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Thread: Neji's possible jutsus

  1. #81

    Neji's possible jutsus

    WAAARGH FOR F*CKS SAKES! Ive only read the first page of this damn thread and had to go to the effort of changing my password cos I forgot it JUST TO SAY HOW DUMB THIS POLARIS79 dude is. For fucks sakes dude. Sharingan has the quickest reaction time, by using sharingan, the user can READ YOUR MOVEMENTS AS SOON AS YOU DECIDE TO USE THEM. Sharingan doesn't have to see you move, it can TELL what you are going to do thus offering superior reactions. Byakugan can just see 360 degress plus it can see chakra in people and their insides (to some extent), it cannot, well, almost-read-minds like the sharingan does. Really dude, EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD IS SAYING THE SAME THING MAN. Byakugan is not as good as Sharingan for reactions as Byakugan entirely relies on the user to see and react to a counter, Whereas Sharingan is relied on BY the user to let him/her know what move the opponent is about to use. Take a look at Kakashi vs Itachi's mmate with the Eat-y Sword, Kakashi managed to pull off the same water jutsu as this dude before he'd even done it. They both formed hand seals EXACTLY the same time, because kakashi could see (using sharingan) what he was going to do. [And before anyone says it, I dont mean the fight against Zabuza where he hypnotised him] There is no way on earth a byakugan user would have been able to do this, because they can only SEE WHAT IS PHYSICALLY HAPPENING, they cannot interpret peoples thought/movement patterns like the Sharingan can.

    For fucks sakes dude. We million people who are arguing with you are right. And there's no point saying "I disagree" because its not an opinion based matter, its fact that what we are all saying is correct.


    P.S - Ive now gone on to read the rest, and noticed that the tard to whom i was earlier referring shut his cake-hole. Good stuff, however some of you guys really dont know shit man. Ur all talking about what this guy said or what the abilities are, orWHETHER NEJI COULD DO RASENGAN. Im sure neji could do rasengan, im sure with enough practise, fucking that litle kid - Konohamaru - could fucking do the rasengan. Jeebus! i think generally the idea is that AT that age onloy 4th and Jirayia could do the rasengan (sounds like a dance dunnit). Crikey, look, Kakashis comment about better insight from byakugan meant that he was able to see the tenketsu and the flow of chakra, Neji's face reading theory is bullshit he just knows how to read peoples movement, Sharingan lets you read peoples thoughts (good example already used, the Zabuza talking bit with kakashi, and the example i used earlier with Eat-y Sword guy) . So really shut up all you cocks, and simply if you dont know what ur on about, dont post is son.


  2. #82
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    interesting rationality, Hero-Sennin, however your hastily written vent of rage does little to support your argument. If you read through the whole conversation, you'd catch some points that support the idea that byakugan can see the enemy's movements just as well as the sharingan can (reading jutsus is a different matter, but thats just a little plus for sharingan's behalf). Rasengan, sure, its a crazy technique that took the 4th three years to master, but that doesnt mean neji couldnt perform it half-decently after 6 years of training.

    Also, you're wrong about sharingan reading people's doesnt.....
    re-watch the scene where kakashi fights zabuza on the bridge. Zabuza specifically says that kakashi uses hypnoses to make people THINK he can read their mind, by suggesting to them the moves and actions that he wants them to perform.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #83

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Hey dude, thanks for replying. Blatantly i didnt explain myself properly, because im sorta known to come on in stoned ramblings. Im sober for once look! Wahay. My main points are

    Sharingan is capable of allowing the user more time to react than that of a byakugan user because byakugan does not work the same as the sharingan does. Regardless of the fact that Byakugan can see the tenketsu and chakra paths etc, and regardless of the fact the byakugan has such a good scope of vision (360 and long distance) it doesnt give the same reaction time to the user. A Sharingan user would see a move faster than a Byakugan user.

    To do the Chidori, as explained by Kakashi, one uses a Staight thrust. This is a head on move which requires the speed of sight provided by the Sharingan (which is quicker than the Byakugan), and the supreme Taijutsu ability (for instance that of Rock Lee) in order to have the speed to avoid any counter attack.

