Originally posted by: Lithonite
i suppose i cant keep quite any longer on this one. the byakagan would be able to use the chidori- its "perceptive" abuility exceeds that of the sharingan. for isnstance. when neji was battling kidomaru he saw that kido was going to attack vai mouth though the chakra movement in his neck and face toward his mouth- it is clear that the tenkesu and meridians were a diffrent coler than the inactive one. Neji would be able to see where an attack was going to come from clearly with this ability. He has the eye, for sure. as for the rasegan well actually teh abuility to push chakra through all the tenkitsu of his body takes incredable chakra control- more than most jounins. as most jounin can only do it through 1 part.
the fact the neji can see 360 degree's has nothing to do with hs penetrating sight, or his perceptive abuilities. the fact he is able to perform his kaiten- mean that during set spin he is control chakra flow out of his body through every part- further more during his figh with kidomaru he was able to focus cackra 50 out, and only within the few radians of his blind spot.
i would have to say effective use of chidori is definately possible by Neji, and most likely if told the basics of the rasegan he would be able to figure, how to perform it RELATIVELY easily- with his current chakra control and ability.
as for power, hrmm i am under the impression Naruto was not using te kyubi chakra when he perform the rasegan. although sme tend to believe so. he has more than enough chakra of his own to perform that technique remember the multiples of kage bushin he performed. during gaara fight- this was before he acces the kyubi chakra from what i can tell- its seen best in the anime as it was blue chkra we know not only from watching te anime but from te conversation with jiraiya about his two chakra and the two colors they are.