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Thread: Has anyone seen X TV series?

  1. #21

    Has anyone seen X TV series?

    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    Just finished the series.. so many heart breaking deaths... I'm having trouble deciding whether or not this is an anime I should keep or delete..

    ::Edit:: Also for those that have watched the series already, does anyone know that neat kinda warlike battle theme that plays in every ep? I think that theme is so badass (especially the sad piano version)
    Keep it and force your mates to watch it! Thats what I've done [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    I'm pretty sure the theme you mean is called is usually played over the big epic bits and big emotion points can find it pretty easily on stuff like eDonkey etc, and yeah it is a really amazing theme...I'm told the movie soundtrack is really good as well but I haven't been able to watch that yet due to illness...

    I'm still looking for the OST to the series.

  2. #22

    Has anyone seen X TV series?

    Oops, sorry, double post [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

    Anyway heres the link to all the X OSTs (TV OSTs 1 and 2, Movie OST and character image galleries) at BoxTorrents...

  3. #23

    RE: Has anyone seen X TV series?

    thanx a lot. now i can get that enat theme ^_^

  4. #24

    RE: Has anyone seen X TV series?

    just finished watching the series...

    it started out as the type of story i really enjoy (sorta like flame of recca, yuuyuu, saint seiya) like everyone lining up and fighting... lol

    and then it ticked me off that the fighting didn't really start till ep. 15

    and i'm a little confused by the ending... so kamui dies, sets a barrier, and what is with fuma with the happy expression towards the end? I thought Subaru died and yet he doesn't... kasunagi wakes up and fuck! Bring back Sorata at least god dammit! Anyways, it was really good nevertheless

  5. #25

    Has anyone seen X TV series?

    I've only seen Tokyo Babylon from this series...

    I'm still waiting for anime-legion to fucking finish up the series so I can watch it...

  6. #26

    Has anyone seen X TV series?

    I liked Kamui until he became a dragon of heaven, at that point he became weak!

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Has anyone seen X TV series?

    this series is not one of my favorites. it was one of the earliest animes I watched and to this day I think it was subpar. Some of the plot dragged on and on, other things were done so quickly (and I felt like alot of the other characters weren't developed enough, not enough time spent on backstory). The action was also pretty lame, though well animated at times. The implied homosexuality wasn't even done well...

    I would not recommend this series to anyone unless you have some passion for implied/hinted yaoi and bishounens. Even then, you might have a hard time stomaching this one. Had alot of potential, failed on most of it...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #28

    Has anyone seen X TV series?

    just started watching this, on episode 6 and it's pretty good so far, i don't really see any hints of yaoi so i don't know what you guys are talking about, i'm hoping to finish this series before wednesday

    o and kamui with shinn asuka's voice actor(suzukmura kenichi) owns

    Ovan, The Rebirth

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