what about iruka? to take in an orphan and raise him when he (kinda) was responsible for the murder of his parents. gotta give him his dues.
what about iruka? to take in an orphan and raise him when he (kinda) was responsible for the murder of his parents. gotta give him his dues.
Tsunade, for never giving up on her dreams of gambling, even though she's the legendary loser.. haha
lol.. i m not adding anymore ppl.. and for sakura fans.. there isnoway i m adding sakura... V_V....
you guys are very funny though.. LOL
I would say Naruto, for stealing Sasuke's first kiss away from Sakura [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] plus the face he had was priceless
I forget if I asked this before, I think I forgot to. If Naruto is the 4th's kid then I wonder if he would be able to become as powerful as the 4th without kyubii (however you spell that). Anyway, I understand Naruto's character and the desire to be noticed and appriciated, so he gets my vote. He is the polar opposite of a coward.
we do not know the relationship between the 4th and naruto
i can't edit or add any polls so don't ask me to add anyone or anything..
Edit: looks like it's just computer prob.. @_@ dunno what happened..
I wanna pick Sakura, but she aint in the list!
Just kidding Miaka [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
not good to joke around about sakura with miaka..i do remember her getting violent about it once [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
you wanna die? going in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]... you must have a death wish..
edit: it doesn't matter... ^_^ cause i own a helicoptor...
Hehe, i did check ur profile first to see where u live
And that's nowhere near me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
[lots of edits removed]
ok.. from no on.. let's use editing option.. since ppl will get mad at us.. if we post a lot.. i wrote my answers in editing
this is interesting, with all the edits...=P
3rd, he was what being Hokage was all about. loving your village and protecting everyone in it. he was very unselfish and heroic *sniff*
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] i would like to see more votes on here..
so many kewl characters in naruto.. don't you guys agree?
I respect Kabuto. He got beaten by Naruto and still found the courage to live with the shame.
i chose sasuke. he is far from my favorite character, but he at least know that he sucks and hes trying to always improve himself.
Rock Lee, hard working type.
i also have respect for lee. all the characters have some drama/hard life experience to deal with but lee's journey really shows how hardwork can pay off. i mean he can't use chakra to do jutsus but still manages to make up for it by training hard.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
^_^ yeah... if he continues to work hard.. i think he would at least be in gai's level.. ^_^ even without genjitsu or ninjutsu