were in the last pannel? it seems like one of them is an Uchiha...

    oh, and I would like to see some of naruto's flashbacks as well, he's the main charecter, for crying out loud

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  5. #5

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    First place out of the other students.

  6. #6

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    i'm getting amazed at manga's ability to stretch out sasuke's feelings of inferiority about being in itachi's shadow.

    i know it's nice to flesh out a characters past, but enough is enough already. would be nice if they'd stop whispering for an entire chapter about special missions and actually give the readers something more than mere speculation...

    of course, i'm a little extra bitter because i took the time to work through the chapter in it's raw japanese.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    but nevertheless..

    (and perhaps this is a sign of good writing.. at least, from a commercial standpoint)

    i'm left wanting more, again.

  7. #7
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    now, this thread is awesome. it's not retarded like that other gay 221 thread.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #8

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    now, this thread is awesome. it's not retarded like that other gay 221 thread.
    Wow your so cool to use gay as an insult!</sarcasm>

  9. #9

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    Well from that chapter im prittty much convinced that itachi is'nt evil. haha and to think some of my friends and i were talking about possibly cases were he wouldnt be evil.

    For me this arc just got a whole lot better, everything is coming together, and after that im convinced sasuke must get to orochimaru

  10. #10

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    [In case anyone couldn't predict this, there are spoilers here. And if you couldn't predict it, you probably shouldn't be posting on the forums.]

    I would say that while conclusive evidence has yet to be presented, this chapter has provided another point for people like me that believe Itachi is not actually evil to harp on. 'Even if it means being hated, that's what being an elder brother is all about.'? Itachi keeps telling Sasuke to hate him with every fiber of his being, in the hopes of driving Sasuke past his own limits, and it looks like that idea was formulating way back then. Some people will find this ambiguous, but to me it says that Itachi loved his brother and was willing to sacrifice any love he could get in return to benefit his brother in the long term, which is quite a high level of brotherly love, although a bit twisted. Then again, they're Shinobi, wishing your loved one to be strong is about the highest wish you can have for them, I suppose. Putting oneself in a position for someone you care about to hate you, knowing that doing so will benefit them the most, is quite a painful thing to do, but it's obvious that at least in the past, Itachi was resigned to that. Perhaps some of the more intelligent people that disagreed with me before will re-consider after this chapter, it seems conclusive to me.

  11. #11

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    And yeah, sasuke's dad seems like a bit of an asshole anyway, wat kind of father openly shows more ambition to one of his kids, and just tells the other one to end up exactly the same as the other one...asshole

  12. #12

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    Something is definately going on....

  13. #13
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Kalean
    [In case anyone couldn't predict this, there are spoilers here. And if you couldn't predict it, you probably shouldn't be posting on the forums.]

    I would say that while conclusive evidence has yet to be presented, this chapter has provided another point for people like me that believe Itachi is not actually evil to harp on. 'Even if it means being hated, that's what being an elder brother is all about.'? Itachi keeps telling Sasuke to hate him with every fiber of his being, in the hopes of driving Sasuke past his own limits, and it looks like that idea was formulating way back then. Some people will find this ambiguous, but to me it says that Itachi loved his brother and was willing to sacrifice any love he could get in return to benefit his brother in the long term, which is quite a high level of brotherly love, although a bit twisted. Then again, they're Shinobi, wishing your loved one to be strong is about the highest wish you can have for them, I suppose. Putting oneself in a position for someone you care about to hate you, knowing that doing so will benefit them the most, is quite a painful thing to do, but it's obvious that at least in the past, Itachi was resigned to that.
    or MAYBE... kishimoto is purposely trying to make itachi look like a good guy to trick us. and what was your theory on itachi again? that he didn't kill the uchihas (therefore, innocent), it was someone else and itachi took the blame so that sasuke would chase after him? if you're gonna stick with the innocent itachi theory, tell me who really did it and why. i'm curious.

    Perhaps some of the more intelligent people that disagreed with me before will re-consider after this chapter, it seems conclusive to me.
    sorry, but that is the stupidest thing to say. sounds like you're trying to be some sort of harvard professor who is trying to correct people.

    and... those two guys at the end look like they want a fight with itachi. i hope itachi buries them in the dirt.

