Originally posted by: Tass
just an update for you guys...potential is how much better they can become. it doesnt have to do with "how amazing they are now" so much as it has to do with "how much more amazing can they get." saying that...i think the little kids or any of the female characters have the greatist potential. sorry mia, but that includes sakura. she
could get a lot better...if the anime lets her.
my defence for that is this: lets use neji, and hinata as examples. (these numbers are completly made up...im not saying that this is their current level...this is only an example) lets say neji is a 8 out of 16, and Hinata is a 4 out of 16 (the 1st numbers being their current abilty level, and the 2nd being the ability the could reach)...neji's potential is 8, while Hinata's potential is 12...therefore Hinata has a higher potential.
the number one flaw of this thread/question is the fact that we dont know how good any of the characters will get. thats just how this anime is. therefore, we cant say who has the most potential...we can only guess bassed on what the anime hints at. who knows...maybe in the next episode, sakura reveals that she can blow up the world at will, using her amazing new ability:"Wrath of Sakura!!". then i believe she went from one of the weakest characters to one of the mose powerful, meaning she had the most potential. just showing you that theres no way of knowing who has the greatest potential untill its all over. and when that time comes, it wont be potential anymore, it would be current skill level. See the flaw?
aside from that, its fun to guess, and argue...just keep ^that^ in mind.