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Thread: GITS: SAC Episode Titles

  1. #1

    GITS: SAC Episode Titles

    a month or 2 ago i had to use xcopy in dos to save all my movies from being deleted, but in the process all the files were renamed things like STD270~1. I have been able to rename up to episode 15 but i cant find anymore of the episode titles and numbers.

    So I was hoping that anyone on this forum who has the episodes can help me out by posting their titles and number. (eg 15 - Machines Desirantes)

    Edit: What is with that answer thing?

  2. #2

    GITS: SAC Episode Titles

    The first 26 are 1st gig, after that is 2nd gig.

    Edit - usually that answer thing is basically for when someone answers your question, they can mark the topic as having been answered...

  3. #3

    GITS: SAC Episode Titles

    awesome thanks man

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