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Thread: Which Character do you think has the most potential

  1. #141

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    i kinda argree with the lee being on par with potential...

    i mean ... what is potential? is it supposed to be a body state that determines it? like naruto having nine tails hence potential?

    if it is, then u could argue sasuke having more, but why is gai just as good as kakashi who has sharingan? we should ignore the fact that kakashi didn't have it at first, since kakashi still considers himself an "advanced bloodline" in the zabuza saga.

  2. #142
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    lee is a "genius of hard work"
    thats all that kakashi and gai meant
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #143

    Which Character do you think has the most potential

    Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
    Which character that we've seen do you think possesses the most potential and why? (didn't see a similar topic so made this)

    Of course Naruto is the character with most potential, but he is the main character. So I voted for Shikamaru. His tactics are insanely brilliant, put him in any team and he will effectively double their capabilities.

    Put him as a lead tactician of a village, and the village's strength will increase dramatically.

  4. #144

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    Originally posted by: 010577
    i kinda argree with the lee being on par with potential...

    i mean ... what is potential? is it supposed to be a body state that determines it? like naruto having nine tails hence potential?

    if it is, then u could argue sasuke having more, but why is gai just as good as kakashi who has sharingan? we should ignore the fact that kakashi didn't have it at first, since kakashi still considers himself an "advanced bloodline" in the zabuza saga.
    lol, told you no one read my post =P...i said exactly what potential the 1st line of my previous post...

  5. #145

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    Gai thinks Rock is the genius of hardwork, But not Kakashi.
    Kakashi thinks he is a genius because he could open 5 gates.

    It was something like this.
    kakashi:"gai, how many gates can this kid open"
    kakashi:"... gai, this kid is a #$^@#$ genius!!"

  6. #146

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    LOL believe it or not. i think sakura has A LOT of potential. She can mold chakra almost perfectly. THe only thing thats bad with her (and its a really bad thing) is that she doesnt train and shes more interested in Sasuke than in being a ninja. But really, sakura could be very strong if she trained. Therefore, i think she has a lot of potential. Not saying the most but a lot.

    The person who i think has the most potential is Shikamaru because he is already a genius therefore being able to make extremely good strategies. If he trained more and became less lazy he could probably become the next "professor". Thats just my opinion though so don't hurt me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #147

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    LOL believe it or not. i think sakura has A LOT of potential. She can mold chakra almost perfectly. THe only thing thats bad with her (and its a really bad thing) is that she doesnt train and shes more interested in Sasuke than in being a ninja. But really, sakura could be very strong if she trained. Therefore, i think she has a lot of potential. Not saying the most but a lot.

    The person who i think has the most potential is Shikamaru because he is already a genius therefore being able to make extremely good strategies. If he trained more and became less lazy he could probably become the next "professor". Thats just my opinion though so don't hurt me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  8. #148

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    LOL believe it or not. i think sakura has A LOT of potential. She can mold chakra almost perfectly. THe only thing thats bad with her (and its a really bad thing) is that she doesnt train and shes more interested in Sasuke than in being a ninja. But really, sakura could be very strong if she trained. Therefore, i think she has a lot of potential. Not saying the most but a lot.

    The person who i think has the most potential is Shikamaru because he is already a genius therefore being able to make extremely good strategies. If he trained more and became less lazy he could probably become the next "professor". Thats just my opinion though so don't hurt me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #149

    Which Character do you think has the most potential

    LOL believe it or not. i think sakura has A LOT of potential. She can mold chakra almost perfectly. THe only thing thats bad with her (and its a really bad thing) is that she doesnt train and shes more interested in Sasuke than in being a ninja. But really, sakura could be very strong if she trained. Therefore, i think she has a lot of potential. Not saying the most but a lot.

    The person who i think has the most potential (besides naruto) is Shikamaru because he is already a genius therefore being able to make extremely good strategies. If he trained more and became less lazy he could probably become the next "professor". Thats just my opinion though so don't hurt me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    HOLY CRAP sorry for the QUADRUPLE POST!! lmao sorry it took soo long to load that i just kept clicking.. sorry guys.

  10. #150

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    try editing them so they are balnk, and at jing i think th reason WHY he can open 5 gates is because hes a hardwork genius, both kakashi and gai see this, hes worked hard to go from nothing to opening 5 gates,

  11. #151

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    i don't know about that, but could be.

    i think its because not ANYONE can open gates. He's probably never seen any kid that can open 5 gates, and get the speed of hokage for a short while of time.

  12. #152

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    I dont see Sakura as having too much potential personally. I mean, sure she can mold and chakra well, but so can just about everyone except the genins. Its like maths. When you start off at 4-5 years old, addition and subtraction is a task, and if you can grasp them well, then you'd be ahead of everyone. Now tell me, bythe time people leave primary school, who *cant* add an subtract?

    Knowing the basics very well makes her stand out amongst the lower grade ninja. However amongst jounins and probably chuninns, that control is likely taken for granted - everyone would have grasped it completely by then.

