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Thread: Theory on how Naruto will end

  1. #21

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    I say that Naruto will lose the Kyubi somehow and will have to fight the leader of Itachi's organization with only his own power, and will win.

  2. #22

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    someone said

    "hmm the one talking bullshit would be you...... the youma are a part of shinto mythology(im not entirely sure here, correct me if im wrong) you cant run around and say -you dont know which youma is the strongest, cause we do. shinto mythology says that a fully grown kyuubi is the strongest. this really has nothing to do with naruto. i find it hard to believe that kishimoto would change his own countrys mythology."

    The myth also said that the kyubi is only rivaled by the Tanuki demon(Gaaras spirit)
    When the tanuki demon appeard during the village raid, we practicaly know what had happen there.

    someone said

    "also the jiraya thing. are you saying that since he didnt know about the black flames, everything he says is bullshit? you're a funny guy... its like saying since you couldnt answer a hard math problem you dont know shit aoubt math."

    What im implying when i said there is that Jiraya is not always right. Sometimes he is wrong. Im only saying the statement about the rasengan is bull crap. I did not said that everything jiraya say is bulcrap. I said, " I think that is bullcrap". Jiraya should know this the best, because rasengan was not an old jutso. Let say before, chidori is a level six second from top. When the rasengan was invented it replace the place of chidori.

    When the other member of Akatsuki showed them self, im sure many character will be dumfounded about how powerfull their jutso are. Why? because everybody do not know everything.

  3. #23

    Theory on how Naruto will end

    Originally posted by: kupalmaru
    Do you have any theory? I don't.
    Naruto and Harry Potter fights to the death. Orochimaru comes in possesses Naruto and molests Harry Potter with Naruto's body.

  4. #24

    Theory on how Naruto will end

    some one post
    "Naruto and Harry Potter fights to the death. Orochimaru comes in possesses Naruto and molests Harry Potter with Naruto's body. "

    I don't know what is spamming but is that post spaming. I remember when i made a stupid post about Naruto being simalar to Harry potter. They say its a spam. Is ccJX post spam because with Harry being out, your kinda dong some commercial here. Pls don't spam

  5. #25

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    OK I'm tired of reading this thread. There is no point to this thread. Kyubi is the strongest, it's been said. Jiraiya is always right, he wouldn't say something if he wasn't sure. 80% of this thread I have no idea what kupalmaru is trying to say due to his piece of crap engrish. i don't blame you though, at least you tried. but im just saying, i couldn't understand your engrish.

  6. #26

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    I cannot tell you the whole story but I am certain that when it's all said and done Konoha villiage will be obliterated by a nuclear holocaust.

  7. #27

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    I have a felling it will end with Naruto dieing ala the 4th saving everyone in a fierce battle

  8. #28

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    Some lame topic this is [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    My opinion about the end...
    Every ninja in the naruto world will want to know if he/she is stronger than another and fight each other leaving Naruto alone in the world @ the end cause he is the main character of the story and in that way the strongest of them all...

    Thank you for your wasted time on this stupid text [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

  9. #29

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    Originally posted by: kupalmaru
    someone said

    "hmm the one talking bullshit would be you...... the youma are a part of shinto mythology(im not entirely sure here, correct me if im wrong) you cant run around and say -you dont know which youma is the strongest, cause we do. shinto mythology says that a fully grown kyuubi is the strongest. this really has nothing to do with naruto. i find it hard to believe that kishimoto would change his own countrys mythology."

    bla bla bla

    When the other member of Akatsuki showed them self, im sure many character will be dumfounded about how powerfull their jutso are. Why? because everybody do not know everything.

    The Risegan is older then the Chidori, Kakashi made the chidoro and the 4th made the risegan, the 4th is older then Kakashi so "When the rasengan was invented it replace the place of chidori." is bull

  10. #30
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    yea kupalmaru everything you say is bull a jutsu dont need to replace and old jutsu. its not like there are 7 jutsu's(one in each level) the first level probably got about 50 jutsus or something like the basic genjutsu sakura know, the bunshin, the replacment jutsu those sort of things.

