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Thread: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

  1. #21

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Here are a few of my favorite:

    Legend of Black Heaven - series about how a former rockstar saves the earth from aliens with his music.

    Soul Taker - fairly new series about a mutant hero, but very artistic w/ 80s style music.

    Twilight of the Dark Master - short film about the final battle between the last surviving demon and guardian of earth.

  2. #22

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Forgotten Spiral: Lol. A rockstar that saves the earth with his music ? That sounds like a big lol imo. Gotta download the first episode. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  3. #23

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Thanks for the recs guys. I've seen all or at least part of: Black Heaven (good), Arc the Lad (it was OK), Berserk (excellent, the ending is unsatisfying, but the anime is worth it), Dragon Half (made me laugh), Video Girl Ai (good), Vampire Princess Miyu (very good), Golden Boy (funny), Record of Lodoss War (cheesy but good), others..... Yes, I've watched a lot of anime.........

    I've never heard of Grappler Baki (wrestling?), Air Master (sounds like a baseketball anime?), Weathering Continent, Mad Bull, or Galaxy Express 999 (sounds SF), and some others, so maybe I'll check them out. If you could give links with your recs that would be great (but not is OK).

    1. Hikaru no Go is EXCELLENT! If you have not seen it yet you should get it here (also has Shadow Skill). DO NOT WAIT! It is complete and who knows when it will be liscensed.

    2. Get Haibane Renmei here (it has been liscensed, but I downloaded something else off this site and it worked)

  4. #24

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Grappler baki is not just wrestling it's everything from boxing to kung fu to wrestling to street fighting. There are 2 seasons also, the first season is more the story portion and the second season is focused more on just the fighting.

  5. #25

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Airmaster is about street fighting !!

  6. #26

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    yep baki season 1 is more enjoyable then season 2 although season 2 has some great action i just loved baki's childhood

  7. #27

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    come on people!! I've yet to hear it!!

    KIMAGURE ORANGE ROAD!! Old school anime at the finest! one of the top 10 in my opinion. Maison Ikkoku is coming in the top too.

    And a lot of you are naming some well known anime's... Like ROLW. who hasn't heard of that!
    I'm also now enjoying Midori no Hibi... AE released it.

  8. #28

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Puni Puni Poemi, Kaleido Stage, Wolf's Rain, Flame of Recca

  9. #29

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Since HnG is mentioned i'd have to say...

    Noir: 2 Girls in a killing streak as assassins, very clean and nice killing with great story that is very emotional.

    Get Backers: Very funny and good fighting and some very emotional aspects..

    Now And Then Here And There: The most emotional series I have ever watched... It's sick how much they can cram into a 13 ep series and make it as good as they have with this one. It's one of the best series i have ever watched.

  10. #30
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Just to add to some conversations.

    Berserk ending. Was dissapointing. The manga takes off after that. Hence, if you really loved it, try and find the manga (Rare to find sadly).

    Mahoromatic Ending. Brilliant until the final episode which was down right crap.

    Some Brilliant, maybe might have been mentioned. I dunno if you consider them 'not mentioned'
    Most "BEST ANIME" have been mentioned. So here's are not too bad and enjoyable serieses for the very bored.

    1) GunParade March (About military high school of some kids, and how they live their life as normal as possible although their world is probably dying very soon)

    2)Scrapped Princess (Girl who was prophecised to destroy the world in her 16th birthday, and his hunted down and despised like a criminal, *note: Very Matrix-ey*)

    3)Hanaukyo Maids (The first season, Ended off very weird, lots of room for more, about a kid who inherited the world's most powerful corporation without knowing it)

    4)Stellvia of the Universe (Space show, after a phenomenon that destroyed most of the earth, this is the story of a girl few hundred years later who together tries and save earth from the next similar phenomenon about to occur)

    5) Matantei Loki Ragnarok ( This girl crazy over detective stories and dreams to be a mystery detective pairs up with a small kid detective who is actually Loki, a God.)

    6) Onegai Teacher (Some lovey dovey story pushing the boundaries of student-teacher relationship, btw, I found Onegai Teacher better than Onegai Twins )

    7) Last Exile (Umm. One Battleship the Silverna and it's crew preventing a major war between the two nations, COOL HIGHLY RATED MOVIE!)

    8) Voices from a distant Star, Hoshi No Koe (Brilliant 30 minute anime. Dunno how to explain. If you haven't watched it. WATCH IT NOW!)

    Rest that lots of ppl like, but I wasn't fond off = Chobits, Ai Yori Aoshi, Fruit Basket, Heppy Lesson.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  11. #31

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Originally posted by: Darklocke

    And a lot of you are naming some well known anime's... Like ROLW. who hasn't heard of that!
    I'm also now enjoying Midori no Hibi... AE released it.
    The anime doesn't have to be obscure and not heard of (at least judging by the title of the thread)...just ones that don't seem to get mentioned very often...

