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Thread: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

  1. #21

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
    Originally posted by: L8r
    do you give them money to sub any of the anime? im thinking no.... they do this in their on free time....
    so STFU and w8

    and i think mut@t@ could be on to something there
    Hello there mr donator-of-money-to-anime-fansubs.....i'd like to see you give them money b4 you start ranting about not paying? Not my fault u're more of a "shit i cant be assed to wait i'll just get whichever release is first no matter the quality" kinda person. A/A rules.
    im sorry to say i dont give money...dont have any to give.... BUT i dont bitch about it if a ep is late...
    i dont care if there a week late i dont go and whine about it
    and i always wait for AA's sub becuse i want good Q...i would wiat for TW subs if they wasnt so behinde

  2. #22

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: L8r
    Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
    Originally posted by: L8r
    do you give them money to sub any of the anime? im thinking no.... they do this in their on free time....
    so STFU and w8

    and i think mut@t@ could be on to something there
    Hello there mr donator-of-money-to-anime-fansubs.....i'd like to see you give them money b4 you start ranting about not paying? Not my fault u're more of a "shit i cant be assed to wait i'll just get whichever release is first no matter the quality" kinda person. A/A rules.
    im sorry to say i dont give money...dont have any to give.... BUT i dont bitch about it if a ep is late...
    i dont care if there a week late i dont go and whine about it
    and i always wait for AA's sub becuse i want good Q...i would wiat for TW subs if they wasnt so behinde seems that no matter how indirectly, you've just bitched about TW being i don't think you have any right to tell me not to.

  3. #23

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Nice spam Zabuza No Jutsu.

    Your all overreacting, they will get them out when they can, they might be backed up from that problem with their server still or have a new problem, just wait.

    Edit vvvv

    and posting 3 post one after the other when they could all just as easily fit in one post isn't....?

  4. #24

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    v_v the episode will come out when it comes out... so let's just appreciate that Anbu-AonE subs it and at such a good job in their spare time

  5. #25

    RE: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Nice spam Zabuza No Jutsu.

    Your all overreacting, they will get them out when they can, they might be backed up from that problem with their server still or have a new problem, just wait.
    it's nto spam, it's a reply to a previous post yeah? spam would be when you just randomly type something which has absolutely no relevance to any posts in the topic. And who died and made you god of spam?

  6. #26
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Help.. I'm dying. My right arm just fell off, and the skin on my face is peeling. I need Narutooooo.. heeelppp mee pleeeaseeee...

    *Slowly dissolves into goo puddle*

    They are late neway. Hope they have it when I wake up tomorrow morning [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    *Goes down and prays to Lord Anbu/Aone for swift subbings*
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  7. #27

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    *tries to fix Stoopiders arm*

    Blergh!! sticky mess! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    I don't mind a sametime release for 86 and 87, more fun to watch eps right after each other anyway [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    As long as they keep up our Naruto fix it'll all be fine.. right? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  8. #28

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    I wont deny, anbu-aone's the best, there really isnt any competition there. I'm just saying that instead of posting here only to have an asshole like DeluxSkillz or L8R shit on you and tell you the same thing weve heard so many other times anbu wasnt fast to release an episode, just download another sub until then.

  9. #29

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Cmon guys its only monday you can wait a few more weeks. Its not like we're paying them to do this for us. Just be greatful they do it!

    Now find something to do in the meantime check out some of their other subbed series.

  10. #30
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    RE: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    for Anbu-Aone translations...everyone who comes here knows that they have to be patient. and if you can't then just watch a bakafish version or something..that's it.

  11. #31
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    spam: not being able to understand what the EDIT button is for and posting consecutively with each reply posted less than 2 minutes apart.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  12. #32

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    if you guys didn't know, it's final's week for college students.

  13. #33

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    v_v that it is..

  14. #34

    RE: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    We don't know. Locked.

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