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Thread: Dream Team

  1. #81
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Dream Team

    the sand trio wasn't the only sand genin team, it was just the primary one...
    the rest failed either in the first stage (i think one of the quitting guys was a sand) or in the seconed, it would seem weired for a villiage from such a big country to send only one team....

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  2. #82
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Dream Team

    Ok, so maybe that reasoning was bad, but I still think that the way those three work together makes them stronger than certain other members that could be included in a power team.

    I really don't think Neji is all that good. It seems like he has already learned all the Hyuuga techniques while the others are starting to move past him.

    Kankuro is really underestimated. Even though Kiba (the weakest genin on the 'chase sasuke team') was fighting the one of the weaker four, Kankuro killed Sakon in like 2 minutes. He is also a very versitile character (unless his chakra strings get chewed off like when he fought Shino).

  3. #83

    RE: Dream Team

    Gaara - Very strong overall, can defend and attack one person, or multiple targets from a long distance, can go into demon mode if needed, or use the sand to defend allies

    Neji - Best scouting, hand to hand combat skills makes up for Gaara's, and can nullify most attacks

    Kabuto - He's a gennin. He can easily beat any other Gennin, and can heal any wounds

    AND if Kabuto isn't allowed

    Naruto - Piss him off and its over. Kyuubi Chakra, summoning, shadow rep, and rasengan

  4. #84
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    Neji or Rock Lee

    I want to see their adventure!!! They should make another show focusing only on them!

    I tried my best...

  5. #85

    Dream Team

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Ok, so maybe that reasoning was bad, but I still think that the way those three work together makes them stronger than certain other members that could be included in a power team.

    I really don't think Neji is all that good. It seems like he has already learned all the Hyuuga techniques while the others are starting to move past him.

    Kankuro is really underestimated. Even though Kiba (the weakest genin on the 'chase sasuke team') was fighting the one of the weaker four, Kankuro killed Sakon in like 2 minutes. He is also a very versitile character (unless his chakra strings get chewed off like when he fought Shino).
    Nah i think Neji could come up with new moves you know, since like he learned the 64 hands, and kaiten on his own, it proves that he has the ability to become even greater. besides, he is still young.

  6. #86

    Dream Team

    Hokages. 1st and the 2nd, the 3rd in his prime, the 4th and the 5th. that would make a good team wouldn't it?
    I didn't see anyone mention Genins only here.

  7. #87

    Dream Team

    Originally posted by: KenshiroWhat would your dream team be, if you cold choose from all of the genin (including the ones from other villages).
    First post.

    BTW, I think Neji does have alot of potential, if he doesn't die that is. If someone can learn Kaiten and 64 strikes on his own, and used them both perfectly are such a young age.

    Besides, we are talking Genin, and he is one of the most powerful at the moment.

  8. #88

    RE: Dream Team

    Yeah i agree, Neji could easily take down thousand of clones with Kaiten.
    His 64 hands of hakke is too good for anyone to handle.

    I'm thinkin that shikamaru may be the only one that can beat him, you know, his shadows give him a long range advantange. But we know Neji has got some brains too. so i'd like to see them fight one day. by the way, Giant sized chouji can finish him off by sitting on him haha..

  9. #89
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Dream Team

    Neji is just insane(the good insane), the perfect team has to be IMO now, is Shikamaru, Neji, and Naruto, Shikamarus brains, Nejis reflexes, and Narutos ingeniousnes and determination, good combination

    R.I.P Captain America.

  10. #90

    Dream Team

    Kabuto guys! Hes a Gennin. And Shika isn't!

    Naruto is ok. But in my team, unless I couldn't have Kabuto, i'd keep him out. Powerful, but hes loud, stupid at times, clumsy, and really needs to be pissed off before he unleashes his power.

  11. #91

    RE: Dream Team

    Gaara, Kimmaro, Neiji.

    It's all about the defenses these bad boys have, Gaara has the distance fighters taken care of while Kimi and Neiji are just killer upclose. Now if I can't have Kimi, I'd go with Naruto.

  12. #92
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    what if neji faces someone like rock lee who are both much faster and stronger? nejis gentle fist cnat do anything against someone like lee the only thing he would be able to do is to use kaiten all the time but with that he would tire out very quickly so he isnt all that much. if he doesnt show new abilites soon he will become weak.

  13. #93

    RE: Dream Team

    What about rock lee? as you may have noticed from the Hinata fight Neiji doesn't need to Kaiten to stop an attack from hitting him. A simple constant field will suffice. Considering what happens later in the manga I would suffice that Neiji can can maintain such a field longer than Rock Lee can maintain his speed.

    Neiji wasn't impressed with Lee until he opened his gates either. So I don't see Rock Lee beating Neiji without causing a lot of harm to himself. What's the use of a team member who needs to tear himself up to inflict damage. With Neijis nice eyes, he may be able to see Lee's every move and since he's better at Taijutsu than Lee normally he may be able to exploit a whole in Lee's offense or catch him with a Kaiten.

