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Thread: 217 manga out

  1. #41

    217 manga out

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    the only reason Gaara lost to Naruto (beside the fact that the plot called for it) was because they moved into the big guns section too quick, and the match became a challenge of power-ups, which is Naruto's field (seeing how Gamabunta is stronger than Shukako, and how Kyubi is an endless fountain of chackra)... if Gaara would have kept things small (human form) then he would have been able to kill Naruto in no time, even with only Taijutsu (and not even Sand Taijutsu, normal taijutsu)...
    I think your mistaken, the reason why Naruto was able to beat Gaara was because he fought to protect his "important" person (Sakura). Unlike Gaara who fought only for himself. When Naruto did his Naruto Chronicles or whatever, he didn't use the Kyubi or even when he summoned Gamabunta. If that massive 2000 hit combo did as much damage to Gaara as it did, when he was partially transformed, which is just guessing 100x more sand around his body than his typical sand shield, if Gaara wouldn't have started transforming he would have been killed or severely injured by both the 2000 and 4000 hit combo that was coming.

    Also, Gaara couldn't stop the Gamabunta that was summoned off of Naruto's chakra, thats why he released complete control to Shukako. Gaara used his trump card to early, when Naruto still had his waiting in his hand until the very end when he used the Kyubi's chakra to headbutt him.

    Oh yeah 217 was an awesome chapter [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Also pardon my poor grammar [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: 217 manga out

    well, gaara was on par with the level 2 version of a character that 200 kyubi naruto clones couldnt even lay a finger on (and of the original w/o curse seal, no less)

    good thing naruto fought him BEFORE gaare decide to go do some extra training [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #43
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    217 manga out

    Originally posted by: Sooks
    Also, Gaara couldn't stop the Gamabunta that was summoned off of Naruto's chakra
    Nope, he used Kyuubi chakra for the summon.

    So, if Kimimaro wasn't on his death-bed, Gaara would have been killed! See how he put up his arms in fear and defeat! Dammit, Kimi's death was such a waste of a bad-ass character. But he had to go eventually.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  4. #44

    RE: 217 manga out

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    well, gaara was on par with the level 2 version of a character that 200 kyubi naruto clones couldnt even lay a finger on (and of the original w/o curse seal, no less)

    good thing naruto fought him BEFORE gaare decide to go do some extra training [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    dude naruto was just getting started he coulda made 3 million more clones if he wanted too, they were setting up for a fight that naruto would have eventually won, but ole sasky broke out of his bucket so the objective changed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #45
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: 217 manga out

    Originally posted by: AlbinoFury

    dude naruto was just getting started he coulda made 3 million more clones if he wanted too, they were setting up for a fight that naruto would have eventually won, but ole sasky broke out of his bucket so the objective changed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    oh, so when Naruto said "I'll crush you" he really meant "I'm about to show you all my powers, one by one, and eventually, I will be victorious"?

    Face it, as gaara is now, there's no chance for any other kid to stop him, he could fluff out Naruto's clones like flies with his sand...

    on an intresting sidenote: did anybody notice that Orochimaru said 'if he was with me/ if he wasn't sick, the leaf invasion would have gone well' on both Itachi and Kimimaru? I wonder if it means that a healthy Kimimaru is as powerful as Itachi? it can be a foreshadowing- Kimi was killed becuase he was ill, Itachi will be deafted by something similar...

    sorry, it's just that i have the final exam in bible tommorow, and some idiots are trying the crap reasonable by saying "it's to teach us humans how to act" and "it's a foreshadowing for chapter ##"... which is just BULLSHIT... such a crappy subject, I'm just glad it's the last bible exam I'll ever have to do...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #46

    217 manga out

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Originally posted by: Sooks
    Also, Gaara couldn't stop the Gamabunta that was summoned off of Naruto's chakra
    Nope, he used Kyuubi chakra for the summon.
    I know he used it to summon him during Jiraya's training. I was under the impression, that he used his own chakra during the fight with Gaara. I'll have to try to find that issue of manga and redownload it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] To figure it out.

  7. #47

    RE: 217 manga out

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    oh, so when Naruto said "I'll crush you" he really meant "I'm about to show you all my powers, one by one, and eventually, I will be victorious"?
    No I honestly believe Naruto thought he would crush him, but you do realize that Naruto usally doesn't put much thought into his attacks. Naruto had no idea he'd counter the clones so easily, same way gaara easily countered the clones during the second attack by transforming into Shukaku. Simply because Naruto didn't think up the possability that Gaara would turn into some 1000 ft. tall freak, or some other guy would shoot bones out of his body in every direction.