    I don't know what the hell ROLW is...but maybe I would have heard of it in a non-abbreviated form [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  12. #32
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Originally posted by: Darklocke
    come on people!! I've yet to hear it!!

    KIMAGURE ORANGE ROAD!! Old school anime at the finest! one of the top 10 in my opinion. Maison Ikkoku is coming in the top too.

    And a lot of you are naming some well known anime's... Like ROLW. who hasn't heard of that!
    I'm also now enjoying Midori no Hibi... AE released it.
    <u>Funny thing, i've mentioned both these animes (KOR and MI) in my previous post (first page), now, what does that say on you?</u>

    Sexy commando is also great, it's kinda stupid and has really short episodes, but it's one of the best animes to watch with friends... people say that Ping Pong club is also good, but i've yet to watch it...

    I can also reccomend AMON: devilman of the acopclypse (sp?), it's a really gorry OVA from the devilman series, but if you're in for a bloody massacare of lifeforms, it's great as a standalone, nothing unites friends more than flying body parts and rampageing demons... it also functions as a horror movie to show your girlfriend and to have her jump in fear on you (ps: unless she's into that stuff as well, and in that case, it's just fun to watch it with her).

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #33

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    An anime series that i haven't seen anyone mentioning or talking about is Seikai no Monshou, Seikai No Senki and Seikai no Senki II which is an awesome anime

    Seikai no Monshou - 13 eps
    Seikai no Senki - 13 eps
    Seikai no Senki II 10 - eps

    Watch this anime in this order and you'll love it... It's a drama more or less about a boy whose planet is invaded by elves. The elves take control when this boy's father surrender. He grows up to be a young Prince who is accepted by the elves because his father made a deal with the elves when they came... He joins an elves fleet in space where he meets an elve who is a princess (sort of) who always treats him very bad and calles him an idiot from time to time... It might seem like this is a comedy, but in very few scenes are there any humour.

    You watch this anime for the story mostly and because you'll grow to love the characters.

  14. #34

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere


    got a wicked arse intro and outro. weird but awesome anime.

  15. #35

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Tenchi Muyo, the series! It's Great!
    Those Who Hunt The Elves. It's not that great but its funny!
    Princess Mononoke, the movie! It owned!
    High School Kimengumi - it is weird, but cool!
    Scryed. The first three or four episodes sux, but then it becomes real real GREAT!
    Bastard! - its only 6 eps, but its SO GOOD!

    Poiple Weezard said: "Video Girl Ai (was this the only anime made out of the manga?) was a touching romantic comedy."

    feh, the manga is MUCH better than the anime. 10 thousands times.

  16. #36

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    yeah I thought Beserk was a brilliant series, but it did have a weird ending. I thought it didn't fit in with the rest of the series. Maybe they ran out of budget and rushed the ending, coz thats what it seemed like.
    I also really liked Blue Gender, I know its not that old yet, but it hardly ever gaets mentioned.

  17. #37

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    the animes i hold in highest regarrd are the ones i first saw, which'd be warriors of the wind, akira, fist of the north star and most people probably don't know this one but the mysterious cities of gold which came on nickelodeon around early 1990s.

    you can't get MCOG eps anymore unless u dig into some irc channels, where i was able to get the 39eps. it was commissioned by a french tv station but developed in japan and there is no where to get them commercially. its mostly nostalgic for me, i would wake up early ass at 6am to see it. MCOG was a fictional fantasy account of south american colonization by spain and the legendary city of gold. SO GOOD!

  18. #38

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Record of lodoss war is an awesome series

  19. #39

    RE: Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    I really don't know if you have watch this drama anime

    Dog of Flanders
    Cedi(not princess sara)

    I seen this anime when I was a kid, and i like them. They have good story.

    I also like this action anime( I think this anime are old)

    Thunder Jet
    BT x

  20. #40

    Best Anime Not Mentioned Elsewhere

    Originally posted by: Shaka
    Tenchi Muyo, the series! It's Great!
    Those Who Hunt The Elves. It's not that great but its funny!
    Princess Mononoke, the movie! It owned!
    High School Kimengumi - it is weird, but cool!
    Scryed. The first three or four episodes sux, but then it becomes real real GREAT!
    Bastard! - its only 6 eps, but its SO GOOD!

    Poiple Weezard said: "Video Girl Ai (was this the only anime made out of the manga?) was a touching romantic comedy."

    feh, the manga is MUCH better than the anime. 10 thousands times.
    ive been buying the bastard manga. its great, i wonder why ive never seen anybody mention it before.

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