  11. #31

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    Sorry about the english

    Jiraya can be wrong, because he don't know everything.

    some one said

    "OK I'm tired of reading this thread. There is no point to this thread. Kyubi is the strongest, it's been said. Jiraiya is always right, he wouldn't say something if he wasn't sure. 80% of this thread I have no idea what kupalmaru is trying to say due to his piece of crap engrish. i don't blame you though, at least you tried. but im just saying, i couldn't understand your engrish. "

    This guy is talking about Jiraya being always right .
    When Jiraya summon the esophagus of a gigantic frog in ep 85, Jiraya said that he would kill Itachi and his companion. The statement of Jiraya is 100% wrong, the two criminal escape. Jiraya was shock when a fire was able to destroy the esophahus of a fire breathing frog. That support my theory that Jiraya don't know everything and he ca be wrong.

    someone said
    "yea kupalmaru everything you say is bull a jutsu dont need to replace and old jutsu. its not like there are 7 jutsu's(one in each level) the first level probably got about 50 jutsus or something like the basic genjutsu sakura know, the bunshin, the replacment jutsu those sort of things. "

    I thought if a more powerfull jutso was develop they can replace a jutso that is less powerfull one. There can be a 1000 jutso cathegorized in level six and Risegan is second from top of that list.

    Im sorry if I confused you about risegan replacing the chidori on the list. I only use that scenario as an example.

    Can some one tell me where is the part that Jiraya said that Kyubi is the strongest.

  12. #32
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    ookey what jiraiya ment second from the top is that the 6th level is the second from the top. not that rasengan was the second strongest in the 6th level.

  13. #33

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    ookey what jiraiya ment second from the top is that the 6th level is the second from the top. not that rasengan was the second strongest in the 6th level.
    You are right there, sorry about using that as an example. I did not know that there is a 7 level of jutso

  14. #34
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end


  15. #35
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    here's one theory:

    first of all, there's a big time jump (about 10-15 years, bringing Naruto to the 4th's age at his death) and Naruto has a child of his own now, or at least a pregenant wife.

    then there's something wrong with the kyubi (maybe the seal expires, or that Akatsuki releases him) and Naruto goes up against it, and ends up sealing the fox into his child, but this time, the child isn't shunned down and really is treated as a hero, and by that, he achives what was 'promised' to Naruto...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #36
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    hmmm that sounds like a great ending i would like to see that. man if that were to happen i would cry. so emotional...

  17. #37
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    i don't think a time jump is possible. itachi still has to capture naruto. it'd be stupid if akatsuki takes 15 years or however long to capture him.

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  18. #38
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    yea but after that shit, that ending would be nice. lets say the manga draws out just like dbz(dont flame for my stupid comparasion please) and the final fight between kyuubi(or maybe akatsuki leader powered of close to 100% kyuubi) fights naruto and then what death boo z says happens.

  19. #39

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    here's one theory:

    first of all, there's a big time jump (about 10-15 years, bringing Naruto to the 4th's age at his death) and Naruto has a child of his own now, or at least a pregenant wife.

    then there's something wrong with the kyubi (maybe the seal expires, or that Akatsuki releases him) and Naruto goes up against it, and ends up sealing the fox into his child, but this time, the child isn't shunned down and really is treated as a hero, and by that, he achives what was 'promised' to Naruto...
    Poor Kyubi, always getting sealed up =P. But I'd have to agree that your theory of the ending is one of the good ones.

  20. #40

    RE: Theory on how Naruto will end

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    here's one theory:

    first of all, there's a big time jump (about 10-15 years, bringing Naruto to the 4th's age at his death) and Naruto has a child of his own now, or at least a pregenant wife.

    then there's something wrong with the kyubi (maybe the seal expires, or that Akatsuki releases him) and Naruto goes up against it, and ends up sealing the fox into his child, but this time, the child isn't shunned down and really is treated as a hero, and by that, he achives what was 'promised' to Naruto...
    I think a big jump is imposible.

    For example
    If the Akatsuki wait 9 years to go after Naruto, they are going to have a problem.

    1) There are going to be the age factor; the third hokage lost to oro because of his age. Some of the akatsuki member will be probably get old.

    2) Naruto will be more powerful. With the teaching of jiraya, Naruto will gain more knowledge on how to use the power of kyubi. Akatsuki will be powerless against naruto.

    We may see a big jump when the creator made a movie about Naruto. You know, like the one that they made for samurai x(kenshin). That one is depressing to watch.

    IMO the seal don't expire.

    When Naruto fought Haku, Kyubi leaked. I don't know if that leak have continue, kyubi might have escape. I hope you kinda know what im saying.

    ******I may go out topic her.******
    Have you seen the poster where Itachi and Gaara are with Naruto, sasuki, sakura, etc. That poster look like the dragonball poster(in that poster vegeta are with gokou, picalo,etc). I think Gaara will be like vegeta(an enemy turn friend). The akatsuki will go after gara because of the demon inside him. I think that akatsuki are after naruto because they want to get kyubi and seal kyubi inside them.

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