  13. #153

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    yeah, i agree with Enigmatic, just being able to mold chakra well, a basic, dosn't mean she has a lot of potential - -

  14. #154
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    Originally posted by: jing
    i don't know about that, but could be.

    i think its because not ANYONE can open gates. He's probably never seen any kid that can open 5 gates, and get the speed of hokage for a short while of time.
    My guess is that it's becuase neither Kakashi nor Gai can open the fifth gate, meaning that Lee has surpassed his master in that field...
    but that's just what i think, there's nothing to proove it right or wrong, so it doesn't really matter

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #155

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    Perhaps the most simple answer to the question would be Naruto, mainly because it's his show and if anyone else can out grow naruto then the show shouldnt be called Naruto..

  16. #156

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    saying that #1 is Naruto is a complete guess...unless you know from somewhere (like read the manga or something) the only characters that we KNOW have potential (supposing they dont die an un-natural death) is:

    #1 Sasuke
    #2 Itachi
    #3 Kakashi

    They are the only ones we know have potential because they have sharingin(sp?). so as long as we assume they live as long as normal people do in the anime, they have the most potential. Sasuke first, cuz hes the youngest. Itachi second, cuz hes got alot of years ahead of him to learn. And Kakashi third, because he's the oldest. after that, id say the female characters and the children, cuz they havn't showed much, and could become a lot better.

    this is all based on my previous theory (which i now revised to include the sharingins amazing power to copy other techniques), which i would be so bold as to state as a fact...unless someone would like to challenge it...which would be fun =^_^=

    Originally posted by: Tass
    just an update for you guys...potential is how much better they can become. it doesnt have to do with "how amazing they are now" so much as it has to do with "how much more amazing can they get." saying that...i think the little kids or any of the female characters have the greatist potential. sorry mia, but that includes sakura. she could get a lot better...if the anime lets her.

    my defence for that is this: lets use neji, and hinata as examples. (these numbers are completly made not saying that this is their current level...this is only an example) lets say neji is a 8 out of 16, and Hinata is a 4 out of 16 (the 1st numbers being their current abilty level, and the 2nd being the ability the could reach)...neji's potential is 8, while Hinata's potential is 12...therefore Hinata has a higher potential.

    the number one flaw of this thread/question is the fact that we dont know how good any of the characters will get. thats just how this anime is. therefore, we cant say who has the most potential...we can only guess bassed on what the anime hints at. who knows...maybe in the next episode, sakura reveals that she can blow up the world at will, using her amazing new ability:"Wrath of Sakura!!". then i believe she went from one of the weakest characters to one of the mose powerful, meaning she had the most potential. just showing you that theres no way of knowing who has the greatest potential untill its all over. and when that time comes, it wont be potential anymore, it would be current skill level. See the flaw?

    aside from that, its fun to guess, and argue...just keep ^that^ in mind.

  17. #157

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    Well with Naruto being the main character and all it's a given he'll have the most potential... But other than that I'd have to say sasuke because aside from his bloodline ability and genius thinking he's also naruto's rival and is gonna try as hard as possible to surpass naruto, and also become strong so he can kill itachi, who he knows is way stronger than him at this point. The sharingan does seem to have the most potential of the abilities though, but I'd say naruto having the nine-tails in him puts him above anything else. I can see Itachi still having potential since he's only 17, but I don't see him fufilling that potetinal because he probably sees no reason to train more and has met very few people that can compare to him. Kakashi may still have some potetinal but he is already a good age( around 26-27) and he seems to be too lazy to really train or care to improve much... It actually seems like most of the Jounin are at their peak and don't really do much besides teach the genins or do missions, which I don't understand because I'd think ninja would be in a constant state of improvement and have the desire to better themselves, unless they reach their peaks early in life. Then again it's impossible to know what they are doing and I guess it'd be difficult to tell if they improve since they don't really fight equal opponents or test their skills like the kids do.

  18. #158
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    Originally posted by: Xein
    Well with Naruto being the main character and all it's a given he'll have the most potential... But other than that I'd have to say sasuke because aside from his bloodline ability and genius thinking he's also naruto's rival and is gonna try as hard as possible to surpass naruto, and also become strong so he can kill itachi, who he knows is way stronger than him at this point. The sharingan does seem to have the most potential of the abilities though, but I'd say naruto having the nine-tails in him puts him above anything else. I can see Itachi still having potential since he's only 17, but I don't see him fufilling that potetinal because he probably sees no reason to train more and has met very few people that can compare to him. Kakashi may still have some potetinal but he is already a good age( around 26-27) and he seems to be too lazy to really train or care to improve much... It actually seems like most of the Jounin are at their peak and don't really do much besides teach the genins or do missions, which I don't understand because I'd think ninja would be in a constant state of improvement and have the desire to better themselves, unless they reach their peaks early in life. Then again it's impossible to know what they are doing and I guess it'd be difficult to tell if they improve since they don't really fight equal opponents or test their skills like the kids do.
    this guy actually knows what he is talking about and i agree with him. kinda neat.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  19. #159

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    I think Sasuke has the most potential. His sharingan will help him through it. PLUS without sharingan he is already a rookie of the year.

  20. #160

    RE: Which Character do you think has the most potential

    My vote goes to Rock Lee firstly his stamina is damn good and his speed is outstanding and he is a hardwoking person, therefore i belief his determination and diligence will help him shine out.

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