    Throw in a follow up 64 hands of Hake and I think Neiji won't have as big of a problem with Lee as you think. But eh who knows. Only Kishomoto does. Just because Gai says "This was Lee's trump card to beating Neiji" doesn't mean that Lee automatically wins. Neiji is pretty fast himself which he shows while fighting Kyuubi powered Naruto. Not to mention he's a genius, I'm sure he'd get creative if he had to fight Lee.

    Sides Lee always gets his butt kicked anyway [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  14. #94
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    I can't believe you're this wrong. Gai said the secret to beating Neji was in the "High-speed combo."

    You may have missed one of the many Sharigan vs. Byakugan(sp) forums, so I'll clear things up.

    -Byakugan isn't better than the Sharingan in tracking opponents. Your eyes don't move faster, they can just see more at one time (like a turkey, or many other birds).

    -Lee is also the taijutsu master, no one can beat him only using taijutsu, he's only lost to people with bloodline limits or who use crazy demonic abilities.

    -If Lee can only use taijutsu, what does it matter if 64 hands hits him? Lee's abiltites use little chakra (except for his super moves). All he won't be able to do is open gates. Lee is also so fast that 64 hands couldn't even hit in the first place.

    Lee would probably destroy Neji, especially if he got drunk.

    back to topic

    The sand gennin seem to be the strongest gennin introduced into the series. I am disregarding Kabuto because I think in one of the scanlations it said he wasn't human, and after seeing him for a while in various battles, I'm starting to believe that.

    Naruto and Kankuro would be pretty good and confusing opponents with a lot of henge's and trickery. I don't really care who else is on the team, most of the other suggestions are good. Shikamaru's not a gennin so, he can be their chuunin.

  15. #95
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    what ryllharu said. neji is nothing against an opponent like that.

  16. #96

    Dream Team


    If Lee can't hit Neiji, then Lee has no chance. Neiji can errect a force field around his WHOLE body and keep it there without spinning at all. If he manages to catch Lee one time with a Kaiten Lee will be chucked, as far as the 64 Hands of Hakke go. We really don't know why opponents stand there in the first place, are they frozen once in the divination? So far noone has even attempted to dodge it. And didn't you all notice when the 64 Hands of Hake knocked that dood through a huge assed tree? You have no idea how damaging the 64 hands are because it only hit Naruto, who insta heals basically. It hit a Naruto that Neiji was not trying to KILL at the time, if he was he wouldn't have told him a story after the 64 hands lol. If you read the manga and since this section is called Manga you will know that Neiji simply touched a string and killed one of the badguys lol. Hakke or not Lee is in deep shit if he's caught. Lee isn't smart enough to beat Neiji without Gates, he'd run into the field and eventually get Kaitened. If you don't know what field I'm talking about read the Manga.

    Also Lee says himself he can't keep that speed up for long. In Taijutsu alone without the super speed Lee NEVER beat Neiji. He'd need to use gates to stand a chance, even then he couldn't get through Neijis chakra field and as we know if we read the Manga, Neiji keeps that damn field up through that entire friggin fight.

    Lee loses, and Neiji didn't act surprised at Lees speed until AFTER Lee opened Gates. Which leaves me to assume that Neiji could see Lee with weights off. Also Neiji can feel Chakra approaching him, he doesn't have to see it. READ THE MANGA if you did you'd know that Neiji managed to evade multiple extremely fast Level 2 spider arrows just by sensing them.

    You underestimate Byakuugan because you're busy jerking off to Sharringan. I'm talking about my observations about Byakuugan alone I could care less about Sharringan. Neijis not even my favorite character. All I know is that Lee doesn't instant-win vs Neiji at all.

    You just don't get it, pull Sasuke/Itachi out of your ass and evaluate Byakuugans accomplishments without comparing it to Sharingan from sources in the Manga. Remember just because Gai says it's the key to beating Neiji, doesn't mean that Lee is good enough to actually beat Neiji. Having a knife may be the key to me beating Mike Tyson, but shiet, if Mike Tyson punches me I'm probably as good as dead. I better bring a friggin gun, Lee's gun is his speed + power. But sorry Neiji brings a bullet proof vest and a goddamn grenade.

    Back to the subject:

    I think Kimmaro, Gaara, Naruto would hands down beat everyone else. Only exception I think would be Sasuke could be replace Naruto especially at Level 2. Neiji however is the best scout simply because of his 360 vision and far sight so the team wouldn't be taken by surprised but honestly.

  17. #97

    RE: Dream Team

    the dream team has to be naruto, sasuke, and sakura

  18. #98
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    Neji, Neji & Neji

  19. #99

    RE: Dream Team

    This really isnt a question- the answer exhists in the naruto series. the world strongest team of 3 nin would be "the 3 nin"


  20. #100
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    BTW if Neji doesn't have a chance against "someone like Lee", then how come Lee gets owned by Neji's left thumb every time he tries?



    And he would fucking own Naruto too if he didn't have that fox bitch inside.


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