    EDIT: btw, look at that lame 221 thread. locked to hell.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #14

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Ive got a bit of a new theory, although it doesnt have much to back it up. On page 8, there is the low evil laugh (Fu Fu Fu). Isnt that Oro's laugh? We cant see who Mr. Uchiha is talking to, nor can we see his silouette (sp?). Im thinking maybe this is Oro, before leaving the leaf. Again, this is a very weak theory, but Im thinking maybe Itachi knew Oro was going after the Uchiha ability, and rather then see it in the hands (or eyes i guess) of Oro, he decided to slaughter his family. Seems like a rather extreme way around things, but hey... weak theory.

    Regardless of how dumb you guys may think this whole thing is, Im pretty certain that the laugh was Oro's.

  15. #15

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: JFDrummer430
    Ive got a bit of a new theory, although it doesnt have much to back it up. On page 8, there is the low evil laugh (Fu Fu Fu). Isnt that Oro's laugh? We cant see who Mr. Uchiha is talking to, nor can we see his silouette (sp?). Im thinking maybe this is Oro, before leaving the leaf. Again, this is a very weak theory, but Im thinking maybe Itachi knew Oro was going after the Uchiha ability, and rather then see it in the hands (or eyes i guess) of Oro, he decided to slaughter his family. Seems like a rather extreme way around things, but hey... weak theory.

    Regardless of how dumb you guys may think this whole thing is, Im pretty certain that the laugh was Oro's.
    if this was the case then itachi accedently led the sharingan to orochimaru
    as for the laugh, thats a general evil laugh in manga

    i find myself leaning towards the itachi good guy arguement now...although i dont want to, but the comment about hating each other gives that sense.

    i had an interesting converstion with a friend that has an older brother and i take back what i said in the 220 discussion about me being an older brother and not understanding why a brother would want his sibling to hate him...i cannot relate to itachi because i only have a younger sister...and as my friend told me, the brother 2 brother relationship is different than the brother 2 sister relationship...

    so...i could see this as a form of tough love...but dont want to buy if itachi is a good guy...we wont find out the truth for a long time 'cause this is sasukes perspective of things...and he only knows what itachi wants him to know

    just wanted to add that these flashbacks are asking more questions than they are answering...thats always fun

  16. #16
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    actual 221 manga discussion

    Good episode. Intruiging. But still very in the dark about whats happening. This is a real refreshing episode from the continous fighting non-stop of the episodes before.

    But still from the episode. About him needing to be arrogant and selfish to achieve being the best, from that, he seems no different from Orochimaru doing everything to attain it all.

    But likewise... we are all still in the dark here.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  17. #17

    actual 221 manga discussion

    kinda boring, i mean its good that there getting into sasukes past but i wanna c some dam action wanna c naruto kik sasukes ass with kyubi power or something

  18. #18

    actual 221 manga discussion

    You think next week will be the last flashback?(Not that I'm complaining or anything)

    Also because of these flashbacks, I get the feeling that this will be the last time we see Sasuke as good. Kishimoto is just having a farewell to the "good" Sasuke.(Ok, I know that last sentence didn't make sense, I'm frickin tired)

  19. #19

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Xwing i agree, its showing what hes been through. (the good and the bad) and at the end we will see him as evil, however theres also a probability this could end up being a naruto showing sasuke he still has a family in konohana and can get strong there....But im leaning more towards the last time (at least for a couple of years) we see sasuke as being a good guy.

  20. #20

    actual 221 manga discussion

    more flashbacks yay! [/sarcasm] looks like next week will also be a flashback well done kishimoto you just totally fucked yourself, now i actually have something bad to mention about naruto, this is just stupid bring on the fight they are just retelling us what we already know the next chapter better be good because these flashbacks are getting on my nerve and itachi is still evil i don't care what kind of sweet flashbacks they give about him he remains evil he killed the entire uchiha clan and that's that appointing a different murder is wrong and i'll hate kishimoto forever if he makes up some bullshit crap like that

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