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Thread: Naruto 86 Discussion

  1. #201

    Naruto 86 Discussion

    I'll check it out right now and get back to you sangai sakusei, thanks for hosting or what ever you do then [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  2. #202

    Naruto 86 Discussion

    its not my sub . but it is done through our site and an affilation of ours animeinfinity.

    hope you enjoy it.

    for those of you who didn't get the link

    and its also available on saiyamans tracker.

    we should have 87 done soon.

    not exactly sure since im not part of the subbing team.

    should have posted this last friday when we released it.

  3. #203

    Naruto 86 Discussion

    OK I watched it, and liked the translations for the most part though at 13:38 Naruto says something and there is no sub which was odd lol. Your working at the only things I see wrong with it minus the one sub missing I noted and maybe a few small grammar errors that were understandable just odd. Overall it is good and fast releases are only a plus. It might be good to suggest including a "This is a free fansub if you paid for this you got ripped ect" thing but I am biased towards ebayers ripping this stuff off so.... =)

  4. #204

    Naruto 86 Discussion

    thanks for the feedback.

    and yeah we noticed the few grammer errors.

    those should be fixed and also

    ill make a post when 87 is out by DA-AI

    our torrent is now available on

  5. #205
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 86 Discussion

    Well, until the technique DOES get mentioned by name in the anime I'm gonna call about...Whirlpool Punch!

    Oh yeah! That sounds badass!

    So, I sure think that Whirlpool Punch is gonna be a cool technique. But what I think is best about it is that, unlike Chidori, it seems like you can do other things with it. And Naruto is always awsome at taking a technique and using it in wierd ways (transform into a windmill shuriken and stuff like that). Looking forward to him making things spin for awsome reason. With his....WHIRLPOOL PUNCH!!

  6. #206
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Naruto 86 Discussion

    Well the "WhirlPool Punch" is pretty cool, but you do know what the real name is right?

    R.I.P Captain America.

  7. #207
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 86 Discussion

    No, it was mentioned earlier in the thread, but I've already forgotten what the guy said, and I don't feel like looking for it. And its a spoiler anyway.

  8. #208

    RE: Naruto 86 Discussion

    "whirpool Punch" is what they probably will call it in the english manga of Naruto (liscenced by VIZ). afterall, they made Kage Bunshin called The Art of Doppleganger!

  9. #209

    RE: Naruto 86 Discussion

    i dunno i liked the other name the manga gave it, other then the real name i thought it was good.

  10. #210

    Naruto 86 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    but then there's a bunch of members who insist on bitching and moaning about what some powerful guy from one place is doing to some other people in some other place and none of it has anything to do with them, yet they still feel the need to diss the people who just happen to LIVE in the country that the powerful guy is from
    That has to be the most retarded statement i read during the last five or six months. If you don't want other people interfering with your sand castle play, go buy yourself your own earth. But well, some hundred years ago we had this crush on imperialism too, so we can understand you.
    It is just that there happen to be so many mistakes that it should be enough to make everyone of them only once.

    Other than that: if you are afraid of the outside world, do not leave your room. Not even virtual. The one and only proofable solution for not getting spoiled is not reading forums. The moment you load them you take on the risk. The mods try to minimize the risk and do a good job at it, but there will always be a little left. Live an isolated life and noone will tell you something you do not like to hear.

    And to the episode, I haven't seen it yet, but I really like this part of the storyline. Naruto doesn't really have deep characters (Juuni Kokki anyone?), so mainly rather predictable story progress and fights are all that is left. As both possibilities are rather boring on the long haul, I really like the little sidestories woven into slight story progress. They spice up the series in a very enjoyable way.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

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