Such anger and fanboyism on this board!! Advantages and disadvantages for the last said characters.

Pure power squad.

Naruto. His full power hasnt even been breached upon, and his creativity with the limited techniques he knows his boundless. Hes displayed abilities that only Jounin or higher have achieved( rasengan and kage bushin no jutsu) and his ability to think ahead might only be supassed by Shikamaru, and other chuunins and Jounins.

Gaara. See him in his fight with Kimimaru was perhaps the most increadible display of power seen in the manga. His Ryuusa Bakuryu and Sabaku Taisou are a devastating combo, and anyone besides Kimimaru would have recieved some damage. Plus he has an impentrable defense.

Toss up, Sasuke with Curse seal/ Kimimaru- Supposedly there curse seals are equal in power. They each have crazy bloodline limits and the seals push their power above and beyond that of any other gennin. To those who would argue Neji or Lee for this, Lee himself admited that Sasuke had his speed and Taijistu style without the seal. With would but him ahead. And even though Lee has the Lotus, its a self damaging move. Also, Neji has skills, but Sasuke and Kimimaru take him in the intangibles. Psycho to the point of selling your soul.

Scouting Squad

Sasuke, Neji, Gaara. Neji and Sasuke use there bloodline limits to see and determine what there up against. Sasuke can read and dodge the opponent. Neji is impossible to abush, at least be everyone whos alive, and Gaaras balanced but dominating power is perfect.
No Shikamaru. Hes a chuunin.