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Thread: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

  1. #101
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Originally posted by: Uzumaki Naruto
    good chapter, crosses finger and hopes for naruto to kik sasukes ass and drag his ass bag to the hidden leaf village where he will forever be in shame of having naruto kik his ass well. well thats just what i hope happens
    Unlikely.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    It's kinda good Sasuke joins Orochimaru. He'll be even more sinical and dark. Right now, his character is an annoyance. However he would play a good bad guy role.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  2. #102

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Hrm, a reoccuring theme throughout the series seems to be Naruto redeeming souls. First the little boy in the first Arc, and Zabuza. Then the next one was Gaara.

    While it would be interesting to see Naruto fail in this instance, it would really break up a pattern in the anime.

    I'm hoping the writing comes up with something creative as far as how the redemption of Sasuke occurs, but who knows.

    I really can't see sasuke becoming a villain at this time due to the roll of evil sharingan user being filled by itachi.

  3. #103
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Hmm. You might have a point. But I think for Sasuke it would be different, this time.

    Yup. Break up the pattern. Naruto failing. And Sasuke running to Oro. That would be different. LIke I've said, we'll see Sasuke learn from Oro, then eventually kills Oro. He'll probably go missing for years.. and well see him make a comeback as a different person. Probably one lusting for firepower, that he'll go to any extent... maybe even trying to take the kyuubi from Naruto, just to kill Itachi.

    But I have a feeling, learning from Orochimaru would probably advance his abilities by a huge ammount. Probably/hopefullly putting him on par with Itachi in the far future.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  4. #104
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    just learning from orochimaru wont be enough since orochimaru only is after his body he cant learn enough to defeat itachi. it would be idiotic to train your future body, what if he finds out what orochimaru is up to then oro would be in deep shit since he got a weak body and all. and sasuke will never be able to defeat itachi if he remains in the past. his running and bein afraid of itachi wont work and the free power seeking wont work either he will lose in the end if he continues like this. do you really think this series will show a guy that take the easiest road possible and then succeed(sp?) i dont think it will.

  5. #105

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Originally posted by: Chiyo
    nobody will be happy about that, why are you happy about that? thats not the right way, it may be so:
    Naruto beats Sasuke.
    Sasuke: Why? that can't I wrong?
    then he faints
    Naruto looks at him and carry Sasuke
    Naruto: I'm glad!
    then he take him back to the village ^^

    that would be happy ^^
    thats the point this is not a going to end with a happy ending
    sasuke was meant to leave sicne chapter 4 it was built up in the chunnin exam arc
    and the coup de grace was delivered in the itachi arc...hes not coming back

    and i dont think that sasuke will be the whole since of the word...i think he will have a problem attacking the leaf
    my theory is that he will be like kimimaro and think of himself as a vessle ...but only after he completes his goal
    after he kill itachi what use does he have of his body?

    if sasuke is going back to the leaf is will be after itachi is sleeping in the dirt

  6. #106

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    @Detah BOO Z yeah I'm a girl, you are right ^^

    hmm...maybe he will go to Oro, but I hope it will turn out in the end so, that he comes back to te leaf and see that he did the wrong thing! I don't think that he can attack the leaf, how an other person here just said before^^ It will all turn out good in the end, I hope! But I really don't want that Sasuke go to Oro, but thats only my wish, ne guys? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  7. #107
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    I always thought the overall moral of the series is that power gained by hatred is worthless, and not nearly as powerful as power gained from the desire to protect someone or something.

    -Gaara, after being taught this lesson, become much more powerful with the "super/uber dense Shakuku sand" or whatever that was.

    -Haku was more powerful than Zabuza because he was protecting Zabuza.

    -Naruto (i don't really have to say anymore about Naruto that everyone doesn't already know)

    -3rd and 5th Hokages (Tsunade becoming stronger after she accepted the position)

    -Even Sakura with that part where she cut off her hair to protect Naruto and Sasuke (not as big though)

    -Every curse seal guardian has lost to someone protecting Leaf or at least the intention of the mission.

    The whole business with the curse seals is all about not letting yourself be absorbed by hatred. Especially with the whole 'no further development' concept.

    Sasuke will probably win or if not, at least run off. Oro can't take Sasuke's body for 3 years and Sasuke will end up learning the hard way that hatred doesn't mean more strength. Even Itachi doesn't give into his hate, he just kills people to test his own strength (I assume he has nothing against them personally).

    Here's hoping a new story arc will actually open up this year !!

  8. #108
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    that pretty much covered it. sasuke will never gain the power to defeat itachi if he stays with oro. since he will go there after the fight.

  9. #109

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Yeah, it's pretty obvious that Sasuke won't gain any strength as long as he fights "against Itachi" instead of "for his friends". That's the main theme of Naruto after all.
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  10. #110

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    so...whats gonne happen to team 7

    sasuke is definately not coming back ,thats what this whole arc was about.

    so will they get a new member or something?
    cuz u cant take chuunin exam etc with only 2 ppl

  11. #111
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    they didn't function as a team anyway, so there's no reason to give a damn about it anyway...

    and besides, lots of guys will need medical care after this arc, so there might be a shuffle in the teams...

    i say that they should let Naruto pimp around a bit, so he could compenstate on all the time he wasted on Sasuke.... let him be with Hinata and Tenten in the same team, under the care of Kuranai or Anko...

    the rest can go to hell, anyway

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  12. #112

    Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Even Itachi doesn't give into his hate, he just kills people to test his own strength (I assume he has nothing against them personally).

    wrong! itachi wants sasuke to dive into hatred

  13. #113

    Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Even Itachi doesn't give into his hate, he just kills people to test his own strength (I assume he has nothing against them personally).
    wrong! itachi wants sasuke to dive into hatred

    Perhaps you should reread what you quoted.

  14. #114

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    maybe i should... ...

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