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Thread: Jounin and beyond

  1. #1

    Jounin and beyond

    I had a few questions about ninjas once they're jounin level and up... First it seems like there should be a rank between Jounin and Hokage because it's just such a broad area. You have people like jiyra, kakashi, and anko in the same category... To me it either seems like you're real powerful ( like a sannin) or just some other jounin ( like kakashi or gai) the two don't even compare to eachother, someone like itachi or a sannin would wipe the floor with just about any jounin. Which also makes me wonder how can a jounin become a hokage, unless of course they have some legendary status like the sannin. To think of someone like gai or kakashi being able to become hokage would just seem weird, since they are so far below the sannin, instead people just appear who are way above jounin level, like itachi or oruchimaru. Also how is there such a difference between the sannin and the jounin like kakashi, he was a chuuin at age 6 ( doesn't seem like you can do much better than that) but compared to someone like jiyra or itachi, he's nothing. It just seems like the gaps between the upper levels of power are so huge, yet they are all classified as "jounin".

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Jounin and beyond

    Eh, I don't see why that even matters, although, there seems to be another rank called special jounin before that of sannin (if it's a rank, I'm not sure). But anyway, the ranks are there to make sure that the ninja have attained a certain minimum in overall attributes. This is so there are benchmarks to make sure that ninjas are advancing at a decent pace, and to guage what missions they can take part in. That's what I think. But, for exceptional ninjas, well, they don't seem to have come up with a ranking system to cover them, but it doesn't matter, because for all intents and purposes, the current one accounts for them just fine.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

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  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Jounin and beyond

    well some fansites acknowledge another rank called "elite jounin" or something weird like that.....i dont remember but i think it was something oro said to anko...
    anyway, i know what you're getting at, but what would be the point of that anyway? Its important to acknowledge between chuunin and genin, because chuunins can be group leaders, teachers, anbu, and can participate in B and C ranked missions, while genins normally dont/cant. Its important to acknowledge between jounin and chuunin because jounins can be anbu leaders, genin senseis, chuunin examiners, and can participate in A ranked missions.

    Really when you think about it....what ability would you give to someone higher than jounin other than maybe the position for kage?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #4

    Jounin and beyond

    Jiraiya is definitely not in the same level as Kakashi and Anko. Jiraiya would rape Kakashi any day. Sannin is about the same level as Hokage, if not higher. Hokage is simply the leader and strongest in a village. I think there are multiple levels of Jounin, such as ANBU level, teaacher level, and so on.

  5. #5
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    RE: Jounin and beyond

    what about anbu eh?

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Jounin and beyond

    there is no rank in between jounin and hokage, that's why there are many jounins and only one hokage.

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  7. #7

    Jounin and beyond

    I agree with the above. A more interesting question is how the Hokage is picked. It seems like a village council is looking for the next one in the series, but I somehow got the impression that the earlier hokages hand-picked their successors. I wonder why the Third didn't already have someone picked out? It's not as if he was young....

    Edit to below: OK, OK! I am an unobservent idiot..... Why is everyone extra bitchy today? Not just this thread either... is it a bad global warming day or something?

  8. #8

    RE: Jounin and beyond

    Originally posted by: Mae
    I agree with the above. A more interesting question is how the Hokage is picked. It seems like a village council is looking for the next one in the series, but I somehow got the impression that the earlier hokages hand-picked their successors. I wonder why the Third didn't already have someone picked out? It's not as if he was young....
    err it was stated many times that he picked the 4th but then the 4th died protecting the village and the 3rd took back over. He did state he should have choosen a 5th earlyer during the fight with oro but he did choose a successor already.

  9. #9
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Jounin and beyond

    the third didnt have anyone picked because he was planning on doing it for 5 more years he even says this in the show par more attention! and yes the kage is handpicked since they want the strongest ninja to do the job they just pick the strongest ninja.

    why should there be a rank between jouni and kage? then it should be one between genin and chuunin for those who are stronger than genin but cant become chuunin for example lack of leadership. how fair is it to group neji, lee, gaara, naruto, sasuke with ppl like sakura, ino, hinata and so on. and yes all the females are weak exept temari maybe.

