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Thread: Neji's possible jutsus

  1. #61
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Rasengan 1O1 class!

    the 'perfect' form of the rasengan (at least what we've seen so far) is releasing the pressure of the chackra ball at a single spot. the imprefect form of the rasengan is flawed becuase the chackra is released before the moment of impact, so it's sprades over a wider space, but loses most of it's power...

    when Jiraya showed Naruto the rasengan for the first time (on the stone chunin), he 'popped' the ball in his hands, which caused the chackra to run wild and windy, which pushed the chunin back but without any serious damage...

    so far, Naruto doesn't know what effects the Rasengan has over a human body, seeing how Kabuto took the hit quite well...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  2. #62
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    i think the power of the rasengan is just a matter of HOW much chakra is put in to create the ball shape
    you should be able to make a ball using any variable amount of chakra, since its just the spinning motion of the chakra itself
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #63

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    i'd just like to mention that. Neji CAN learn chidori and rasengan. but of course he probably won't be as effective as sasuke cuz he has sharingan.

    and for neji to learn rasengan, he would have to train for years. maybe 10 years if yondaime was a genius and it took him 3 years.

    because of the fact that Naruto's hands had kyubi's healing power, he was able to learn it quickly. A normal person would have to probably rest for a while/hand explodes from overpracticing.

  4. #64

    Neji's possible jutsus

    i suppose i cant keep quite any longer on this one. the byakagan would be able to use the chidori- its "perceptive" abuility exceeds that of the sharingan. for isnstance. when neji was battling kidomaru he saw that kido was going to attack vai mouth though the chakra movement in his neck and face toward his mouth- it is clear that the tenkesu and meridians were a diffrent coler than the inactive one. Neji would be able to see where an attack was going to come from clearly with this ability. He has the eye, for sure. as for the rasegan well actually teh abuility to push chakra through all the tenkitsu of his body takes incredable chakra control- more than most jounins. as most jounin can only do it through 1 part.

    the fact the neji can see 360 degree's has nothing to do with hs penetrating sight, or his perceptive abuilities. the fact he is able to perform his kaiten- mean that during set spin he is control chakra flow out of his body through every part- further more during his figh with kidomaru he was able to focus cackra 50 out, and only within the few radians of his blind spot.

    i would have to say effective use of chidori is definately possible by Neji, and most likely if told the basics of the rasegan he would be able to figure, how to perform it RELATIVELY easily- with his current chakra control and ability.

    as for power, hrmm i am under the impression Naruto was not using te kyubi chakra when he perform the rasegan. although sme tend to believe so. he has more than enough chakra of his own to perform that technique remember the multiples of kage bushin he performed. during gaara fight- this was before he acces the kyubi chakra from what i can tell- its seen best in the anime as it was blue chkra we know not only from watching te anime but from te conversation with jiraiya about his two chakra and the two colors they are.

  5. #65
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: Lithonite
    i suppose i cant keep quite any longer on this one. the byakagan would be able to use the chidori- its "perceptive" abuility exceeds that of the sharingan. for isnstance. when neji was battling kidomaru he saw that kido was going to attack vai mouth though the chakra movement in his neck and face toward his mouth- it is clear that the tenkesu and meridians were a diffrent coler than the inactive one. Neji would be able to see where an attack was going to come from clearly with this ability. He has the eye, for sure. as for the rasegan well actually teh abuility to push chakra through all the tenkitsu of his body takes incredable chakra control- more than most jounins. as most jounin can only do it through 1 part.

    the fact the neji can see 360 degree's has nothing to do with hs penetrating sight, or his perceptive abuilities. the fact he is able to perform his kaiten- mean that during set spin he is control chakra flow out of his body through every part- further more during his figh with kidomaru he was able to focus cackra 50 out, and only within the few radians of his blind spot.

    i would have to say effective use of chidori is definately possible by Neji, and most likely if told the basics of the rasegan he would be able to figure, how to perform it RELATIVELY easily- with his current chakra control and ability.

