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Thread: ffdshow

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  1. #1


    I have ffdshow installed but how do you use it, i opened WMP and divxplayer after it was installed but it says it isnt a valid avi or mpeg4 file.,i have xvid 1 and divx5.1.1 along with iv tried opening naruto in virtual dub but it tells me it doesnt know what it is. the files arnt done downloading but the first couple eps of every file are done so im trying to watch them, ep 31 and 32 worked first time without having to recompress them as a dif format so whats going on. so i heard ffdshow was spose to help, but how do you use it

  2. #2

    RE: ffdshow

    It's not a program. Besides customisation, it's the same thing as Xvid or Divx. Just consider it a codec.

  3. #3

    RE: ffdshow

    ok but i dont see it in virtual dub to encode to nor do i see any extra options anywhere.
    do the files in BTornado have to be 100% complete to watch cuz the files that work are 95% and 92% done and i can watch them fully so i was wondering why i can watch them but none of the others that arnt done that much(even one thats 89% done).

  4. #4

    RE: ffdshow

    I use shadow's experimental, and I have to wait until the files are 100% downloaded to be able to watch them

  5. #5
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: ffdshow

    typically an error like "not a valid avi file" is a good indicator that you should let your download finish.

    according to bittorrent's basic design, you should normally have to wait until the file is finished to watch, though it's possible in the old bt spec to have enough of the data that your player might not know the difference when it comes to initially reading the index blocks and starting to decode the audio and video streams. But it's not something to count on, because pieces are downloaded in random order.

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