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Thread: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

  1. #41

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Originally posted by: g0at
    Originally posted by: Shaka
    Tenchi Muyo, the series! It's Great!
    Those Who Hunt The Elves. It's not that great but its funny!
    Princess Mononoke, the movie! It owned!
    High School Kimengumi - it is weird, but cool!
    Scryed. The first three or four episodes sux, but then it becomes real real GREAT!
    Bastard! - its only 6 eps, but its SO GOOD!

    Poiple Weezard said: "Video Girl Ai (was this the only anime made out of the manga?) was a touching romantic comedy."

    feh, the manga is MUCH better than the anime. 10 thousands times.
    ive been buying the bastard manga. its great, i wonder why ive never seen anybody mention it before.
    Is it better than the anime? If it is, WOW!

  2. #42

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    I think if your looking for good story anime my voat is to get the one that Studio Ghibli made.

    They don't really have the hard core action that ninja scroll(this is a full pact samurai action) have, but they can move your heart in different ways.

    This is some of their release

    Princess Mononoke
    Nauseca Vally of the Wind
    Laputa Castle in the Sky
    Spirited away
    Grave of the Fireflies

    and a lot more

  3. #43

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Do we have a Ghibli-fan among us? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #44
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Madlax, it really should be more popular then it is. I think the thing that turns people off is the rich girl that takes up every other episode.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  5. #45
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    well, I can't blame them, it is a bee train anime....

    infact, try watching ep 02 again, i'm sure that even you'll have second thoughts about it...

    just kidding, of course, Madlax is great... but I still have to see it end before saying if it's one of the best...

    it's certinaly a step above Noir, though, can't understand why people like that crap... they showed the same flashback over and over for 20 episodes, and until the 21st, we didn't get a clue about what it means...

    besides, chloe is probably one of the stupidest charecters ever, just watching her idiotic face makes me wanna punch someone, and her fighting style sucks! (not to say that others don't suck, one of the charecters took out 20 goons while she was just walking straight at them, and no one thought of shooting her first or even shooting back...)

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #46

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Originally posted by: kupalmaru
    I think if your looking for good story anime my voat is to get the one that Studio Ghibli made.

    They don't really have the hard core action that ninja scroll(this is a full pact samurai action) have, but they can move your heart in different ways.

    This is some of their release

    Princess Mononoke
    Nauseca Vally of the Wind
    Laputa Castle in the Sky
    Spirited away
    Grave of the Fireflies

    and a lot more
    Hey u're right! I've seen Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, and they're really great!

  7. #47

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Originally posted by: Shaka
    Originally posted by: kupalmaru
    Hey u're right! I've seen Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, and they're really great!

    Try Laputa Castle in The Sky and Nauseca Vally of the Wind. If you like Mononoke and spirited im sure you will like it.

    Totoro, i think is somehow in the genre of Kiki's delivery.

  8. #48

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    didn't ghibli make porco russo too? they like making people into pigs a lot it seems.

    but they definitely are really good.

  9. #49

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Yeah, they did make Porco Rosso..

    They do make great movies, but sometimes it feels like people watch their movies just because it is a "Ghibli" movie and not because of the content of the movie...

  10. #50

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Originally posted by: Shinji Ikari
    Yeah, they did make Porco Rosso..

    They do make great movies, but sometimes it feels like people watch their movies just because it is a "Ghibli" movie and not because of the content of the movie...

    Your righ there. I buy some Ghibli anime becuse it is Ghibli(I did not look for their review). I just watch Kiki's deliviry and I kinda did not like it.

  11. #51

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    I think that Mahou Senshi Riui is really good, great adventure and alot of laughs coz of Louies comments =)

  12. #52

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Blood:The last vampire, problem with this one it's too damn short!!
    It should be made into a series.

  13. #53

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Texhnolyze. The last ep. of Texhnolyze came out ~2weeks ago I think, fansubbed by Wizzu.
    So badass.

  14. #54

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Yeah Texhnolyze was awesome... but I don't see many people liking it...

    The most awesome anime that I never hear people talking about is:

    Project ARMS.... this is easily one of the best series out there... Top 3 or 4 on my list....

    Action, Mystery, Horror, Romance, Drama.... it has it ALL!!!

    Another is Condor Hero... although I'm sure many people watch it, just that no one talks about it...

    Another great one is Jojo's Bizzare Adventure... I've only seen the prequel, but it's very good... (I'm gonna start reading the manga soon since I hear is one of the best out there)

    I think someone mentioned 3x3 Eyes... another great OVA

    Figure 17 - Hikaru and Tsubasa... another great series... it mixes scifi with a great dramatic plot involving school kids... it is simply a wonderful series...

    Sadamitsu The Destroyer... not the best, but I've enjoyed it so far.. i've seen 8 episodes and I hear it has a great ending so I'm expecting it to get better

    Heat Guy J - great cyborg action... I've only seen up to 8... I think it is being shown on MTV 2

    Golden Gash Bell... I think it is pretty popular, but I've only seen a few people talking about it... it is a very funny series... great characters too.. (Chi Chi Chi Chi, Oppai, Boing Boing)

    El Hazard... I've only seen the first OVA Magnificent World... but I found it to be very good... I think it was pretty popular when it came out... I just havent heard people talking about it recently...

    Last, but not least, NARUTO!!! just kidding...

    that's all I could think for now...

  15. #55
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Iria: Zeiram the Animation is a good OVA, actually the first anime I ever watched back when Sci-Fi used to play anime on Saturday mornings (wow, saying that makes me feel old).

    Perfect Blue is a great slasher/mystery film, great if you want to see a pop idol turned actress go crazy.

    I forgot, Iria wasn't the first anime i've seen, I forgot about Samurai Pizza Cats. That's the most obscure anime I've seen, simply because its so old, I don't even know what the Japanese title is.

  16. #56

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Captain Tsubasa road to 2002 is very nice. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    by the way, anyone know where I could find torrents for Captain Tsubasa 2001 and the old series of Captain Tsubasa from 1983?

  17. #57

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Captain Tsubasa 2001 is the same as Road to 2002

    I'm also looking for the earlier series... but i no one has released them.... what you are looking for is:

    The original TV

    Shin Captain Tsubasa

    and Captain Tsubasa J

  18. #58

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Aha, must have gotten it wrong, because when I looked up it at Animenfo it said that there was one that was named Captain Tsubasa and one that was named Captain Tsubasa 2001 that was like 52 eps, but the road to 2002 is only 12 or something like that as far as I know.

    It's reallu tough finding it, the only thing I find is italien and french subs or something like that.

  19. #59

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Stop using animenfo... it is crap... I prefer ...

    the 13 episode one is Shin Captain Tsubasa, it's the sequel to the original...

    Road to 2002 is the latest sequel... it is 52 episodes

  20. #60

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Then why do the only have 12 eps of road to 2002 on I mean, are they in the process of subing them?

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