    as for power, hrmm i am under the impression Naruto was not using te kyubi chakra when he perform the rasegan. although sme tend to believe so. he has more than enough chakra of his own to perform that technique remember the multiples of kage bushin he performed. during gaara fight- this was before he acces the kyubi chakra from what i can tell- its seen best in the anime as it was blue chkra we know not only from watching te anime but from te conversation with jiraiya about his two chakra and the two colors they are.
    i'm not sure if i understand correctly but... are you trying to say that byukagan can be a replacement for the sharingan for a someone to attack with the chidori effectively? if you are... then i don't think your example about kidoumaru helps your argument. being able to see something as it happens frame by frame, basically in slowmo, is different than seeing something happen at normal speed far away from you.

    if i totally misunderstood you, then nm.

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  6. #66
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    did you guys completely forget about my big post near the end of the previous page? i had a nice explanation of why neji could perform chidori, and some of the pros and cons of doing it with byakugan instead of sharingan
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #67
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    Rasengan 1O1 class!

    the 'perfect' form of the rasengan (at least what we've seen so far) is releasing the pressure of the chackra ball at a single spot. the imprefect form of the rasengan is flawed becuase the chackra is released before the moment of impact, so it's sprades over a wider space, but loses most of it's power...

    when Jiraya showed Naruto the rasengan for the first time (on the stone chunin), he 'popped' the ball in his hands, which caused the chackra to run wild and windy, which pushed the chunin back but without any serious damage...

    so far, Naruto doesn't know what effects the Rasengan has over a human body, seeing how Kabuto took the hit quite well...
    remember what jiraiya showed him on the tree. he showed him how powerful a real rasengan is. if naruto cant think of how the damage will be on a person he cant be smart, and he is smarter than that.

  8. #68
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    You're missing the point. Sharingan, at least in my opinion, grants the user the ability of insight, while the Byakugan grants the user the ability of visiblity. Let me elaborate. A Sharingan user can, for example, see and understand what technique his opponent will use, and therefore also understand that he either needs to move out of the way, or counter it. The theory that it grants automatic reactions is utter bullshit. It is a tool, not a controlling device. The Sharingan isn't doing the fighting. On the other hand, a Byakugan user can see around himself (referring to Neji) in pretty much a 360 degree circle. He can see, he can predict, but he can't see what technique person x is going to use. He does not know what he needs to do to counter it, or how for that matter. Sharingan can see some and understand, Byakugan can see all, but not understand

    Also, the powers of these eye techniques depends a lot on the user. Experience and strength must be huge factors in how well they help the user. Sasuke still got his ass whopped by Lee with the Sharingan. Even if you can see it doesn't mean you can do anything about it. It's like tripping and falling into the road infront of a comming car; you know it is going to hit you, but you can't do anything.

    While technically anyone could learn the Chidori and Rasengan, they may not be able to use it. The fact that Kakashi and Sasuke use the Chidori at high running speeds does not mean it can't be used in other ways. And while neither Naruto or Jiraiya used the Rasengan at high running speeds, it does not mean it can't be used that way. Just because one thing is one way doesn't mean there can't be another way.

  9. #69
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    yes......thats......pretty much exactly what i posted earlier [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    although i'd have to argue your first sentence, since kakashi said so himself that "byakugan is better than sharingan in terms of insight".....but i still know what you're gettin at
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #70

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Who cares, I'd rather had sharingan and look totally badass with red eyes and four pupils, than have byakugan and look like some blind freak with veins popping out of my head...

  11. #71

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: _gaara_
    Who cares, I'd rather had sharingan and look totally badass with red eyes and four pupils, than have byakugan and look like some blind freak with veins popping out of my head...

    BLEH! Sharingans a wussy tool. It just goes *pop* and your eyes are red and quadrapupiled. Byakugan opens up great -BYAKUGAN!!!-. Now thats badass. And who said blind people cant be badass. Stevie Wonder is the most baddass mofoshoosta on the planet. Hes blind.

