Fri, 06-11-2004, 10:01 AM
Smartest AI
ok it has been awhile since me and my xbox fanboy frend had this agument. he insisted that SP AI is more 'intelligent' compare to MGS.
personally i've played SP on the PS2 version and all i found was the AI actions in SP look scripted. whereas in MGS the AI look more natural.
so what do u guys & (gals??) think??
pls give your opinion if u've played those two games.
Fri, 06-11-2004, 10:04 AM
Smartest AI
Haven't played SP but MGS AI is damn real when you point a gun to their head or crotch ^_^ (and i believe they wet their pants if you hold a grenade launcher to their face)
::Edit:: Just have to love MGS for the replay value of staying in one spot for 2 hours and messing with the guards in so many different ways.. run out of ammo reload and come back to the same spot... or if you have the infinite bandana...)
Fri, 06-11-2004, 10:05 AM
RE: Smartest AI
splinter cells off course...... the best game ever, more realistic than mgs and the game itself more variative than mgs...... eventhough the story is a little bit crappy (u know tom clancy the creator)...... but the game is very enjoyable...... i get bored easily with MGS.......
Fri, 06-11-2004, 10:35 AM
RE: Smartest AI
hmmm.....i agree with DraGunZer0. i have plenty of fun messing with the AI in MGS because they respond differently and naturally. like if u try to grab a dog tag from a gurad and he refuse....simply shoot his leg or arms. then he know that u mean business and give u his tag. and another thing in SP Fisher just knock out the enemy. in real situation i would kill off the person or tranqualize him because if u simply knock him out u never know when he'll get back up and call for reinforcement in real life.
notice the AI in MGS follow proper military procedure like clearing room and using hand signals, whereas some of SP AI just shoot at u when they see u....not even calling back up. whats the deal with that??
not to mention MGS is way older than the newer SP. cant wait for MGS3.
btw DraGunZer0 i dont remember any part of the soldier weting their pants if u point a stinger or a RGB at them. the few that wet their pants in the game is the ol lady and EE.
Fri, 06-11-2004, 11:12 AM
RE: Smartest AI
my mistake then but I did have fun messing with the guard (especially on the MGS2 demo that came with ZOE). On the boat playing as snake outside deck, I loved taking out both arms and a leg and his radio and watch him limp off to a near by place to contact his comrades. Then I would usually snipe him off when he is like 1 feet away from the phone/radio. Pure classic tormenting. I havent tried taking out both arms in very hard yet but I kno if you take out both arms in any other difficulty they die =/
Fri, 06-11-2004, 11:59 AM
RE: Smartest AI
Well i think the MGS AI is much better ,but just wait till Snake Eater comes out it's gonna set a whole new standard for stealth/espionage games.
Fri, 06-11-2004, 12:24 PM
RE: Smartest AI
never played MGS, but the SC AI sucked. they don't even see those bright light from the nightvision in the total dark:S i stoped playing it because it felt fake...
Fri, 06-11-2004, 01:02 PM
RE: Smartest AI
lol MGS is realistic... and yet unreal at the same time (i know big robots with nuclear warheads in them and a surgically attached hand that possesses the body it's attached to into it's former body, and a guy in tight leather suit with a gas mask that has telekenetic powers are real but the girl that doesnt get hit by bullets, guy that runs across the top of ocean water, and a guy with a carrying a big railgun getting consumed by ravens is obviously fake ^_^)
Fri, 06-11-2004, 01:09 PM
RE: Smartest AI
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

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