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Thread: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

  1. #81

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    naruto doesnt have to get beaten to lose this fight...his failure means the failure of everyone...shikamaru will fail his first mission
    neji and chouji will have sacrificed their lives in vain...naruto will fail sakura...for naruto to lose the conditions are clear:
    sasuke doesnt return...and that is the ultimate goal of this arc
    if sasuke kicks narutos ass - naruto loses
    if sasuke runs away like the punk he is - naruto loses

    futhermore i dont think anyone will butt in this fight ... itachi showing up is just silly and there is nothing that even points into the direction of that happening

    and if there is a time jump it is not a bad idea...someone said good animes have flashbacks bad animes have time to explain what makes a time jump so bad?

  2. #82

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Originally posted by: CyberPunk
    i'm hoping itachi shows up and snatches naruto forcing sasuke to go all out and seek his vengeance right then and there. if sasuke activates the second level of his seal, he just might be able to take itachi if in fact he does gain those extra sharingan abilities.
    I bet sasuke's level 2 can't even beat Kakashi. hes just a weak lil boy.

    to beat itachi , you're gonna need like level 4 curse seal.

    this is my speculation-
    Naruto beats sasuke.
    Naruto: Sasuke, lets go home.
    Sasuke: Ok Naruto you win.
    Naruto turns around, walks away.
    Sasuke from behind hits him hard in the back of the head.
    Naruto faints.
    Sasuke : Not enough power............... im coming orochimaru-sama.

  3. #83
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    sounds pretty good, that way naruto gets a win and that annoying sasuke brat still goes to orochimaru. and everyone is happy.

  4. #84

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    nobody will be happy about that, why are you happy about that? thats not the right way, it may be so:
    Naruto beats Sasuke.
    Sasuke: Why? that can't I wrong?
    then he faints
    Naruto looks at him and carry Sasuke
    Naruto: I'm glad!
    then he take him back to the village ^^

    that would be happy ^^

  5. #85

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    it wouldn't make me happy. if that were to happen, this would be like pokemon, where eveyrone is happy. (gay)

  6. #86

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    no it isn't! it have to be so that Naruto wins and take Sasuke back to the village! Forgett the dialog, but the other thing have to be so ^^

  7. #87
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Originally posted by: Chiyo
    nobody will be happy about that, why are you happy about that? thats not the right way, it may be so:
    Naruto beats Sasuke.
    Sasuke: Why? that can't I wrong?
    then he faints
    Naruto looks at him and carry Sasuke
    Naruto: I'm glad!
    then he take him back to the village ^^

    that would be happy ^^
    no it wouldnt make me happy since i want some plot development and for that sasuke needs to go to orochimaru, if he comes back to konoha we will be at square one again. which means this entire arc and 2 characters possible deaths would be wasted.

  8. #88

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    but I don't want that sasuke go to Orochimaru! Orochimaru will take his entire body and then whats about Sasuke? He is my favourite charakter [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  9. #89
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    oh so you like him that much ey, even after you have read the manga. thats pretty rare i guess. he is good for the story but he is an ass. it wouldnt work out if he dont go to orochimaru and im sure something will happen so he ends up in konoha again, he is one of the main characters....

  10. #90

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    yeah I like him that much ^^ I know he does thinks they are really bad and that was not correct, but I try to understand him and it work in some way! I'm sure that he will realize that was he did was wrong and that Naruto and Sasuke become the best friends ^^ I'm optimistic *lol* ^^

  11. #91
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Chiyo, let me guess that you're a girl, right?

    there's no way that Sasuke will realize his mistake now, if you would have paid any bit of attention to what happened during the last 45 chapters you would have known that too...
    Sasuke has to get away from the leaf village, we've seen him taking every single plotical step in order to do that (heck, he even died for that...), to have him come back now would be the equivelent of bringing Neji's father back to life - pointless and stupid...

    there are lot's of ways for Naruto to win and still have Sasuke escape, my favorite is "sasuke is assumed dead", becuase it allowes the Sasuke plotline to rest a bit...

    and by the way, did anyone else find Jing's scenrio awefully resembling DBZ 217? i mean, Sasuke being Vegita and Hitting Naruto (goku) from the behined in the middle of thier fight?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  12. #92
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    lol, theres nothing to understand other than his family got killed by his older brother which should have resulted in serious trauma and then living on his own since he was a child which would have been very hard. someting i forgot oh yea being surpassed by naruto a.k.a loser ninja. well it would be pretty hard to live with but a person with a strong mind would live through it. okay he has been through alot but its not enough reason to act like a jackass all the time, take your own life, yes but not act like a jackass.

  13. #93
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Ill drink to that, sasuke needs to learn that hatred and betrayal doesnt make you stronger(even though Jackass sasuke may think that) you usually become stronger by letting go (DBZ: remember when gohan was fighting cell) and that clinging on to the past makes him RETARTED

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  14. #94
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    yep yep, you cant grow if you remain in the past. yea i think i remember that he gets beaten like helle right before he understands that he is much much stronger.(gohan that is) some off topic here sorry...

  15. #95
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Originally posted by: Chiyo
    nobody will be happy about that, why are you happy about that? thats not the right way, it may be so:
    Naruto beats Sasuke.
    Sasuke: Why? that can't I wrong?
    then he faints
    Naruto looks at him and carry Sasuke
    Naruto: I'm glad!
    then he take him back to the village ^^

    that would be happy ^^
    that's the dumbest thing i've read today. i like sasuke too but if he goes back to konoha, i'll shit on everyone.

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  16. #96
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    THAT is something i want to see [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] no seriously if he comes back ill do something to this series ill become the story writer or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #97
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Well I dont want to see, Nasty

    R.I.P Captain America.

  18. #98

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Its OBVIOUS that Naruto will kill Sasuke, then do a kage and a henge and replace the old Sasuke. Of course to complete the effect, Naruto will perform "hypnotic no jutsu" on his kage bushin clone to make him believe that he's really sasuke.

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  19. #99

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    good chapter, crosses finger and hopes for naruto to kik sasukes ass and drag his ass bag to the hidden leaf village where he will forever be in shame of having naruto kik his ass well. well thats just what i hope happens

  20. #100

    RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]

    Sasuke definetly wont come back now even if he loses to Naruto because it would be pointless for him to be brought back by force. He needs first to see that we he desires is wrong. Naruto whooping his ass wouldnt make him come back because Sasuke would just become angrier at him. The only for Sasuke to come back is for him to come back willingly. This will only happen if someone he cares about is about to die or something and then he realizes the errors of his ways and saves them. He left because he convinced himself that his friends dont matter, so he needs it proven to himself that he cares in order for him to ever be able to come back. I really think that he never will come back and instead will just turn good again just in time to die to save someone else.

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