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Thread: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

  1. #61

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    don't get it from narutofan they leave out inane's colored pages too bad no color page for chapter 220 yet though probably next week

  2. #62

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    this chapter was ok...i think that we will find out the importance of it soon enoguh
    as for the placement of this chapter i feel it was placed in a decent moment...weve seen waaaay too much action
    its about time that the manga slows down for a moment and remind us that there is a godd story at hand

  3. #63

    Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Originally posted by: Elessar
    I think this flashback will impact the story a good deal.

    This would also give birth to the following possible scenario:
    Orochimaru killed the Uchiha clan in order to obtain the sharingan but the Uchihas all shut it down, rather dying than handing over their secret. The fact that Itachi survived would fit into Oro's statement that Itachi is stronger than he is - he couldn't kill him.

    Always remember [iirc]: Itachi is japanese for weasel - and the weasel is the natural enemy of the snake.
    Well, I have to completely agree with Elessar. This has been the first issue about Itachi that's got my attention, mostly because it completely changes the "face" of Itachi, and what we know of him. I think, like Elessar, that this issue significantly changes this story, and hopefully, it's for the better. Things seem much more complex than previously known, and the possibility exists that ... well ... Itachi is not the bad guy people think. First Gaara... who next?

    And I concur Elessar, naturally, weasels are the enemy of snakes. Good storytelling, no?


  4. #64
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    that sounds somehow really good. that weasel, snake thingy.

  5. #65

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Now I said that this chapter is lukewarm I DO mean that it's lukewarm. IMHO I think that this chapter is either going to be crap or the foundation of something great. One of the saving grace of G gundam is actually the "evil" guy turn out to be "good" plot so something similar could happen here. BUT! But after remembering the "omg Lee could die if he goes to operation and suffering bs and turn up like ... at most half a week later alive and kicking" well this could be just crap buildup, so I still haven't decided whether this chp is crap or gold.


  6. #66

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    kinda of a boring chapter hope the next one will be better

  7. #67

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Just got a thought; lemme know if this sounds plausible or not.

    I think we can all agree that it not being Itachi who destroyed the Uchiha would be a major plot twist; the controversy is over whether it'd be a good one or not.

    Here's my idea:

    Itachi comes, sees everyone dead, but sees the murderer as he/she is escaping. Sasuke walks in next, seeing his dead parents and Itachi. Itachi immediately realizes that he and Sasuke are the last of the clan, and that in order to get revenge for the destruction of his clan, he's going to need all the help he can get. After all, he's strong, but do you really thing he's strong enough (at that point) to destroy an entire clan of shinobi who are there to enforce the rules imposed on other shinobi? In order to get Sasuke to grow as strong as possible, he tells him that he (Itachi) killed the clan, knowing that Sasuke's going to train harder if he thinks it was his brother and not some random person who killed everybody. When Itachi and Sasuke met at the inn, Itachi found out that Sasuke was still not strong enough, and let him go on believing that it was he (Itachi) who killed the clan. Only when Sasuke gets strong enough will Itachi reveal the truth and they'll go off and kill whoever killed their clan.

    I doubt this is what happened, but does it at least sound plausible?

  8. #68

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    sasuke is going to kill itachi regardless of what he says.

  9. #69

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    this chapter was ok...i think that we will find out the importance of it soon enoguh
    as for the placement of this chapter i feel it was placed in a decent moment...weve seen waaaay too much action
    its about time that the manga slows down for a moment and remind us that there is a godd story at hand
    What are you talking about that weve seen wayyy too much action?...are you gay?

    common the best thing in naruto is the action!! ..yeah the story is good but more it have action ..more its good.

  10. #70

    Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Originally posted by: Saruto
    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    this chapter was ok...i think that we will find out the importance of it soon enoguh
    as for the placement of this chapter i feel it was placed in a decent moment...weve seen waaaay too much action
    its about time that the manga slows down for a moment and remind us that there is a godd story at hand
    What are you talking about that weve seen wayyy too much action?...are you gay?

    common the best thing in naruto is the action!! ..yeah the story is good but more it have action ..more its good.
    i really dont think that being annoyed by the continuous action that we have seen so far makes me gay...
    maybe you should grow up a bit and refrain from useing the insults you made it through jounior high with
    my personal favorite thing about naruto isnt the action...any comic/manga writer can write a fight sceen
    its character development that makes a good story...if you want loads of action go back to DBZ and let the intellegent people continue this discussion

  11. #71
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    no matter what.....itachi has to be the person who kills his clan......ESPECIALLY in these flashbacks

    because these flashbacks are from sasuke's perspective, and if we see itachi was framed, or didnt actually kill the clan, then that means that sasuke knows that. Therefore contradicting the reason why sasuke is so determined to kill itachi.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #72

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    no matter what.....itachi has to be the person who kills his clan......ESPECIALLY in these flashbacks

    because these flashbacks are from sasuke's perspective, and if we see itachi was framed, or didnt actually kill the clan, then that means that sasuke knows that. Therefore contradicting the reason why sasuke is so determined to kill itachi.
    exactly...thats an excellent point.
    i think the flashbacks are meant to show itachis dramatic change in character

  13. #73

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    i believe he killed the clan for a god damn good reason..maybe something like the hokage ordered him to [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] nah i dunno

  14. #74
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Originally posted by: ZhanZhao
    i believe he killed the clan for a god damn good reason..maybe something like the hokage ordered him to [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] nah i dunno
    horrible reason.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  15. #75

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    they're just showing us why sasuke looked up to his brother, probably his brother flipped from all the pressure he had that's what i feel happened to him because his father kept saying how this mission was gonna be important for his future and a place in the anbu, so when he finally did become an anbu the killing and the praises of his power got to his head and his goal in life turned into growing stronger so then when he actually killed his entire clan he felt regret for what he had done and spared sasuke's life hoping that sasuke would hate him enough to kill him in the end, then you ask why didn't he just let himself be killed? well probably he thought he couldn't turn back any more and decided he should continue on living hoping that one day sasuke would kill him to avenge the uchiha clan, itachi was probably afraid to turn himself in and be executed so he fled the village and continued living for that day he gets killed...probably just bullshit but i'm bored i really hope chapter 221 continues the fight

  16. #76

    Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    after reading chapter 220, i strongly believe now that itachi didn't kill his family to prove something. It has to be something else. damn, time needs to move faster now.

  17. #77
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    maybe the uchihas were corrupt with the power they had in the police corps or something.....and so itachi had to kill them all

    although if this is the case, i still dont think we'd see it in these flashbacks, since all sasuke knows about itachi's reasoning is the "measuring stick" excuse
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #78

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    i'm pretty sure the next chapter is gonna be more flashback with "that day" referring to the day of sasuke's ceremony.

  19. #79
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    Thinking back to Gaara's flashbacks, he had about 3 or 4 chapters in a row of just pure flashbacks with his uncle, didn't he? The same thing will probably happen here.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  20. #80
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Chapter 220 Discussion[Manga] Spoilers

    But this is a waste of time though they could of did this back when Itachi first appeared in this Manga series, this is just a way to try and build up tension with the fight between Naruto and Sasuke b/c we've been waiting for this for how long like 3 months and this is just a method to waste time(IMO)

    R.I.P Captain America.

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