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Thread: Naruto's secret

  1. #1

    Naruto's secret

    So, i'm not sure if this has been discussed. But now that the 3rd is dead. Will people start talking out loud about naruto having the kyubi inside. Will the other 11 main genins find out? and if so, how will they react? Especially sasuke and sakura. Let me know what you guys think.

  2. #2
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto's secret

    Why would they start talking after the 3rd is dead? Anyway, the 3rd's been dead for ages, and nobody's said anything yet.

    I think Sasuke and Sakura already suspect something. I mean, Naruto can somehow just pull chakra out of nowhere, it's pretty obvious.
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  3. #3
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto's secret

    if sasuke can't figure out what's up with naruto, then he is an idiot. cuz naruto sucks, so sasuke has to know that there is more than just determination and will involved.

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  4. #4

    RE: Naruto's secret

    Well, no one's talked about it yet because they're busy rebuilding their village and worrying about safety. But as naruto returns and becomes a better ninja it will happen. Also team 7 is a pretty damn strong genin team. they'll get attention sooner or later even though sakura is useless.

  5. #5

    RE: Naruto's secret

    Actually, his secret being revealed would be a good thing. Then he'd really have to bust his hump to show that he's not some kid who relies on kyuubi to do all the fighting for him.

  6. #6
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto's secret

    Sasuke already knows about it. Sakura was sleeping!! Lazy bum.

    Talk about it?? Hmm. Maybe not, because Sasuke isn't the social type. And Sakura, likewise, sleeping. Lazy lazy girl. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Even if the gennins do know, Naruto has been rather nice, and not claiming everybodies blood. So for the most, logically, I would think, is people would still react the same to him. Good ol noisy naruto.

    Just like, you know your best friend for so long, and one day he tells you his gay.

    Hmm. Bad example.
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  7. #7
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto's secret

    Originally posted by: hornetmike
    Well, no one's talked about it yet because they're busy rebuilding their village and worrying about safety. But as naruto returns and becomes a better ninja it will happen. Also team 7 is a pretty damn strong genin team. they'll get attention sooner or later even though sakura is useless.
    team 7 doesnt exist anymore sasuke has abandoned the leaf, he threw away his forehaed protector and running to orochimaru.......

    if sasuke dont suspect anything hes a moron dont know about sakura tho since she always have been knocked out when naruto uses kyubi power(exept the chuunin exam fight against neji). and why would they talk about kyubi now? its not like the law doesnt exist anymore, tsunade is the hokage now and probably havent changed that law.

  8. #8
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto's secret

    Sasuke doesn't know about it, if he did, then he wouldn't have run off to Orochimaru.
    Sasuke hasn't seen a few stages in Naruto's development, he didn't see him kicking Haku's ass (which is a good thing) he hasn't seen him fighting neither Kiba nor Neji, he doesn't know he fought Kabuto (actually, he doesn't even know Kabuto is evil) from sasuke's point of view, Naruto has gone right through the loser child in the academy, to saving his ass twice (2nd exam, and gaara fight) with 'magic' power, stole his life perpouse (in the Itachi incident) and even outdone him (hospital fight).

    and since Sasuke believes in blood rights and supremity of bodies, he knows that something isn't right in the leaf if Naruto (the supreme looser) is getting stronger than him (the heir to the Uchihas), and when someone presents him the oppertuinity to get stronger in a short time, while throwing in some carefully thought of remarks (the potentiel crap, and what the sound 4 said), Sasuke goes crazy to restore his pride as superior, and runs off with the sound...

    if Sasuke would have known about the fox, he could have said to himself that it's only because of the monster that his brother is so intrested in Naruto and that the only reason Naruto grows stronger is the fox.

    that would be a perfect lie that he could tell himself while he's angsting about his family instead of doing real trainning.

    about the rest of the genins, i reckon that only Sakura, Kiba and Neji would be able to see through the fox and believe that Naruto's strenght comes from him, and not only because of the demon,,,, actully, i'm not sure about Kiba, he has a 50\50 chance to understand that, it all depends if he lives to that point. Shikamaru isn't in the list becuase it would be too tiresome for him to change his attitude towards someone.

    And Hinata? i thought it goes without saying, but since i'm already saying it, then i'm sure she won't change her behavior towards him, maybe she'll even use this chance to get closer to him...

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  9. #9

    RE: Naruto's secret

    The other genin probably don't understand that Naruto's hidden power comes from Kyubi, but they know he has one. Naruto sucks without it (could barely beat Kiba), so it's pretty obvious.

  10. #10

    RE: Naruto's secret

    I wonder what Lee woul think. Also, i'm almost sure that sasuke doesn't know about naruto yet. He jut feels like his potential is being stunted in the leaf. and also that a loser like naruto is outdoing him while he remains pretty much the same.

