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Thread: Neji's possible jutsus

  1. #21
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: polaris79
    Being able to see nine birds flying overhead from an oblique angle doesn't qualify as seeing things sharply? Being able to see something sharply means being able to see a quick counter.
    Yes, it's true that he can see the birds, but it doesn't mean he can automatically react instantly to them.

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  2. #22

    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Yes, it's true that he can see the birds, but it doesn't mean he can automatically react instantly to them.
    ...and whether or not the reaction is instantaneous is unrelated to eye jutsus.

  3. #23

    Neji's possible jutsus

    the sharingan gives a great deal of foresight; meaning sasuke has an idea of shit before it happens.

  4. #24
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: polaris79
    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Yes, it's true that he can see the birds, but it doesn't mean he can automatically react instantly to them.
    ...and whether or not the reaction is instantaneous is unrelated to eye jutsus.
    Nah, it is related. The Sharingan allows much faster automatic reactions than the Byakugan, hence the fact that it's much more suited to Sasuke rather than Neji, like Mut@t@ was saying.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  5. #25

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    *sigh* why did i bother

  6. #26

    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Nah, it is related. The Sharingan allows much faster automatic reactions than the Byakugan, hence the fact that it's much more suited to Sasuke rather than Neji, like Mut@t@ was saying.
    It doesn't. There's not automatic reflex. All there is is an instanteous copy of jutsus. When Sauske was getting his arse kicked by Rock Lee before the Chunnin matches, where were his relfexes?

    Right, there weren't any. All he could do was "see" the moves. Being able to respond, or the reflex part of the Chidori, is something that comes with speed.

  7. #27
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    ok... i was already assuming that the sharingan use is fast enough to match his opponent.

    but anyway, let me go back a little...

    as i said, the sharingan let's the user see movements frame by frame which allows the user to see it and react to it given that the user is fast enough (i didn't think i needed to add the last 7 words to this sentence for you to understand but it seems that i have to). correct? of course. now... what does the byukagan do? it allows the user to see far distances like it's close as if the byukagan user is right in front of it. now... this is different than what the sharingan does. while the byukagan user sees far away things closely it does not sees the object's or opponent's movement like the way sharingan can. no matter how far or close the opponent is, the byukagan can't see the opponent move frame by frame like the sharingan which doesn't allow the time needed for the user to react. byukagan will always see it move at the same speed.

    now given all that. as neji with his chidori charges at gaara, gaara's defense will pull out the spikes. as soon as the spikes come out byukagan will see it but neji won't have time to react to it since he can't see it fast enough. it's like in the matrix. neo can see all those bullets coming and dodge them which is what sasuke can do with his sharingan. but byukagan doesn't have that capability.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #28

    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: polaris79
    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Yes, it's true that he can see the birds, but it doesn't mean he can automatically react instantly to them.
    ...and whether or not the reaction is instantaneous is unrelated to eye jutsus.
    I think the main thing missing from this equation is the fact that Sasuke via the sharingan can emulate Rock Lee's taijutsu speed. This is the factor that is necessary for the chidori to work effectively. Neji's fighting method is a very stationary form he does not move too much he has a circle of Hakke where he does little movement. His other popular move is the heavinly spin, this offensive/definsive jutsu keeps him stationary and again there is little to no movement.
    If Neji were to learn chidori he would have to completely change his fighting style.

  9. #29
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    ok... i was already assuming that the sharingan use is fast enough to match his opponent.

    but anyway, let me go back a little...

    as i said, the sharingan let's the user see movements frame by frame which allows the user to see it and react to it given that the user is fast enough (i didn't think i needed to add the last 7 words to this sentence for you to understand but it seems that i have to). correct? of course. now... what does the byukagan do? it allows the user to see far distances like it's close as if the byukagan user is right in front of it. now... this is different than what the sharingan does. while the byukagan user sees far away things closely it does not sees the object's or opponent's movement like the way sharingan can. no matter how far or close the opponent is, the byukagan can't see the opponent move frame by frame like the sharingan which doesn't allow the time needed for the user to react. byukagan will always see it move at the same speed.

    now given all that. as neji with his chidori charges at gaara, gaara's defense will pull out the spikes. as soon as the spikes come out byukagan will see it but neji won't have time to react to it since he can't see it fast enough. it's like in the matrix. neo can see all those bullets coming and dodge them which is what sasuke can do with his sharingan. but byukagan doesn't have that capability.
    And there you have it. Brilliantly said. I take back my automatic statement, the Sharingan doesn't allow automatic reactions, but it does allow much quicker and accurate reactions and I'd say after years of use they'd become instinctively automatic.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  10. #30

    Neji's possible jutsus

    Its really simple guys:

    The Sharingan allows for countering Ninjutsu and a resistance to Genjutsu, which the Byakugan lacks. This makes the Sharingan better then the Byakugan in a combat situation.

    The Byakugan still allows for an advantage in sight that the Chidori can extort, but not much of one, as the Sharingan is still better and Chidori was made for the Sharingan.

    Besides, with the Gentle Fist Style, hitting any area would allow for some serious damage... if not death. Why would he need a special chakra draining ability when he can practically do it for free. Neji is already awesome.

  11. #31

    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: polaris79
    Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
    those jutsus would clash drastically with his fighting style though, his style isnt to obliterate his foes but to shut them down. Sure with time he could prob learn either but they wouldnt work well with the hyuga style...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    I actually did realize this, and gave it some thought.