  10. #10
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jounin and beyond

    Which also makes me wonder how can a jounin become a hokage, unless of course they have some legendary status like the sannin

    Geez, who'd guess? the title of the hokage goes to the most exceptional among the exceptional... why, what a suprise!

    it's kinda stupid that you decide to use the most extreme examples:
    sannin - the three legendary ninjas, and Itachi, who is an S-ranked criminal on his own...

    of course there are some who are better than other, that's becuase they're humans, and not manufactored machines...
    you can also ask how come there's such a diffrence between Sasuke and Chouji even though they're both genins...

    you're confusing elite jounin with special jounin... special jounin are those who practise a certin field of operations; teaching (Ebisu), torturing (Morino Ibiki) and stuff like that, it isn't a rank as much as it's a role...

    ANBU seem to be the first step in a jounins career, they enter it when they become jounins, serve as the villiage's police department, and then leave it to do missions or other stuff, so an ANBU is probably weaker than other jounins, becuase they lack experience (since they're most likely younger than others).

    man, I should stick to the manga forum, you don't see as much as stupidity over there as you see here..

    Edit: don't take it so perssonally, Mea, I don't think anyone's bitching about you (at least i'm not), I know that my bitching goes towards the guy who opened the thread and will soon start giving power lvls to each ninja and then wonder why it doesn't work welll... besides, bitching is fun, try it yourself!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #11

    Jounin and beyond

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    man, I should stick to the manga forum, you don't see as much as stupidity over there as you see here..
    Bitch, bitch, bitch.......

    Edit: And with that, I'm a genin! LMAO

    Edit to above: I guess I did.....

  12. #12

    RE: Jounin and beyond

    By the way there is no other ranks between Jounin and Hokage. It is already explained in the story.

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Jounin and beyond

    anbu is a class, not a rank
    sannin is a nickname or sorts.....not a rank

    even though some are much stronger than others, they both would be considered jounin
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #14

    RE: Jounin and beyond

    heres a rank list that ep.6 gives out....

    heres a rank list

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  15. #15

    RE: Jounin and beyond

    There's no rank between, some are just more exceptional than others for each group

  16. #16

    RE: Jounin and beyond

    there is no such rank as Elite Jounin. it is SPECIAL JOUNIN. they have specialised abilities that rank far above the jounin standard, but are chuunin at other stuff

  17. #17
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Jounin and beyond

    kale just because they are better at one field dont make them chuunin level at other stuff. ibiki is a special jounin, he specializes in torturing yet he is jounin level in other stuff to. this sounds like something you made up since it hasnt been stated anywhere that they are weaker than average in other abilites.

  18. #18

    RE: Jounin and beyond

    too bad there is no definite signal or distinction between the appearance of a chuunin and a jounin

    i was wondering what the ratio of chunnin to jounin would be? 5:1?

  19. #19

    Jounin and beyond

    Didnt anyone acutaly look at my Pictures for ranks? It should clear up any arguments.

    Okay people are saying things about anbu?

    Anbu is at a another class, and isnt in the same Classs ladder as Hokage - Jounin - Chunnin -Genin - ..and the last one...

    .........................Hokage................... ..... |<<ANBU is not really a rank, its a organization, or a group of
    | |
    ..........................Jounin.................. ....... |Elite Ninjas trained for assassination and protection.>>
    | |
    ..........................Chunin.................. ......
    | |
    ..........................Genin................... .......
    | |
    ........................ Canidate......................

    Jiray, the Sanins, are just a rank, or name given to him, Special Ninja names, or what ever it was called. So no this isnt really a part of the rankin system of Ninja's. So goes for any other classes that you may think that is, Missin Nin, ect.

  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jounin and beyond

    Originally posted by: Kale Ironfist
    there is no such rank as Elite Jounin. it is SPECIAL JOUNIN. they have specialised abilities that rank far above the jounin standard, but are chuunin at other stuff
    yes.......which is why i said i didnt remember what it was exactly.......
    the post right before me mentioned the "special jounin"
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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