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Thread: Best Filler Episodes?

  1. #1

    Best Filler Episodes?

    Ok, well me and a friend were having a discussion about how he said that fillers are totally and completely useless, as i can say that they arent near as important as the rest of the series, but i think that they are important just to add the comedy, drama, etc. to the story which makes it good.

    Thus with this in mind i gave out what i thought was one of my favorite fillers:

    Episode - 11 "Toys in the Attic" Cowboy Bebop vs. mutant food

    To me, this just added some great different views on bebop which made it really good. Anyone else have a vote on the best filler ep.?

  2. #2

    Best Filler Episodes?

    Is some of the last episode for Samurai X a filler

  3. #3

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    "filler"is what action junkies call "plot"
    You want filler? look at any us produced scifi series in the last 30 years- 40% of every episode is true filler- useless long shots, overacting charavter actors making constipated faces while screeching "tension" music plays, or just endless repeditive corridor walking, sometime in slow-mo even. You could easily take almost any one hour show & cut it down in to a 20 min ep w/actual pacing.
    Some people will complain about "filler" in anything- look at the freaking clone wars episodes- 5 min each- go look at the forums about the episodes & you'll find guys bitching about 10 seconds of wasted "filler" in almost every episode. One guy even weant so far as to actaully say in one scene mace windu stared for .5 seconds too long at his light saber. litteraly, 1/2 of a second.
    Do some people really have that short of an attention span?
    For god sakes smoke something narcotic & take your riddlen children

  4. #4

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    You must have a different thought on what a filler is than what i do. i dont mean things that just take longer than i they should, if you've seen taht episode of cowboy bebop, it doesnt have any relation to the story, characters, or plot.

    Nor can i say im an action junkie because that episode (i take you havn't seen this episode) is mostly all action, what you just said was the complete opposite from what said. Things like what you were explaining were some type of suspense building parts?

    kupalmaru: what was going on in it, its been so long since i last saw it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    Originally posted by: kilzo

    kupalmaru: what was going on in it, its been so long since i last saw it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    I just heard that the Samurai X anime catch up with the manga and that they have to invent something to fill up the episode. That's what i heard.

    ##Im talking here about the later part of the series, somewhere in the third season.##

  6. #6

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    that CB episode was good, but that was the first CB ep i ever saw. I was like... wtf, did these people just die? it turned me off to the series until a friend told me i should check it out like a year later.

  7. #7

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    Heh, yeah that wouldnt be good for a first episode.

    You mean around when kenshin went against the other guy who knew his technique or when he went up against the fencer?

  8. #8

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    Originally posted by: ScudBoy
    "filler"is what action junkies call "plot"
    You want filler? look at any us produced scifi series in the last 30 years- 40% of every episode is true filler- useless long shots, overacting charavter actors making constipated faces while screeching "tension" music plays, or just endless repeditive corridor walking, sometime in slow-mo even. You could easily take almost any one hour show & cut it down in to a 20 min ep w/actual pacing.
    Some people will complain about "filler" in anything- look at the freaking clone wars episodes- 5 min each- go look at the forums about the episodes & you'll find guys bitching about 10 seconds of wasted "filler" in almost every episode. One guy even weant so far as to actaully say in one scene mace windu stared for .5 seconds too long at his light saber. litteraly, 1/2 of a second.
    Do some people really have that short of an attention span?
    For god sakes smoke something narcotic & take your riddlen children
    indeed i think kilzo is right when he says you have a different idea of what filler is. around these here parts, filler is just random stuff they make an episode into that has nothing to do with the plot of the story and whatnot. its just filling in for the empty spaces between the plot driving episodes

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    as far as i know, filler are parts in the anime which didn't appear in the manga...
    for example:
    about everything after shishio's arc in Rurouni kenshin (i think 63\64 was in the manga, and after that it was all filler), as well as the 'pirates" and the "train" arcs.
    In Ranma 1\2: about half the times akane gets kidnapped or Ranma gets challenge by a complete stranger, and the entire Sasuke charecter...
    in Inuyasha: about half the times a random demon challenges Inuyasha or kidnappes Kagome, and the entire Ayame charecter, also, the way he defeated Bankoutso (episode 120 or something) was diffrent from the manga...

    anyway, the best filler episode I know is DBZ 110 (125 in jap version), it was one of the fast-paced eps, and it was really funny, with Chichi getting pissed on Piccolo for leaching on them... good stuff! beside the fact goku went SSJ to save some nerdy school kids, which was stupid..

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #10

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    "Pierrot Le Fou," episode 20 of Bebop would be my favorite. I would actually consider most of the Cowboy Bebop episodes to be filler, other than the ones with Vicious and a few others.

  11. #11

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    True, Cowboy bebop isnt very extensive with the storyline. i almost forgot about that episode. for those who havent seen it, best to watch it late at night with no lights on. pretty creepy stuff.

  12. #12

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    as far as i know, filler are parts in the anime which didn't appear in the manga...
    for example:
    about everything after shishio's arc in Rurouni kenshin (i think 63\64 was in the manga, and after that it was all filler), as well as the 'pirates" and the "train" arcs.
    In Ranma 1\2: about half the times akane gets kidnapped or Ranma gets challenge by a complete stranger, and the entire Sasuke charecter...
    in Inuyasha: about half the times a random demon challenges Inuyasha or kidnappes Kagome, and the entire Ayame charecter, also, the way he defeated Bankoutso (episode 120 or something) was diffrent from the manga...

    anyway, the best filler episode I know is DBZ 110 (125 in jap version), it was one of the fast-paced eps, and it was really funny, with Chichi getting pissed on Piccolo for leaching on them... good stuff! beside the fact goku went SSJ to save some nerdy school kids, which was stupid..
    i wouldnt say that its stuff not in the manga because for one, some animes dont come from a manga, and also, because sometimes the storyline of the anime strays from the original storyline a little. in the cases where the storyline follows very close to the manga, then filler episodes probably are the parts that are not in the manga.

  13. #13

    Best Filler Episodes?

    that cowboy bebop episode was just on tonight on adult swim, hehe... really cool

    the toys in the attic episode

  14. #14

    Best Filler Episodes?

    LoL yeah, soon as it came on last night, i just laughed. had no idea it was going to be that episode.

  15. #15

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    my favorite fillers definately came from the get backers that was some funny stuff there

  16. #16

    RE: Best Filler Episodes?

    the thing with getbackers was most of it was filler [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] well...sorta since they just did jobs anyway. i think mostly the last few episodes actually advanced the plot sorta. i dont even think there was a real plot or is it just me. or...was the plot just doing jobs...since even the megenjou part was just a job and lots of fighting

  17. #17

    Best Filler Episodes?

    ok by fillers i meant the ones where they weren't doing jobs

    like the hospital one ... nothing like jackal trying to feed him apples on the ends of his scalpels

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