    Any ninja needs to be equipted to deal with any situation. Chances are, Neji will face enemies who use nonanimate physical techniques for offense and/or defense (ie Gaara's sand). A doll (Gaara's brother's technique) or a shield of sand have no chakra points. This effecitvely nullifies the Hyuga Taijutsu.

    If Neji had Chidori and/or Rasengan, he will actually be able to fight.

    With his Haiten move (that chakra defensive swirl), we realize it's not as if Neji have to focuse exclusively to poking at chakra points and attacking inner organ systems. Any fighting system, no matter how dominant needs flexiblity. Chidori and Rasengan would offer that.
    Sure versatility is nice but learning moves that are outside of your fighting style is worthless. That would be like telling rock lee to try to learn some ninjutsu, or telling neji to be a power fighter instead of a finesse and style fighter. Sure they might be moves they could learn but they both wouldnt want them, and they would prove less effective in their given styles. I can see alot more power in neji being able to fully combat someone with his chakra alone (thatd be cool he just stands there and his chakra kicks their ass). Anywho my point still stands that neither move fits the hyuga fighting style.

  12. #32

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    I may be coming late into this thread, but i think these arguments will surely prove that Neji's Byakugan would be completely pointless in this equation.
    1. Gaara's sand spikes could not have been seen by Nejis Byakugan because they are created at the surface of the sphere, therefore he would have been impaled by the sand spikes. Conclusion: his byakugan would have been useless and he would have been bleeding to death.
    2. the sharingan gives the wielder lightning fast mental images of what it predicts (to an amazing amount of accuracy) will happen. the wielder needs physical speed in order to utilize the images given to him. this ability is not given by the Byakugan. Conclusion: Sharingan is required for Chidori (because it is not explosive)
    3. Byakugan enhances vision ONLY. with training, Byakugan wielders can learn to read the persons body language to (almost) perfection. IT DOES NOT however, provide any sort of foresight on the movement of any target.

  13. #33

    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: Kale Ironfist
    3. Byakugan enhances vision ONLY. with training, Byakugan wielders can learn to read the persons body language to (almost) perfection. IT DOES NOT however, provide any sort of foresight on the movement of any target.
    Thing i find strange about this point is that Neji did some sort of foresight in the Chuunin Exam while fighting against Naruto.

    Remember, when Naruto got the nine-tails's power and increased his speed, Neji could see where he was (and that was not because Naruto was slowing down, they just made Naruto visible to the viewers or we couldnt have seen his move, the way he was drawn gives that away) and start his whirl.
    When Neji then threw those... things.. ([img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) back at Naruto, Naruto gained some impressive speed and still Neji knew where he was, you could see Neji step back from the place Naruto appeared.. he knew where he was..

    Was that foresight or could he see the speed?
    Cause it wasnt just coincidence

  14. #34
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    Just a point to be taken when talking about Sharingan. (Adding to Mut@t@'s arguements)

    Remember when Kakashi was copying Zabuza in the first battle vs him. He spoke out the words Zabuza was thinking.

    Sharingan has the ability, (Not to read minds), but I think it's something to do with the eye, that it make the opponents tell you what their thinking about. Thus, you can predict his moves before it happens.

    Whereas the Byukagun it can't. But Byukagun can see into a person's internal organs, chakra points so what not.

    I bet both can learn the chidori and Rasengan. Chidori won't be helpful for Neji though. Rasengan would be helpful. If he can learn the technique within a few years. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  15. #35
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus



  16. #36

    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    Well... i agree with Terra on that even though i aint a fanboy..

    Face it, he learned not to be so cocky about himself and the fate crap [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #37

    Neji's possible jutsus

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@

    that's why kakashi taught sasuke the chidori and not naruto. without the sharingan, you can't attempt such a direct assault.

    Thats not true! Without sharingan u CAN attemp a direct assult.. it just wont work... (not in naruto world anyway)
    =P YOU STAND CORRECTED! ahahhahaha

  18. #38

    Neji's possible jutsus

    I agree with Dazzz for once...*signal the end of the world*. Also, just because you see something sharper does not mean you can see something faster, sharper. Granted Neji can see images in sharper detail. However, this does not mean something faster than what his mind can process at one time will become sharper. It would still be a blur.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Neji's possible jutsus

    Isn't the simple matter of why only Kakashi and Sasuke (and presumably Itachi) can use the chidori is because they have the Sharingan? Lee blatantly says that in chapter 114. The Byakugan is different from the Sharingan. The characters say the Byakugan is better BECAUSE it is different. Sasuke also spent the entire month of training they all had to build up his speed, he was not copying Lee, just using the same concept of high speed combos.

    As for whether or not Neji could use the Rasengan, I suspect he probably could because it's based off fine chakra control, provided you have a huge amount of chakra to power it up. I still don't think he would learn it because like a lot of people have said, it's just not his style.

    This argument is a little pointless because we are still not even sure if Neji is still alive. (I hope he is though)

  20. #40
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Neji's possible jutsus

    first of all nejis byakugen doesnt work in the same way as the sharingan at all. the sharingan can see movement very well and the byakugen is set for overall superior vision. byakugas isnt good enough to see a counter movement or anticipate attacks, thats what sharingan does. to be able to master the chidori you have to predict your oponents movement so you can strike at an undefenced bodypart. not something neji can do since he cant predict his oponents movements with byakugan. however he would be able to master the rasengan, every character could since there is no special term for using this jutsu but it wouldnt be cool to see half of the cast running around doing chidori.

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