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Thread: Dream Team

  1. #21

    RE: Dream Team

    SHikamaru IS NOT GENIN! hes a chuunin.... lol

  2. #22

    RE: Dream Team

    I was gonna say that, He is a chunin damn you!!!

    I would have to go with Rock Lee, Neji, and Temari.

  3. #23

    RE: Dream Team

    Gaara, and 2 clones of gaara (not kage bunshin, silly; dolly the sheep style clones.).

  4. #24

    RE: Dream Team


    Gaara - While he's not truely invincible, he does have a rediculous amount of offence/defence available.

    Shikamaru - For tactics/Battle Planning.

    Naruto - Offence/Distraction techniques.

    Temari - Defence / Long range support.

    And yes - thats 4, but then the adult teams are supposed to be 4 Nins now, despite the fact that most of the teams you see are just 3, since the 4th is supposed to be a medical nin, either Temari or or Shika will need to carry a box of band-aids for this bunch. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]


  5. #25

    RE: Dream Team

    I still think the best team is


    I didnt choose Naruto in my team because even though he has beaten both Gaara and Neji, he would be useless in a team.

    He only ever gets serious and any good once he has been beaten up for hours and all his friends are nearly dead.

    Naruto only beat Haku, when Sasuke was nearly dead. He only beat Gaara when Sakura was being tortured.

    The only reason he beat Neji is because Neji got distracted and started talking crap about his boring life.

    There would be no point in having him in the team as he would only be useful when everyone else was dead.

    Shikamaru (even though he is a chunin, but nevermind) would maybe be good but even though he is really clever he is really crap at fighting. Whereas both Sasuke and Neji are really good at fighting and not totally stupid. (they were both no. 1 Rookie in their respective years)

    I think the best strategy would be to have Neji fighting up close hand to hand, and have Gaara at the back proving defense for the whole team with his sand. Sasuke would be in the middle either doing long range Ninjutsu (his fire stuff, or his shuriken stuff) or helping out close up with his Taijutsu, or Chidori.

  6. #26
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    Shino, Chouji, Neji.

    Just some random jumble up nobody thought of.

    Shino - Bugs, traps, Decent fighter. Probably dangerous fighter if he can draw versus Kankuro. And we seen him fight very few people and I wouldn't underestimate him. SMART too.

    Chouji - Massive Destruction with his pills. Probably can take on Gamabunta. Heheh. Wishful hope.

    Neji - Ultimate close hand combat. Byakugan schout.

    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    Kankuro, Temari and Gaara

    That's why they are the only sand ninja's we ever see that don't look like every other sand ninja that Konoha fought, because they are the only real ninjas sand has. Shikamaru has to be the one leading them because genin need a chuunin leading them.


    Kankuro, Shino, and Gaara

    -Kankuro has gotten REALLY strong with that new puppet, he killed Sakon (or was it the other twin?) with barely any effort.
    -Shino could lead any enemies into Kankuro with very little effort and he can search out the area or watch over the enemy if he land a bug on them.
    -Gaara defends all of them.
    -Gaara could be replaced by Temari for long range combat, because she can knock out a lot of weapons out of the air as well

    It wouldn't be about who is strongest, its about which team compliments each other best.

  8. #28
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    i still think shikamaru, naruto, gaara is the best team. i realize that shikamaru is a chuunin but someone needs to lead the group.

  9. #29

    Dream Team

    y are people choosing Naruto and Sasuke? they are not team players...the reason sakura does so little is because these two hog the spotlight all the time...that and she sucks
    with Shikamaru as team leader

    everyone in the team is crazy the point that im not even sure of shikamaru is needed...hes just insurance

    neji has proven himself a team leder by gaining recognition from shikamaru as second in command of his team. he is a great scout which will be valuable to his long range partner temari. neji focuses as the taijustu expert and if anyone manages to get close to this team neji will completely shut them off

    temari has all the benifits of gaara without his glaring weakness of getting his ass handed to him by speedy taijutsu. temari can freeze up in total desperate situations (and i assume that it has to be really extreme as we saw when gaara transformed) the calmness of both shino and neji can make up for this. she also has a summon that could prove useful from time to time

    shino is the ultimate team player. he is quiet and takes orders without a problem (he even lets kiba of all people order him) he is also one of the most versitile genins in the leaf...not excelling too much in one area. hes a good mid-to-close range fighter and has a great amount of tricks to keep enimies on their toes

