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Thread: Manga: Hunter X Hunter

  1. #301
    there should have been by now i think....maybe the mangaka got sick again >.>

  2. #302

  3. #303
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    So, it looks like the Zylodecks did join the battle...

  4. #304
    This is what i call a setting for battle.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  5. #305
    Bleh. Third chapter in a row where virtually nothing happens, other than a set up to the impending battles to come. Seriously, Gon and co. have been standing at that door for three chapters, despite the fact that in every chapter it mentions that it's under a minute left 'til they leave. Hopefully they'll finally leave for real this time and start fighting.

    But besides that, what happened to my favorite character, Ikarugo? Like... did they replace him with the owl girl last minute? I haven't seen him in forever and, after skimming through the last few chapters, he's shown in one panel and in the next the owl ant is there. Can anyone... um... explain?

  6. #306
    To be honest when I heard HxH was starting it's manga again, I was thrilled. But after reading these chapters I remembered why I started disliking this arc so much.

  7. #307
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genma
    Bleh. Third chapter in a row where virtually nothing happens, other than a set up to the impending battles to come. Seriously, Gon and co. have been standing at that door for three chapters, despite the fact that in every chapter it mentions that it's under a minute left 'til they leave. Hopefully they'll finally leave for real this time and start fighting.

    But besides that, what happened to my favorite character, Ikarugo? Like... did they replace him with the owl girl last minute? I haven't seen him in forever and, after skimming through the last few chapters, he's shown in one panel and in the next the owl ant is there. Can anyone... um... explain?

    Im thinking he might be in disguise. He was in 262 pretty prominently; and remember, he has a stealth mission: to find Palm. I think he is the 'owl girl'.

  8. #308
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    264 is out.

    Netro owns everyone.
    no retaliation emission attack with enough power to blast Pitou around? no wonder he's the top hunter.
    also, he's like ancient, and if killua's granddad says that he loses to Netro on a regular basis, then he's really the strongest man around...
    Pitou is a goner, so Killua and Gon can now join the king assualt team, or any other team there is.
    if Manga stories didn't have to be epic and center around the hero, i'd call this battle truely over now. Human race (and co.)-1, ants and cell clones - 0.

    I really want to see how this unfolds.

    I wonder who Zenith (killuas grandfather) was talking to and explanning the old man's skills.
    Last edited by Death BOO Z; Sat, 10-27-2007 at 05:30 PM.

  9. #309
    I think it was flashback since it looked like it was at home(probably to family) The only ones who can possibly acquire about his power is Spider but i don't see them going on suicidal attack.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  10. #310
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Wow, i knew Netero was powerful, but geez...He can fly and shoot...whatever that was, plus he's like super old. The funny thing is that he said that he used to be at least twice as powerful.

  11. #311
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    I don't think he was flying... just falling in a standing position

  12. #312
    but man, he is bad ass....i would love to see a fight between him and zenith.

  13. #313
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Didn't Zenith say he's been reduced to tears by Netero? I think it'd be a better match to see him fight Killua's dad.

  14. #314
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I liked how he brought back the EN to it's original purpose... back when the Samurai Spider introduced it, it was just as big as his sword lengh, which meants that he can slash everything that comes into his radius, Netro is just the same. he uses Morderkains (god, how do you spell this) crushing hand, 10th level epic spell to own anybody.

    and if he called Zenith to help him even though he reduced Zenith to dust, it means that Zenith also has mad skills.

  15. #315
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Chapter 265 is out. Netro rocks.

    he's a self taught Nen master. no tricky shortcuts or flashy skills, straghit on matrial artist. the King doesn't stand a chance.

    Pitou saving his crappy ass is also nice, and we can tall he is a puppet user; healing puppet, a control puppet, so he probably has a fighting puppet.
    muscle ant looks strong, but he's got no chance against Murau and Shoot (I think those two will fight him).

  16. #316
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Despite the extremely slow progression of what is actually happening (or maybe because of it), I am finding these releases of HxH quite enjoyable... enough to re-read the chapters.

    One of the first things that occurred to me when I read this chapter was... what about food?!?

    And also, it seems like Pitou wasn't hurt too much so he'll be back eventually...

  17. #317
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    266 is out, they managed to draw 2 seconds into 20 pages, it's like a blackhole timewrap.

    seems like the 'perfect' undetactablity of Meleroon doesn't include touch, but even so, if the king does kill them after being punched, the postmortem nen level-up attribute will make thier plan even better.

    I still can't see the king survivng this rush (though, I'm sure he will show us a suprise)

  18. #318
    I wonder where zenith is? who's he gonna fight? or are netero and him gonna fight the king together?

  19. #319
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    By the way, where is old Cell Jr. at? Off playing with his little friend or something. And for some reason, that Pufu really gets on my nerves. I know he loves the king and all, but its a bit much.

  20. #320
    Does anyone remember that other baby the queen gave birth to? The one right before she died in surgery? Future enemy? Future foe?

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