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Thread: Sigs

  1. #1


    Hi there, just a quick question

    could somebody tell me how to create a sig/ tell me of a sig making program and how to get it on gotwoot? as soon as i get an asnwer, feel free to delete this post. Thanks

  2. #2


    wrong place buddy

    u should go to other support... plenty of old thread there u can find answer

  3. #3


    i've checked "otehr support" but there's like nothing there...cos nobody really goes there, this is the main place for people. I figured if i post here lots more people will see it and more help will ensue. I noticed that you posted there urself...did u manage to find out how?

  4. #4


    try the fanart section...
    and the general section for the rules on size and what not

  5. #5

    RE: Sigs

    If you still haven't found it, try search under General Discussion.

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