Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I suggest that if you don't know how much work we put into our episodes that you please keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Ofcourse I wouldnt know, I can guess it though, but, mainly, I notice the huge amount of subs you do..thats what I mean with sloppy, you devide your time to much , which slows alot of other projects.
Not that I'm diappointed with your subs, hell no, I download all that is Anbu , because it stands for quality.
I was just saying that S-O , on the few subs they do, performed better on Naruto this time.
And I am not 12 years old, you might not have noticed, but you can tell by the way someone writes, not by his opinion in a matter.
I could get to kid-mode and start screaming like ...some..of you, or start calling people ignorants, but hey, that would be too impolite.