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Thread: Strongest in Akatsuki?

  1. #1

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Is it Itachi? But it seems like Itachi is being used as a foot soldier, running missions for his boss. So are there ninjas in Akatsuki that are stronger than Itachi?

    On the other hand, in the anime (and maybe the manga, I forget), Itachi states that trying to kill Jiraiya would only end in both sides dying in the best case, and that bringing MORE men would not matter. So does that mean that even if Itachi asked his boss to help, it would not matter? That might mean Itachi is stronger than anyone in his organization.

  2. #2
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Strongest in Akatsuki?

    no thats a translation error in the anime or just some crap they decided to throw in. he says nothing like that in the manga. all he says is that he overused his sharingan and must rest. you can work under ppl even if you are stronger than them the question is what does these ppl have that itachi wants, i doubt itachi is the one that wants kyuubi.

  3. #3

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Actually, the current circulating translated manga chapter is incorrect (mistranslation)... Itachi says the same thing in the manga as he does in the anime.

  4. #4
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Anyway, right now Itachi is the strongest character introduced in Akatsuki, even if there are people above him, that doesnt mean they are stronger, they could just be the people who founded the group

    R.I.P Captain America.

  5. #5

    RE: Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Well i suppose it would make sense since Oro was also there and left. He most likely was not the strongest and therefore did not like that and left to become more powerful. he also did not like taking orders.

  6. #6
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Originally posted by: raijin
    Actually, the current circulating translated manga chapter is incorrect (mistranslation)... Itachi says the same thing in the manga as he does in the anime.
    hmm... wierd doesnt seem like something itachi would say "oh no i will die if i fight him lets run" thats basicly what he did.

    just checked that chapter out and in it itachi is talking about the moon and the sun, how could someone translate that wrong? its more likely that he says he cant fight because he overused mangekyou sharingan, not like in the anime where he only says, we would die if we fight him.

  7. #7

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    hmm... wierd doesnt seem like something itachi would say "oh no i will die if i fight him lets run" thats basicly what he did.
    It appears the Itachi is well aware of Jiraiya's strength and abilities, which is why he decided to flee.

    just checked that chapter out and in it itachi is talking about the moon and the sun, how could someone translate that wrong? its more likely that he says he cant fight because he overused mangekyou sharingan, not like in the anime where he only says, we would die if we fight him.
    Well, translation mistakes do happen from time to time, it all depends on the translator's knowledge of Japanese. For that particular manga chapter, it seems the translator just goofed on the translation. He/she translated Amaterasu as "sun" and Tsukuyomi as "moon", when in fact Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are both Shinto deities of the sun and moon respectively. But in reference to Naruto, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are both techniques of Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan.

    Although this may sound ironic, you can't trust some of the manga translations as 100% accurate unless they are from a reliable source such as Toriyama's World, Inane, BakaFish, etc. But, even reliable sources make mistakes from time to time.

  8. #8

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Funny to see the Itachi-fanboys not wanting to believe that somebody might be stronger than Itachi.

  9. #9

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    the strongest in the the akatsuki is a person called fred! itachi is nothing compared to fred

  10. #10

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    itachi sucks...relys on his sharingan too much, without his sharingan he would be weak as. Thats wat pisses me off about sharingan users...they are too sharingan dependent....know wat im getting at?

  11. #11

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    yes but i supposed have to live wit it orochimaru will kick itachi's arse dun worry about it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] *waits for the itachi fanboys to come*

  12. #12
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    a big sac of flames, that's what you're getting yourself into...

    as much as I love to hate the sharingan users, even I can't say that the sharingan is all they have...

    Sasuke was the number one rookie even before discovering his sharingan (he was even able to fight two chunins equally, and catch up to Haku).
    Itachi became a chunin (or a genin) even before mastering the sharingan, at age 6-7..
    Kakashi became a genin at age 6, and even if he already had the sharingan, it means that as a six years old, he was smart\strong\skilled enough to steal\take the eye out of someone's head..

    Even though I hate Sasuke and Itachi, and I'm annoyed at Kakashi, you can't diss their skills and say it's all the sharingan or thier bodies...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #13

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    yea we know that hehe. but kakashi did over do it abit lol 1000 jutsu's man come on. sasuke did have alot of quite gd jutsu when he couldnt use the sharingan and well itachi not sure about him just know that he was chuunin at a early age b4 he got the sharingan so we dunno what he was able to do then.

  14. #14

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    a big sac of flames, that's what you're getting yourself into...

    as much as I love to hate the sharingan users, even I can't say that the sharingan is all they have...

    Sasuke was the number one rookie even before discovering his sharingan (he was even able to fight two chunins equally, and catch up to Haku).
    Itachi became a chunin (or a genin) even before mastering the sharingan, at age 6-7..
    Kakashi became a genin at age 6, and even if he already had the sharingan, it means that as a six years old, he was smart\strong\skilled enough to steal\take the eye out of someone's head..

    Even though I hate Sasuke and Itachi, and I'm annoyed at Kakashi, you can't diss their skills and say it's all the sharingan or thier bodies...
    actually, kakashi became genin at 5, chuunin at 6

  15. #15
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Originally posted by: raijin
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    hmm... wierd doesnt seem like something itachi would say "oh no i will die if i fight him lets run" thats basicly what he did.
    It appears the Itachi is well aware of Jiraiya's strength and abilities, which is why he decided to flee.

    just checked that chapter out and in it itachi is talking about the moon and the sun, how could someone translate that wrong? its more likely that he says he cant fight because he overused mangekyou sharingan, not like in the anime where he only says, we would die if we fight him.
    Well, translation mistakes do happen from time to time, it all depends on the translator's knowledge of Japanese. For that particular manga chapter, it seems the translator just goofed on the translation. He/she translated Amaterasu as "sun" and Tsukuyomi as "moon", when in fact Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are both Shinto deities of the sun and moon respectively. But in reference to Naruto, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are both techniques of Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan.

    Although this may sound ironic, you can't trust some of the manga translations as 100% accurate unless they are from a reliable source such as Toriyama's World, Inane, BakaFish, etc. But, even reliable sources make mistakes from time to time.
    yea there are some volumes that are translated bad. just seemed strange in a way. oh well i would like to have the bad part retranslated, would mean alot of job to someone tho..

    kurpica who are you talking about?

  16. #16

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    Well if you watch the episode where Jiraiya explains what Akatsuki is to Kakashi, you get a screen where all 9 are standing in the shadows.. you clearly see Itachi standing in the middle (leader position) .. but thats debatable. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    jus coz hes in the middle doesnt make him the leader [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] hes probably in the middle coz him and kisame are the only ones we seen so far so they thought will just stick em in the middle lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] i wouldnt of thought that the leader would have to go and get naruto/kyuubi his self he would get lil ppl like bleh! itachi and kisame

  18. #18
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    This thread SUUUCKS. We only know 3 Akatsuki members... and we're discussing who's the strongest? LoL.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  19. #19

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    ive alrdy said who is the strongest fred is [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  20. #20

    Strongest in Akatsuki?

    baka! thats why i said it's debatable...

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