  11. #11
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto's secret

    naruto isnt really a loser. he learned the rasengan in a week and he mastered kage bunshin in less than a day and his worst skill was bunshin no jutsu. he is also very dedicated and trains everyday. the loser is sasuke even if he got potential he doesnt take advantage of it.

  12. #12

    RE: Naruto's secret

    The loser part was "hello" sarcasm. we know he's not a loser, but that's what he's thought of by everyone as a loser. even though kakashi realizes his potential, he still doesn't really take him very seriously. Especially when it comes to training.

  13. #13

    RE: Naruto's secret

    THe only people who know are the older people in the village. I do however tihnk Sasuke suspects something from his reaction in the Gaaraa fight when Naruto did the henge (is that what it was called, i cant remeber) jutsu and he recaled all the past memories of naruto "loer"ing it up. He definatley thinks he either has a secret power or has trained really hard. No one else suspects it. Possibly Sakura as she was told he saved her, other then that I tihnk the Genins dont know.

  14. #14

    Naruto's secret

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    Sasuke already knows about it. Sakura was sleeping!! Lazy bum.

    Talk about it?? Hmm. Maybe not, because Sasuke isn't the social type. And Sakura, likewise, sleeping. Lazy lazy girl. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Even if the gennins do know, Naruto has been rather nice, and not claiming everybodies blood. So for the most, logically, I would think, is people would still react the same to him. Good ol noisy naruto.

    Just like, you know your best friend for so long, and one day he tells you his gay.

    Hmm. Bad example.

    Sasuke is not aware of it cuz he is blinded by his obsession with his superiority. Anything nartuo does thats looks impressive, sasuke reacts surpised then angry then pity.

    Naruto doesnt change form like gaara, for genin to figure it out by themselves is very unlikely, they are not going to say , o hey hes the kyubi, o wait whats a kyubi?

    good example , Neji, who fought naruto and saw the fox in him. And becaus of Neji's back ground(it various with every char cuz of their goals/hope and personality) he didnt see the kyubi but a guy who can change fate . Of course it helps that Naruto being clumsy/noisy/loser then determined/courageous in criticial situations, that precept in every anime's main char has a strong effect on ppl. (another example ,Gaara vs Naruto)

  15. #15
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto's secret

    Sasuke feels totally threatened by Naruto's growth. Because Sasuke is trying to be the strongest ninja in the village to kill his brother. And when he see's a nobody like Naruto far surpass him, thats the wakeup call that he should do something about it.

    Not only that, Sasuke is supposed to be a prodigy and the last of his clan. The last surviving member either than Itachi. It's hard to imagine the enormous ammount of self inflicted pressure that falls on himself.

    I was in awe at the stupid look on Sasuke's face when Naruto Kage Bunshin a whole forest of himself, and summonned the Gamabunta in the anime several episodes ago.

    And the easiest/stupidest path to excel is to cheat his way up. Going after Orochimaru.
    But like Kakashi says, if he succumbs to Oro's 'free power', thats the end of his growth. I wonder how much truth is in that.

    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  16. #16

    RE: Naruto's secret

    couldn't have put it better myself. Though, sasuke is bound to find out jirya(forgot spelling) is teaching naruto if he doesn't already know. If he does, then that could be a reason as to why he's going to oro. because he feels he's not learning enough at the village. even though he has kakashi as his personal bitch. while kakashi pretty much ignores naruto and sakura.

    Speaking of which! What is wrong with that guy? he's willing to spend so much time with sasuke but not the others. he doesn't meet them when they don't have missions. It's half his fault that sakura is so useless in the first place. isn't a teacher suppose to provide guidance. he really needs to put that damn dirty book down. and start teaching his team and train them. even gai to some time to train his team eventhough lee is his favorite. but then again, lee was also the one who needed the most work.

  17. #17

    RE: Naruto's secret


    Jiraya told Kakashi level isnt enough anymore to teach Naruto and that he would train and prepare Naruto for Akatsuki or other dangers.

    Jiraya trained the 4th and so he can surely make Naruto a very good ninja. It will be intresting to see in about 50 chapters how good Jiraya has made Naruto.

  18. #18

    RE: Naruto's secret

    Well , yeah. I know that part but it still doesn't excuse his being lazy at his job. I mean he just tossed them into the chunnin exam without any real preparation. that's just reackless. also how is it he doesn't teach sakura. she's supposed to be smart yet we don't see him telling her to work harder like he says to naruto. I'm pretty sure his level is more than enough to teach sakura's useless ass.

  19. #19

    RE: Naruto's secret

    I think he trains Sakura but we dont get to see it. Maybe once she uses a technique in a fight they might show how she learned it from Kakashi.

  20. #20

    RE: Naruto's secret

    She learned Kai (Cancel) from Kakashi, which is a pretty high level Genjutsu dispersion technique, seeing as we only saw ANBU and Jounin using it.

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