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Thread: Dream Team

  1. #101

    Dream Team

    Such anger and fanboyism on this board!! Advantages and disadvantages for the last said characters.

    Pure power squad.

    Naruto. His full power hasnt even been breached upon, and his creativity with the limited techniques he knows his boundless. Hes displayed abilities that only Jounin or higher have achieved( rasengan and kage bushin no jutsu) and his ability to think ahead might only be supassed by Shikamaru, and other chuunins and Jounins.

    Gaara. See him in his fight with Kimimaru was perhaps the most increadible display of power seen in the manga. His Ryuusa Bakuryu and Sabaku Taisou are a devastating combo, and anyone besides Kimimaru would have recieved some damage. Plus he has an impentrable defense.

    Toss up, Sasuke with Curse seal/ Kimimaru- Supposedly there curse seals are equal in power. They each have crazy bloodline limits and the seals push their power above and beyond that of any other gennin. To those who would argue Neji or Lee for this, Lee himself admited that Sasuke had his speed and Taijistu style without the seal. With would but him ahead. And even though Lee has the Lotus, its a self damaging move. Also, Neji has skills, but Sasuke and Kimimaru take him in the intangibles. Psycho to the point of selling your soul.

    Scouting Squad

    Sasuke, Neji, Gaara. Neji and Sasuke use there bloodline limits to see and determine what there up against. Sasuke can read and dodge the opponent. Neji is impossible to abush, at least be everyone whos alive, and Gaaras balanced but dominating power is perfect.
    No Shikamaru. Hes a chuunin.

  2. #102
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Dream Team

    Originally posted by: UnC

    If Lee can't hit Neiji, then Lee has no chance. Neiji can errect a force field around his WHOLE body and keep it there without spinning at all. If he manages to catch Lee one time with a Kaiten Lee will be chucked, as far as the 64 Hands of Hakke go. We really don't know why opponents stand there in the first place, are they frozen once in the divination? So far noone has even attempted to dodge it. And didn't you all notice when the 64 Hands of Hake knocked that dood through a huge assed tree? You have no idea how damaging the 64 hands are because it only hit Naruto, who insta heals basically. It hit a Naruto that Neiji was not trying to KILL at the time, if he was he wouldn't have told him a story after the 64 hands lol. If you read the manga and since this section is called Manga you will know that Neiji simply touched a string and killed one of the badguys lol. Hakke or not Lee is in deep shit if he's caught. Lee isn't smart enough to beat Neiji without Gates, he'd run into the field and eventually get Kaitened. If you don't know what field I'm talking about read the Manga.

    Also Lee says himself he can't keep that speed up for long. In Taijutsu alone without the super speed Lee NEVER beat Neiji. He'd need to use gates to stand a chance, even then he couldn't get through Neijis chakra field and as we know if we read the Manga, Neiji keeps that damn field up through that entire friggin fight.

    Lee loses, and Neiji didn't act surprised at Lees speed until AFTER Lee opened Gates. Which leaves me to assume that Neiji could see Lee with weights off. Also Neiji can feel Chakra approaching him, he doesn't have to see it. READ THE MANGA if you did you'd know that Neiji managed to evade multiple extremely fast Level 2 spider arrows just by sensing them.

    You underestimate Byakuugan because you're busy jerking off to Sharringan. I'm talking about my observations about Byakuugan alone I could care less about Sharringan. Neijis not even my favorite character. All I know is that Lee doesn't instant-win vs Neiji at all.

    You just don't get it, pull Sasuke/Itachi out of your ass and evaluate Byakuugans accomplishments without comparing it to Sharingan from sources in the Manga. Remember just because Gai says it's the key to beating Neiji, doesn't mean that Lee is good enough to actually beat Neiji. Having a knife may be the key to me beating Mike Tyson, but shiet, if Mike Tyson punches me I'm probably as good as dead. I better bring a friggin gun, Lee's gun is his speed + power. But sorry Neiji brings a bullet proof vest and a goddamn grenade.
    I don't want to make this a Neji vs. Lee thread, but you still don't seem to get it.

