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Thread: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

  1. #1

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    Because of sasuke gay, weve had to endure a freeza like saga that has just became redundant, one fight begins, super powers, the one sacrifice jutsu, fight ends, in simple words, IT SUCKS.
    plz post ur toughts. oh an i hope neji is still around to kick some ass.

  2. #2

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?


  3. #3

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    i just hope they dont do something too predictable, id like to see something like itachi comming in and taking naruto in the middle of him fighting sasuke, or sasuke just deciding to go back with the level 2 seal instead of going to orochi.... something non predictable should happen


  4. #4

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    nope this arc definately didn't suck although it's a little stretched out, the fights are definately amazing way above dbz level, why do people keep bringing dbz and naruto in the same sentence it's not the same get over it already

  5. #5
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    The chunnin exams is still the longest.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #6

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    The chunnin exams is still the longest.

  7. #7

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    yeah it wasnt that bad i enjoyed this arc pretty much not the best though

  8. #8

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    whats funny is you will be the ones praising it when its made into the anime

  9. #9
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    keep crying you babies. this arc was cool.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #10
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    I got no complaints, it could've been a whole lot worse.
    I wonder about Neji & Choji's fates.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  11. #11

    RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    yea, blame sasuke, a fictional character, for your frustration. </sarcasm>

  12. #12

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    Originally posted by: Shin_Naruto
    whats funny is you will be the ones praising it when its made into the anime

    r u on drugs?

  13. #13
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    Originally posted by: oscar
    Because of sasuke gay
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this line made me laugh out loud for ages.

    The arc's been good, get over it.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  14. #14
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    I kinda think this arc is good. Because it add's a new dimension to the naruto storyline. Totally changing the whole movement of the story.

    We are seeing one of the main characters joining the bad guys. I really do hope Sasuke doesn't come back to the Konoha.


    And then I hope there's jump in the Naruto timeline by 6-9 years. (So their around 18-21 years old)

    sasuke by then Probably learn all the shits from Orochimaru, and then when Oro soon tries to take over Sasuke, Sasuke butchers up the snake and steal all he's jutsu's.

    And by then, we would see lots of changes, like Sakura becoming a mature women than her usual idiocy. Naruto, a highly esteemed Anbu Chunnin to be Jounnin. Some like Shika in the Konoha intelligence squads.

    Something more different. I hope. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  15. #15

    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    That would be really something!

    Lol, would be fun to see Naruto grew up all Jiraiya-like, watching girls all the time, but without the wooden shoes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    How the hell does he even walk, let alone be an effective ninja in those clog things. It must be so uncomfortable.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  17. #17
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    Were only seeing Jiraiya now when has all that experience walking on those things. just think back to when he was a kid. Fallin over flat on his face with a hoared of angery women chasing him to death. He had to get good for the sake of his own survival.

  18. #18

    RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    Kimimaro ruled this arc.
    it was worth it just to see him pwn it up, as for unpredictable - right now that would be Sasuke joining Oro because its so predictable that Naruto is going to change his mind somehow, if he goes to Oro maybe Sasuke can learn some things in the 3 years before Oro can reposess and if Naruto feels the need to he can go after him then.

  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    This arc has gone on a little long, I forgot what happened right before this, but the fights were worth it, especially Chouji's.

    I hope there isn't a signifigant time jump, then this will be too much like DBZ for me to handle.

    Here's hoping the fight with Sasuke and Naruto is only 3 chapters long...

  20. #20
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?

    Originally posted by: oscar
    Because of sasuke gay, weve had to endure a freeza like saga that has just became redundant, one fight begins, super powers, the one sacrifice jutsu, fight ends, in simple words, IT SUCKS.
    plz post ur toughts. oh an i hope neji is still around to kick some ass.
    i have only read 3 of your posts and i already hate you. just shut up and stop read if you dont like it. i love the series its great, cant be done diffrently.

    oh and SHUT UP MORON!

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