  8. #48

    217 manga out

    yet again another peice of fine manga done by inane, kick ass chapter, cant wait to read the next one

  9. #49

    RE: 217 manga out

    Hey, was anyone else reminded of those two huge statues from Fellowship of the Ring by the end of this chapter? Those statues (called the Argonath) were on either side of a river as well, though they weren't at a waterfall.

    Anyway, the whole idead of a huge battle on giant ninja statues over a waterfall sounds pretty awesome.

  10. #50

    217 manga out

    Originally posted by: viciousHyuuga
    gaara is god ^^ ......
    as stated above gaara is god!!!!

  11. #51

    RE: 217 manga out

    I bet Gaara can make some really sweet rock gardens.

  12. #52

    RE: 217 manga out

    Here is my concern.

    The manga is reaching a point were it is either going to become a great story - or a crappy fighting manga.

    We've spent the last umpteen chapters (60 i think) on this "persuit" storyline.

    Chouji is supposedly dead
    Neji is possibly dead
    Kiba is seriously wounded and can't move, maybe dying.
    the 4 sound gates are probably dead - almost certainly Sakon/ukon and the flute girl.
    Kimimaro is dead.

    Sasuke and Naruto are getting ready to fight - both now have killing techniques and Naruto has already wasted chakra in a series of battles with Kimimaro and the sound.

    So after more than a year of storyline, and killing off 5-8 characters what is going to happen?

    If Sasuke comes back to the village and its like nothing changed, and somehow all the Leaf gennins miraculously survive, then what was the point?

    In order for this narrative to have actually been worth it, we are going to need to have the same sort of end that the "War" story arc did - people dead for a reason and major character changes/growth.

    and it all comes down to naruto and sasuke..

    What will Naruto do if he can't keep his promise to sakura? If Sasuke turns his back on the leaf completely.

    What will Sasuke do if he has to kill naruto to leave the leaf? Even worse - what will he do if he somehow still can't beat naruto with his new borrowed power?

  13. #53

    RE: 217 manga out

    I want itachi to come back and do SOMETHING. Please. Anything.

  14. #54
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: 217 manga out

    I'm sure we won't be disappointed. Don't lose faith guys. Kishimoto is better than that.

    Let's get one thing straight, Sasuke won't come back to the Leaf right now, otherwise the whole arc would have been a waste. He was to leave.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  15. #55

    RE: 217 manga out

    i was hoping that itachi will show up and so will jaraiya and orochimaru with kabuto. now that would be very interesting. Maybe tsunade will show up too with sakura. HOLY SHIT!!! i can't wait for the possibilities.

  16. #56
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: 217 manga out

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    I'm sure we won't be disappointed. Don't lose faith guys. Kishimoto is better than that.

    Let's get one thing straight, Sasuke won't come back to the Leaf right now, otherwise the whole arc would have been a waste. He was to leave.
    I agree wit you. So far Kishimoto hasn't let us down. Except for the OVA's.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  17. #57
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: 217 manga out

    I really doubt they were his doings. It's a different style all together, you can tell.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  18. #58

    RE: 217 manga out

    i dunno maybe im the only one but i do not want itachi or one of the higher lvl characters to pop in at the last minute or something. THis saga is all about the genins learning to take care of themselves, and in turn growing up. Itachi may be kinda cool and all, and is a good villain, but now is not the time for him, his place in the story will come, why rush it. THis arc needs to end with some important resolution between naruto and sasuke. I mean would you truly be satisfied if this year long arc only lead up to a stalemate fight and then naruto getting kidnapped, or both running away because of itachi or kabuto or jiraiya showing up? I think not, the fight has to happen, and it has to reach some sort of major plot event to set up the rest of the series, i mean if it doesnt, its back to more training sagas [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  19. #59

    RE: 217 manga out

    i believe that kimimaro is no match for itachi. itachi can just use mange sharingan on kimimaro and that's it .. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    i also believe that naruto will let sasuke go in the end, knowing his true intentions (just get power from oro and kill him after and come back to leaf). well that's just what i believe though he he he.

  20. #60
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: 217 manga out

    Well Kimi doesnt matter anymore b/c hes dead, and Naruto's gonna get his ass whooped hes not gonna let Sasuke go hes gonna get knocked out

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