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Thread: Samurai 7

  1. #141

    RE: Samurai 7

    you think there should be because you know japanese? or you think it should because you think it will look better?

    I think that it is translated good because the girl was mad since he was leaving her so she said that out of anger... even though she didnt mean it...

  2. #142

    RE: Samurai 7

    I think it would look better. Still learning Japanese, not enough to sub yet for anyone hehe.

  3. #143
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Samurai 7

    yah, i think she said that because she didn't want him to go.

    the art didn't look good only during the dancing...and also the fighting scene between the new dude and the poor samurai. it sure isn't one of those epi they spend $300,000 or whatever amount it was suppose to be.

    do girls always give baths to other girls in japan??

    AND THOSE SKELETONS!! they creeped me out. playing the shamisen (is that what that instrument is called??)

    I tried my best...

  4. #144

    RE: Samurai 7

    I am glad that the normal art style is back in episode 8. The Bandit blue mecha looks really cool. BTW, I am mecha fan. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  5. #145

    Samurai 7

    Bud, why are your links always screwed?

    Every link i see u post is somehow a bit useless..
    Like the ep 8 link:


    ^^ Thats what ur linking... (forget the *, i put it there because the forum will screw it up AGAIN [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
    And its not only this link, it's every link

  6. #146

    RE: Samurai 7

    I know... i just paste the link in the quick reply and it comes out like that... but at least you see from what site it is from...

    It is not my fault that the functions here are messed up

  7. #147

    RE: Samurai 7

    I know, but u can get around that very easily

    In the reply window, just press the http button and paste the url in there, click ok and ur set [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  8. #148

    RE: Samurai 7

    I know how to work around it... i just hate opening the reply window... i always use the quick reply...

    but whatever...

  9. #149

    RE: Samurai 7

    ep 8 was cool
    i didnt like how rikichi was acting, it kinda annoyed me
    but then the reason was shown later and it was understandable
    i thought those wierd looking guys were gonna kill katsushiro, but they only healed him
    and that one faggot young master dude, i just wanna kick his ass - fuggin spoiled nonothing bitch

    sometimes, it always ends with kikuchiyo getting into some kind of trouble

  10. #150

    RE: Samurai 7

    I didnt like how they handdled the Rikishi thing either...

    The reason is that he was acting weird and flipping out since the start of the episode... his flipping out should have started solely after he saw the bandits...

  11. #151
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Samurai 7

    i thought rikichi was kinda annoying. why be so selfish since he's only going to get the rest of them in trouble. but i guess it's understandable...but still...

    YAH! the shikimoribito (is that it??? their name was really long and complicated) r nice guys!!!

    kambei is such a nice guy. 2 more samurai left!! i wonder who??? j/k they already showed who they r.

    I tried my best...

  12. #152
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Samurai 7

    man I cant beleive no ones talking about he new opening sequence, I thought that was really cool

    R.I.P Captain America.

  13. #153

    RE: Samurai 7

    theres a new opening sequence?!?
    i didnt notice that, i have to check it out then

  14. #154
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Samurai 7

    yeah with different animation from what theyve been using for the last 6 eps. in the opening

    R.I.P Captain America.

  15. #155

    RE: Samurai 7

    I definately like the new opening.. in fact I love the series in general, though there's no avoiding that episode 7's animation sucked. I'm relieved 8 was back up to par.

    The reason why girls are often seen together in the bath in anime is that nudity is not as much of a big deal in Japan as it is here, and the bath is very often shared between family members and friends of the same gender. Especially when the bath is so large that multiple people can share it rather than waste time waiting for people. With privacy so rare, since living quarters are so crowded, it can be the one place in the house girls can have a chance to gossip without being overheard. There's nothing sexual about it, it's just the accepted norm.

  16. #156
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Samurai 7

    i see i see. well, i didn't see anything sexual about that scene in epi 7. and yes, it is quite rare glad u explained it.

    I tried my best...

  17. #157

    RE: Samurai 7

    And those baths dont belong to girls only... males also had a common bath just like the girls... or so have i seen on anime and some movies...

  18. #158
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Samurai 7

    this series is just getting better and better.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  19. #159

    RE: Samurai 7

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    yeah with different animation from what theyve been using for the last 6 eps. in the opening

    I saw it in the first second of the opening cause the old opening was boring compared to this new one.

  20. #160

    RE: Samurai 7

    The new opening is really cool. The old one just used footage from the episodes and put color filters over them. This one looks much better, and actually goes through the 7 samurai with names (though they aren't translated). The animation in 7 was really bad in the first half. It scared me a lot because the animation in this series had been so good so far, and i didn't think that GONZO would have that issue. But after the halfway point (the thing with the mist and stuff) it got better, back up to par. I really hope they don't do that again. But the story is moving along nicely with enough action and plot and such to keep the series flowing, unlike Kaze no Yojimbo (the last Kurosawa remake). The first 5 episodes (all i've seen) of Kaze just dragged along SO s l o w l y... Samurai 7 is MUCH better. One of my favorite new series. Now to watch episode 8 since I have a day off from work.

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