I just downloaded the first series of Rurouni Kenshin and ive got a bunch of .OGM files what do i need to play them?
I just downloaded the first series of Rurouni Kenshin and ive got a bunch of .OGM files what do i need to play them?
This sig was made by KitKat.
They should play in Windows Media Player
Nope its not working with windows media player or realplayer
This sig was made by KitKat.
uhh...They aint gonna play in your windows media player if you dont have the play back filter. ( zx-playback-pack-installer.exe)
Without that filter they will play in a player called VLC. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
Or if you want to veiw it on your windows media player you have to install this pack zx-playback-pack-installer.exe. Now i know it works, its just I cannot remember why I dislike the pack, so I use VLC mainly.
I'll look for the other link for the pack later, Iam still to tired to go searching @_@.
"Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."
Yeah, videolan is the thing. It's sooooooooo great. If it's OGM it usually if not always has 2 audio tracks, subtitles will have to be enabled if you are using a laungage you don't understand (obviously), just right click on the movie and you'll see the options.
MediaPlayer Classic. Best player around.
It'll play with WMP but not perfectly.
this shouldn't be in General Anime, but in Anime Support
VideoLan is the best for .ogm imo.
i apologise for placing this in the wrong board i have downloaded videolan and its working fine now. Thx Guys
This sig was made by KitKat.
That was it...I have a bad memory [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Originally posted by: BurnHavoc
MediaPlayer Classic. Best player around.
It'll play with WMP but not perfectly.
It worked fine in WMP for me but then I probably had the codec already...