    At the moment Neji doesn't have the 'eye' for it nor the speed.
    And so my conclusion is that he is incapable of doing the Chidori (without getting killed in the process).

    In regards to Rasengan, You misread my bit there dude. I agreed that Neji could do Rasengan. I doubt he has half the Chakra capacity to do it as well as Naruto (with his cheating bastard Kuybi), but like I said above, even that little Konohamaru guy could probably do the Rasengan - with enough practise.

    And the episode I was referring to I am completely aware that he was 'making' Zabuza do those moves. What I was referring to is the way that as soon as Zabuza decided what he was going to SAY to Kakashi, kakashi knew what he was going to say - "That damn monkey eye..." "'...Is Freaking me out' right?".

    Plus more evidence to prve that Sharingan sorta reads minds - Not entirely reads minds, but can read what your brain is telling your body to do if you get me.

    When Kakashi and Itachi are fighting over the lake, Kakashi cant even see the hand forming the seals but knows what technique to expect and managed to dodge accordingly. Plus when his replication is fighting Itachi's mate, he copies his move instantly, this wasn't hypnosis, this was reading the movements from his eyes.

  4. #84
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    the reading "minds" is really just reading body movements. and kakashi used the dragon blast no jutsu against zabuza too, so he knew it when he did it to kisame. what he did to zabuza when he "read his mind" was phycology combined with seeing body movement.

    the chidori can probably be done by someone without the sharingan but it wouldnt work as good. Hero-sennin, naruto isnt using kyuubi chakra he is using his own chakra when he does it. he hasnt used kyuubi chakra in a while(exept fighting kimimaro).

  5. #85
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    well Hero-sennin, i have one argument against your first 3 points.....
    when lee was unlocking gates against gaara and started moving faster than anybody could see.....what did both kakashi and neji do? use their bloodlimit. What would be the point of neji using byakugan to watch lee's fight if his eye cant see fast movement? There hasnt yet been a situation that proves a hyuuga CAN'T see a person moving as well as a sharingan user. Since both are of the same lineage, and are similiar in terms of insight, then i cant see why byakugan can't follow an enemy's movements.

    The difference, imo, is that byakugan cant interpret jutsus, which means if the enemy is doing hand seals, then they wouldnt know how to react.

    and with the bridge scene, zabuza specifically says that kakashi's hypnotic eye trick is desgined to make the victim THINK that his mind is being read. And he also clearly states that the reason is from a form of hypnosis that the eye creates. (which is most likely a much weaker version of the tsukuyomi)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #86
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] must have missed that part. then my theory on how he did it goes out the window [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #87
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    oh, btw PSJ, the move kakashi used on kisame wasnt the same as the move he copied from zabuza [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] The one he used on kisame was some "shark missile" thing, i think

    i recall that when he used the water dragon blast on zabuza, zabuza was freaking out about how kakashi was able to perform that jutsu. He was perfectly aware that kakashi can copy stuff, but i wonder if that response he made hints that he has stolen more bloodlines than just the sharingan (as if perhaps the water dragon thing was part of a bloodline of some sort as well)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #88
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    hmm maybe the jutsu kisame used was water dragon missile in that case cause form what i remember it was something with dragon.

  9. #89

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    i think the sharingan reads your opponents body movements and figure out what hes going to do a second before hes does it. or it is like a spidysense. in the first spiderman movie he dodges the punch to him it is in slow motion i think the sharingan reads your enemys movements and you see them moving frame by frame (the frame by frame has been said by someone already) or slow motion so you can effectivly dodge block or counter your opponents attack while the white eyes allow you to see in all directions and see everything down to the smallest detail so my conslusion is that neji could learn it he just would need to be extremly fast to dodge his oppoents attacks

  10. #90
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    hmm maybe the jutsu kisame used was water dragon missile in that case cause form what i remember it was something with dragon.
    zabuza used the water dragon jutsu, kisame used the shark.

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