To Kakashi Gurl: Naruto is not the 4th. If you've seen pictures of him, you might think they look alike, because they do. But they're not the same person. I'm going to say some things so don't get lost here. Because both Naruto looks like the 4th, there have been some theories that Naruto is the reincarnation of the 4th (the fourth reborn). There's also another theory that Naruto is the 4th's son. NEITHER OF THOSE THEORIES HAVE BEEN SUBSTANTIATED BY THE ANIME OR THE MANGA. This means that there's no reason to believe either one of those. As far we know, Naruto and the 4th are different people, and unrelated.
AngryGumball: I'm going to reserve judgement on the quality of the writers. They've surprised me amazingly on so many occasions I can't count. I'm expecting great things from the story. And they may not be able to, or I should say probably won't bother developing Sakura to be a main character, but maybe they'll develop her to the point that she's a bigger character than people like rock and neiji, even if she's not as powerful...but she'd better be powerful enough to justify the role. They've got it down perfectly for now.
Shinobi Neko: Come to think of it, since sakura is made up of as much living crap as a normal person is of water, Sasuke beating the living crap out of her would kill her. Interesting...Welcome back :-)