    And no, I am not a fan of any Sharingan users (except Kakashi) and the way Lee is drawn makes me hate him too.

    Lee is fast enough to hit Neji before he can enact Kaiten, that was illustrated by how Lee was able to hit through Gaara's sand (something that protects like Kaiten and moves very fast as well). Lee was never in the same place twice during the Gaara fight so we don't know if Neji's opponent needs to be still enough for Neji to start it. I will say that Neji does seem to be able to enact Kaiten in the air (at or least stuck to webs) but that isn't necessarily a plus for him. Lee was having a very hard time tracking Lee WITH his Byakuugan during that fight. Again, I'm not a fan of Sharingan but many people seem to overestimate Byakuugan just like they do Sharingan. As for the spider guy, he was pretty far away and Neji said he lured him into attacking his blindside so he didn't need to see the ultra fast arrows he said he couldn't track. So maybe you need to re-read the manga.

    I'm not saying Lee would insta-win against Neji, but he has a very good chance of beating him. Lee has speed (doesn't matter for how long), is better at taijutsu (as long as he doesn't get hit, which is easy with his speed or else Kimimaro would have killed him in 2 seconds), and like Naruto has that same never give up attitude (the same way Naruto eventually beat Neji).

    Back to topic once more

    Power team:

    Naruto - no question
    Gaara - same
    Chouji - even if the pepper pill/butterfly/flame fist of death seemed to hurt him real bad if not kill him, Chouji DESTROYED that fat strong guy. Shikamaru said he was the strongest guy he knows, and everyone seems to trust Shikamaru, so I'll go with that too.

  3. #103

    Dream Team

    Ahem, I repeat, Neiji doesn't have to spin to block Lee's attack. He just needs to erect a field. A field that doesn't need to catch up to anything it just extends from his body.

    Neiji is better than Lee in Taijutsu Lee is simply faster. Lee admitted to NEVER beating Neiji, he was hoping his speed would be enough. It wouldn't be enough.

    Neiji doesn't quit easily either, only reason why he was flattened by Naruto is because he expended almost all of Chakra clashing with Kyuubi Chakra. Lee's chakra is nothing compared to that.

    He would need to open the gates, but as was obvious from Neijis fight with spider boy Neiji can erect a dome, he doesn't NEED to spin. The reason why the spider guy could hit Neijis vulnerable spot at the base of his neck was because those shitz were guided, look as the spider guy estimates his accuracy. Pay attention to the manga, as Neiji turns the spot shifts, he was moving a little at the last minute.

    Lee wouldn't even know where the spot is, it's a small assed spot, Kidoumarus ability was just insane.

    Comprehend. Get off Lees nuts. I'm just saying it all would depend on who runs out of chakra first, if Neiji didn't want Lee to hit him, Lee wouldn't. What part of the stagnant field don't you get? It's the exact reason why Hinatas blows and Spider boys arrows didn't touch Neiji. It's not because he dodged them or even Kaitened them.

    (sure he kaitened a couple of arrows but most of the time he was standing still)

    Throw in the fact that he can see Lee with weights off, and you have a gamble of whether Lee can keep from getting hit. Once. All Neiji needs. Especially if he's trying to kill him.

  4. #104
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Dream Team

    First of all, re-read my last post, Neji got hit by those arrows on purpose, he basically didn't see them, but rather knew where they were going to hit (his blind spot).

    Second, re-read the manga, like I just did to reply to your post, there is no "force field." Hinata didn't hit him because her gentle fist is far inferior to Neji's. Neji got hit by every one of the spider guy's projectiles, and like Sasuke vs Haku, narrowly avoided getting hit in the vital spots. It wouldn't matter if Lee aimed for the blindspot, I doubt he even knows Neji has one, that's not the point.