  12. #72

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    You know, this entire argument is pointless since we all know that Neji would be more effective with the chidori than any non sharingan user, period, and we all know that the Chidori isn't entirely a double edged sword. We also have seen that Neji is very effective and doing unusual things with his chakra, I would imagine he has the kind of mindset to get the rasengan figured out quickly enough, since he already is into spinning moves ;P However, in the end, I have to agree with Mut@t@'s side on this one. The Byakugan might give him great insight, and possibly even warning about an attack due to chakra buildup, but in the end, it's not as good as the sharingan in that respect. The sharingan was faster than sasuke's brain for quite a while in the manga, enabling to see things he couldn't move fast enough to counter. That's a definate improvement, and until the manga states otherwise, we have to assume that the byakugan doesn't do that. However, I am a Neji fan, and I reckon if there's anyone besides Rock Lee who's fast enough to pull off a Chidori attack successfully, it's Neji. Conversation ended.

  13. #73
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    .........once again another poster has overlooked the fact that i pointed this out.....
    except this time he gives credit to the guy who is arguing the total opposite!

    and the "double edge sword" factor with regards to chidori would be the fact that your hand gets all ripped up in the process
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #74
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

    and the "double edge sword" factor with regards to chidori would be the fact that your hand gets all ripped up in the process
    really? I thought that the 'double edge' was becuase you had to be an Uchiha to use the chidori, and that means thay you're either dead, or that you're Sasuke...

    that sure does sound like a drawback to me, doesn't it?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #75
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    what? either you're being sarcastic......or you dont know what it means for something to be a "double edged sword"

    a double edged sword is something that harms both yourself AND your lee's lotus moves.

    now from your reasoning, it would be better to say "being an uchiha is a double edged sword", since this means you are from a genius clan, yet you are destined to be killed by itachi. Although its not really a double edged sword unless you are AWARE that it is, and not only do people have no choice about what clan they are born into, but i dont think any of them expected to be killed by another uchiha.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #76
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    Geez, if i wouldn't have known better, i would say that you're one of the guys who open up threads called 'Kakashi theory' and write that they think that the sharingan eye belonged to someone else... or the guys who look at this picture and then go around asking when did it appear in the anime...

    (yep, i'm self promoting my crappy editing, got a problem with that?)

    of course I was being sarcastic, isn't it obvious? or should I put a 'sarcazem' tag?

    [sarcazem]you know what? from now on, i'll use the tag![/sarcazem]

    and just FYI, I have yet to see even a picture of a double edged sword, so I seriously doubt something like that really existed... from what I know, the term comes from the bible, when one guy killed some other fat king with a double edged knife, but what they meant was a knife with a blade on both vertical sides (right and left, like a dagger, and unlike a kitchen knife), and not a with blade pointing at the wielder...
    oh, and darth maul (Star wars movie I) doesn't count.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  17. #77

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Dude, it isn't a literal double-edged sword. The figurative meaning of a double-edged sword is different from a double-edged sword in real life (if there even is such a thing).

  18. #78
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    dude... you're being an idiot...

    read again the last paragraph i wrote, now, once you see the words 'the term' realize that I know what i'm writing about and stop being an idiot...

    you know what? to make it easier for you, i'll go and bold those two words....

    oh, and from where do you think the pharse came from? out of thin air? it came becuase people once used (or were believed to use) double edged swords...

    man, what's up with the world today... everybody's trying so hard to get on my nerevs with stupid things they say... or maybe i'm just feeling extra bitchy today, who knows...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #79

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    I think Neji has the chakra control, and the talent to learn both the moves, but I don't think he has enough chakra to pull them off.

  20. #80

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Umm... I always thought that both Byakugan and Sharingan could see movement frame by frame ( in 'slow motion' if you will) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

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