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Thread: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

  1. #1

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Hey guys..

    Just wondering, does anybody know when Anbu-Aone will release their sub of episode 86? I mean, i know that they always take a bit longer because they have so many other series to sub and they provide the best (IMO) translations but - come on! 87 will be aired in 2 days n they still havent released it.

  2. #2

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    worst case scenario they'll probably release both 86 and 87 this weekend.

  3. #3

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    shut up and die NEVER ask about AonE's version it'll be out when it's out they don't care if 87 airs in 2 days they will release it when it's ready and that's that

  4. #4

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    shut up and die NEVER ask about AonE's version it'll be out when it's out they don't care if 87 airs in 2 days they will release it when it's ready and that's that
    Woooah man...take a chill pill dattebayo! Was only asking....sheesh

  5. #5

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86


    Calm down there. I know you guys used to get this question alot, but its not like anyone has asked it recently. Why not just deliver your message in a more how to say.... calm and restrained manner?

  6. #6

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: CyberPunk
    worst case scenario they'll probably release both 86 and 87 this weekend.
    That'd be unusual of them...but i suppose it's possible. Earliest i've seen them release is a Friday, but altely they've been very behind. Can't blame them though, if you go to Anbu Dom's Website then you'll see how many animes they sub.

  7. #7

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: CyberPunk
    worst case scenario they'll probably release both 86 and 87 this weekend.
    I only think they would do that is if the show actually had a double episode (like 26-27/ somewhere in the 60's)

    To hell with this "loyalty" gag people talk with here. Sure, S-O may have a couple of typos in the text, and their subtitles arent as reader-friendly as anbu-aone, but its still the same show.

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    no, its not the same show when the translations fail to tell the story the way its meant to be told

    S-O is evil
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    no, its not the same show when the translations fail to tell the story the way its meant to be told

    S-O is evil
    I agree! lol i mean Shin Otaku are pretty new...Anbu's been releasing top-quality translations for ages...why'd u think gotwoot shows only their translations? BECAUSE THEY'RE THE BEST!

  10. #10
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    no, its not the same show when the translations fail to tell the story the way its meant to be told

    S-O is evil
    I agree! lol i mean Shin Otaku are pretty new...Anbu's been releasing top-quality translations for ages...why'd u think gotwoot shows only their translations? BECAUSE THEY'RE THE BEST!
    OR it's because gotwoot is affiliated with them...

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  11. #11

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    no, its not the same show when the translations fail to tell the story the way its meant to be told

    S-O is evil
    I agree! lol i mean Shin Otaku are pretty new...Anbu's been releasing top-quality translations for ages...why'd u think gotwoot shows only their translations? BECAUSE THEY'RE THE BEST!
    OR it's because gotwoot is affiliated with them...
    Does it say that anywhere? I've never seen any mention of it. But Anbu-Aone will always be best IMO, they have good translations, karaoke in tune with the intro music, good sub size and placing, and more people d/l A/A than all other subs combined. (i've seen a story that someone is impatient so he gets whatever release is quickest, but always d/l's A/A to keep on his pc)

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    its well known on the forums that gotwoot is a distro for AA
    in fact i think all of the anime that they offer is from Anbu (or maybe its Aone, i get them mixed up)

    and the sub size and placing is mostly good for somewhere around ep 65 and up
    before that it was painful to watch on a tv
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13

    RE: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    its well known on the forums that gotwoot is a distro for AA
    in fact i think all of the anime that they offer is from Anbu (or maybe its Aone, i get them mixed up)

    and the sub size and placing is mostly good for somewhere around ep 65 and up
    before that it was painful to watch on a tv
    Yeah true, for Tv you need to have some sort of zoom function that'd let you zoom out a bit cos they tend to be below the screen[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  14. #14

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    shut up and die NEVER ask about AonE's version it'll be out when it's out they don't care if 87 airs in 2 days they will release it when it's ready and that's that
    o can it will ya? Every time I check a "waiting for ep.___" thread to come out we got posters like you whom no one gives rat's behind about what they have to say.
    Yea u heard me. I don't even care if you're right about the fact that subs are free and we can wait forever and still be grateful. My beef with you is you're not in a position to say b/c you already went up and saw the stupid manga and/or downloaded a faster sub already.
    It pisses me off, b/c every single freaking time there's a handful of posters who'll say "quit whining about the MONKEY-LOVER NEWBIE" when for ALL those said ppl, their posts are already littering the entire Naruto Open Discussion section and/or Non-anbu/aone Ep. Discussion threads.
    If you're gonna write something mean and then pose as the "objective" contributor to the "waiting for Ep__" topic, then I better not see your face in the "WOWEE Amaterasu just blah nlahblah blah blah" post the day before in the manga section.

    EDIT: 2.5 hrs of sleep last night. Just matter of time before the cranky me went over the edge.

  15. #15
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    maybe... AA doesn't wanna release it cuz we have too many cry babies who complain about late releases. just a guess.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  16. #16

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    do you give them money to sub any of the anime? im thinking no.... they do this in their on free time....
    so STFU and w8

    and i think mut@t@ could be on to something there

  17. #17

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    maybe... AA doesn't wanna release it cuz we have too many cry babies who complain about late releases. just a guess.
    hmm let's think about that one. NO?

  18. #18

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: Jeff_from_MD
    shut up and die NEVER ask about AonE's version it'll be out when it's out they don't care if 87 airs in 2 days they will release it when it's ready and that's that
    o can it will ya? Every time I check a "waiting for ep.___" thread to come out we got posters like you whom no one gives rat's behind about what they have to say.
    Yea u heard me. I don't even care if you're right about the fact that subs are free and we can wait forever and still be grateful. My beef with you is you're not in a position to say b/c you already went up and saw the stupid manga and/or downloaded a faster sub already.
    It pisses me off, b/c every single freaking time there's a handful of posters who'll say "quit whining about the MONKEY-LOVER NEWBIE" when for ALL those said ppl, their posts are already littering the entire Naruto Open Discussion section and/or Non-anbu/aone Ep. Discussion threads.
    If you're gonna write something mean and then pose as the "objective" contributor to the "waiting for Ep__" topic, then I better not see your face in the "WOWEE Amaterasu just blah nlahblah blah blah" post the day before in the manga section.

    EDIT: 2.5 hrs of sleep last night. Just matter of time before the cranky me went over the edge.
    GO JEFF! lol i tottally agree with ya

  19. #19

    Anbu-Aone Episode 86

    Originally posted by: L8r
    do you give them money to sub any of the anime? im thinking no.... they do this in their on free time....
    so STFU and w8

    and i think mut@t@ could be on to something there
    Hello there mr donator-of-money-to-anime-fansubs.....i'd like to see you give them money b4 you start ranting about not paying? Not my fault u're more of a "shit i cant be assed to wait i'll just get whichever release is first no matter the quality" kinda person. A/A rules.

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Anbu-Aone Episode 86

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