  10. #30
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    by putting shikamaru in the same team as naruto naruto becomes a team player since he got some kind of respect for shikamaru. he listens to him. and gaara will listen to the guy if naruto does. so its a perfect team balanced with brains and muscles. gaara, naruto being the muscles and shikamaru the brain.

  11. #31

    RE: Dream Team

    I say the best team would be

    and KaKashi as leader

    KaKashi easily replaces shiKamaru in tactics and power. and he can also copy all the enimies jutsus(almost). and tracK people and summon.
    Naruto is a mid- to long range fighter. he's also there to provide surprises and distractions. He can also summon and do rasengan. He can also tracK his teamates with a tracKing frog liKe jiraiya does
    Temari is the long range fighter and also provides and incredible defense. She also can summon
    Neji is the close range fighter that can shut down anyone. He is also the scout for he team.

    The flaw of the gaara, naruto and shiKamaru plan is that if the get distracted and split up. then they're screwed. If shiKamaru get seperated from the team he might die. then if gaara and naruto had to do things on their own they might also be Killed. although i'll give PSJ(pervert senin jiraiya) credit, gaara would be a lot harder. but not everything calls for or depend on strength.

    If my team seperates i 'm sure neji, KaKashi could find everyone. The weaKest person on the team intelligence wise would be naruto. I'm certain that he would be a team player as long as you respect him.
    And there you go the perfect team. unless you want to add the lengendary sannins or Kabuto and itachi. then my plan all falls apart.

  12. #32
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    shikamaru isnt all that weak and he seems to be a master at escaping. gaara would be smart enough to not panic and try to find the others. and as you say naruto would be able to use a tracking frog to find his teammates. gaara also got his third eye jutsu so he can scout fairly good. and the team were suppposed to be 3 man teams without a jounin sensei, thats how i understood it, so if you take away kakashi from your team their strength falls apart somewhat.since naruto most likely wouldnt listen to either neji or temari.

  13. #33

    RE: Dream Team

    i think that shikamaru although insanely smart lacks well roundedness...which is why he isnt in my 3 man team but is my leader of choice. gaara may be powerful but i doubt that he has the mind power to make it through extreamly difficult situations. i picked neji temari and shino because (aside from the reason i listed earlier) they have proven themselves as great ninjas in both combat and tactics.
    but i dont want it to sound as if im imposing what i see as the best team...this thread shouldnt become a debate...

  14. #34

    RE: Dream Team

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    gaara may be powerful but i doubt that he has the mind power to make it through extreamly difficult situations.
    That is what makes Gaara, and Naruto, so powerful. If they loose control, they win. The inner beasts in both of them will come out and make them pretty much unstopable.

  15. #35
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    itachi as a genin, kakashi as a genin, the 4th as a genin.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  16. #36
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    lol you got s trong team there, but i in that team you should change kakashi for one of the sannin.

  17. #37
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    man thats cheap, then Im changing my team to the Ninetails, and two of the other how many there ever are youmas, thats my ultimate team

    R.I.P Captain America.

  18. #38
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    man thats cheap, then Im changing my team to the Ninetails, and two of the other how many there ever are youmas, thats my ultimate team
    you're cheating, they aren't human.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  19. #39
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    RE: Dream Team

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    man thats cheap, then Im changing my team to the Ninetails, and two of the other how many there ever are youmas, thats my ultimate team
    Well, if you are going to bring in youmas....

    How about Pakkun, Gamakichi and the Pig(whatever its name is)

    As we can clearly see, this thread is drifting off track.

  20. #40

    RE: Dream Team

    But its heaps funny lol, have animal ninja teams lol!!

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