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Thread: 217 manga out

  1. #21

    217 manga out

    oh the two statues i looked im pretty sure the one on the right is the 1st hokage, but the one on the left looks nothing like any of the hokages, the hair is way too long to be the 2nd, and it doesnt appear as if he has a forehead protector, so maybe hes the 1sts sensei or something, from before konoha existed or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] who knows, im sure we will find out though, maybe it is the 1sts rival, kinda paralleling sasuke and the new statue, who knows . . . .

  2. #22

    217 manga out

    Finally we're getting somewhere. Granted, the Kimimaro-Rock Lee-Gaara fight was really cool. But it's nice to see some closure. Naruto is evolving.

  3. #23

    217 manga out

    i liked the chapter. it was a nice ending to that fight...can't wait for the sasuke/naruto one. though i do wish he'd go back to his friends and nto be a lameass. he'll never beat itachi by taking shortcuts. plus, everyone always gets stronger when protecting someone. but i do think naruto will be beat and sasuke will go to oro because it would be lame to end it now after all this buildup.

  4. #24

    217 manga out

    good chapter...i was expecting from the fight though..garra didnt even get a scratch...not even blood...does that mean sasuke and naruto are stronger than kimi...but cant wait for the next chap...hopefully suaske has finally got out from his barrel

  5. #25

    217 manga out

    Hmm ... that was unexpected, kimi die and becames a statue.

    It's not ... "bad" but after all this buildup and praise about kimi and he die as a bone statue? A bit anticlimax if you ask me ....

    Oh well I always have my bleach. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Naruto Vs. Sasuke!

  6. #26
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    217 manga out

    I wouldn't go that far... Gaara is much stronger than people give him credit for...

    until the exam, he was never harmed before, and he was in A-ranked missions, so it has to mean something...
    when Lee dealt a blow to him, it was a small flash-wound, not more than a cat's scratch... and you should consider that Lee's taijutsu is nearing the rank of a jounin (unless you decide to go by Temari's words, which means that even she and Kankaru could handle some of his moves, and perhaps even win), which means that Gaara is basically at the level of a 'weak-medium' jounin...

    and when Sasuke hurt him, it was by using a jounin level jutsu, and once by using the curse seal...
    the only reason Gaara lost to Naruto (beside the fact that the plot called for it) was because they moved into the big guns section too quick, and the match became a challenge of power-ups, which is Naruto's field (seeing how Gamabunta is stronger than Shukako, and how Kyubi is an endless fountain of chackra)... if Gaara would have kept things small (human form) then he would have been able to kill Naruto in no time, even with only Taijutsu (and not even Sand Taijutsu, normal taijutsu)...

    Gaara is stronger than almost anyone around, the rest of the sound as well, they just got bad match-ups in the fights, otherwise, they would have owned...

    however, if Kimimaru was healthy, Gaara wouldn't have won, I think that kimi's ilness took alot out of him, you remember how he said to Tayuya that he's moving by willpower alone? it means something... and if you noticed, everytime he got crushed by sand, he had to stay in the next level to keep moving...

    sorry for all the irrelvent talkings, i'm just really out of focus..

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  7. #27

    217 manga out

    Originally posted by: immortality
    good chapter...i was expecting from the fight though..garra didnt even get a scratch...not even blood...does that mean sasuke and naruto are stronger than kimi...but cant wait for the next chap...hopefully suaske has finally got out from his barrel

    dude hes been out of the freakin barrel for ages, where u been? the bucket long been busted foo!

  8. #28

    RE: 217 manga out

    217 inane is out, a lot of colored pages. YES!

  9. #29

    RE: 217 manga out

    Duh, you said that.

    Anyway, I think that it was a good chapter. That last dance would have killed anyone but Gaara/high level ninjas because it affected the whole ground. Nice all around...

  10. #30

    217 manga out

    now that the long fight's are finally done, gaara has hell a lot new jutsu's
    is sasuke in level2 in the last page? if its so then he didn't turn out some kind of monster looking thing

  11. #31

    RE: 217 manga out

    nah he looked to be in just normal state. i mean why would he need to expend the chakra to stay in lvl 2 just to run through the woods? they only need it when they fight etc etc.

  12. #32

    RE: 217 manga out

    We got a slight glimpse of a backside view of Sasuke in level 2 form when he first came out of the barrel. He was in level 2 form and morphed back into his original state just before he ran off. I'm not sure what number chapter it was in, but it was the one when Lee first showed up to fight Kimi.

  13. #33
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    217 manga out

    Bye bye Mut@t@. We'll miss your fiery replies. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    Anyway, I thought the way Kimi died was kinda cool, he ran out of chakra at the end, totally draining himself dry and killing him making him a statue there for all time. TOgether with his bone tree's all over the place.

    *Dreamy wish*
    I bet the future of Naruto, maybe that kids from the Konoha academy would have visiting trips there and their teachers would talk about the monument of the violent battle between the powerful kazekage Gaara and the last of (Kimi's tribe name) when Gaara was still a young 12 year old.

    Probably it will be named the 'Boneyard'. And many strategic battles are won because the Konoha lured enemy ninja's into the Boneyard and use it to their advantage over the enemy nin's.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  14. #34

    RE: 217 manga out

    poor kimimaro stuck between gaara's sand and his own bone........

  15. #35

    RE: 217 manga out

    no more mutato? let us break out the ladies and booze for today is a day to rejoice! lol i kid, or do i? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  16. #36

    RE: 217 manga out

    You also have to think, Kimi was 200 meters underground, so if he did it on land it would reach the sky...

  17. #37
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    217 manga out

    yeah the statue on the right looks like the 1st hokage
    that would be totally badass if the one on the left was the 1st kage of a different village and the waterfall marks the boundary between the fire country and the other country

    ugh, why does inane and bakafish have to have such contrasting translations in some of these frames?

    page 5
    Gaara (Inane): This great ability has been have no chakra left...It's therefore the end...

    Gaara (Bakafish): I used too many big moves...not much chakra left...This will be the end...

    page 13
    Kimimaro (Inane): I'm dying

    Someone Else (Bakafish): He's dead

    btw i think bakafish's version for page 13 makes more sense, since that would suggest that he died faster than he could even say "I'm dying".....which would explain the pose he's in when he died

    also on pg 14 gaara says "That busy-body" in inane, which sounds like he's just calling gai names
    but on bakafish's he says "that untimely interference", which explains why lee refers to himself as being cowardly, since gaara was talking about the prelims match
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #38
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: 217 manga out

    great chapter finally getting somewhere. that other statue looks like amidamaru from shaman king.....weird.

  19. #39

    217 manga out

    gaara is god ^^ ......

  20. #40

    217 manga out

    Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
    Originally posted by: immortality
    good chapter...i was expecting from the fight though..garra didnt even get a scratch...not even blood...does that mean sasuke and naruto are stronger than kimi...but cant wait for the next chap...hopefully suaske has finally got out from his barrel

    dude hes been out of the freakin barrel for ages, where u been? the bucket long been busted foo!

    hmm..he has...its been a long time since that...well that means the next chapter is going to be even more interesting weee....

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