    Third, I'm not going to reply to this stupid argument anymore, this thread has gotten way off topic during our argument and its clear that neither of us will listen to the other.

    Lastly, I don't like Neji or Lee at all, I was just attempting to clarify some of your misinterpretations of the manga (Byakuugan in particular, there was a long discussion thread that you probably missed which cleared up these misinterpretations about BOTH Sharingan and Byakuugan).

  5. #105

    Dream Team

    It's good that you won't reply because you obviously can't interpret the images very well.
    I've actually raised the same topic on a number of forums and many people agree with me.

    Got hit on purpose? Yeah, I'm sure he tried to eat all those arrows. Geezus. ANd there's obviously
    a field Neiji can erect, and yes, pay attention to the panels with the spider, those arrows aren't ordinary
    arrows at all. He did NOT get hit by every arrow.

    If you were any further off, I'd say you were missing at least one eye and half a brain.


    Well holy shit I was wrong =)

    I was thinking of the "dagger" things as small arrows, but technically Kido only shoots with a bow and arrow for 2 shots. Neiji got hit by the 2nd arrow on purpose, not the first one. He also doesn't just erect a dome during that fight he's always using full Kaiten.

    But anyway if you look at Neijis fight vs Naruto, Naruto punches a field before Neiji spins. The first part is the barrier, the 2nd part the spin is meant to parry the attack. What happens if he doesn't spin? It's simply a barrier. When Neiji fights Hinata everyone sees Hinata "hit" Neiji, what they didn't realize is that he created a barrier so that she couldn't hit him. It was more implied and explained later with Naruto than actually shown.

    But you are correct, there is no long standing dome effect during that fight. And there is no proof that he an erect a forcefield and keep it there. My memory was actually remembering Kidomaruous diagrams and not the fight itself where it looked like there was a dome and Neiji was just standing there. So yeah, I did need to reread the manga.

    However another argument that can be made is, Sasuke had Lees speed and could barely keep up with Half transformed Gaara. Kyuubi Naruto kept up with half transformed Gaara. Neiji was able to keep up with Naruto + he has Byakuugan.

    I'll concede Lee with 5 gates may very well beat Neiji, but at a very high cost. I'm also sure it won't be easy.

  6. #106

    Dream Team

    Wow soo much about neji vs Lee but I doubt Lee would win. Like it has been said before, Neji is pretty cunning and was able to create his own versions of the different techniques of the Main Family (or what ever the byagukan family calls itself)

    Info Retreve and Scout Team:

    -Shikamaru (perfect for any strategies needed to be devized); If he can't be had then Shino whose cunning would help helped him become a chuunin if he had had a chance to show his skills in the arean IMO anyhow
    -Neji, the byakugan can see for miles (shown by Hinata during the second part of the Chuunin exam) and Neji isn't an ignorant person so he would be cool headed enough to find the enemy, track them and not do anything stupid
    -Ino, she can also be a bit witty and knows her limits. Her mind control technique would be useful in trying to retrieve a secret or trick an enemy

    Power House Team:

    -Naruto, the Nine Tails is clearly an unfair advantage to any monster and even without it, he is very creative in a tight spot and can be a leader when need be (remember his battle against Zabuza)
    -Sasuke, he can copy techniques used by the enemy and use them back if need be and he also has the chidori and his taijutsu speed, also he can see behind the trickery of attacks
    -Gaara, beautiful defense, good offensive abilities; his respect for Naruto is obvious and he would be helpful in a tight spot

    Although there wouldn't be a strong leader among the group, all of them respect each other and so there would be enough comradship that they would work together.

    Quick Assisnation Team:

    I'm really unsure about this but someone brought this up earlier so here's a quick team, you decide the reasoning

    Sasuke, Kabuto (if you don't count him as Genin then Lee), Shino (He ended all his battles with quick strategies)

    Thats about it and for those of you still not realizing it, the first post says a Dream Team of Genins only

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