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Thread: What codecs do I need to run Naruto 82?

  1. #1

    What codecs do I need to run Naruto 82?

    I haven't had any problems before, but running Ep. 82 now I get jaggies everywhere and at times the whole screen just turns into a distorted pane of tie-die colors. I got this straight from gotwoot. Anyone know how to fix this?

  2. #2

    What codecs do I need to run Naruto 82?

    Ughhh...this question has been answered so many times. Just to humor myself, I'll answer it. If you look at my post on this thread, you should be fine. Just download all the codecs I have linked there, and if you have to, install VLC Player too. I don't mean to be harsh, and this goes for everyone, please look around the forums next time for an answer first, it will save a lot of space and time. Hope I could help.

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