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Thread: Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

  1. #101
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***


  2. #102
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Maybe the girl was eaten by the wall or something, who cares shes not important

    R.I.P Captain America.

  3. #103
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    ************************************************** *******
    * I"ve went thorugh episode 85, 4 times. And you know what. *

    * After Jiraiya did the meat wall thingy. *

    ************************************************** *******
    munch munch.......

    it would be rude to borrow someone's esophagus without offering at least SOMETHING for it to digest
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #104

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    hmmmmm A/A 85 is out but it has 0 seeders/leechers... thats makes me sad =(!!

  5. #105

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Mongoose
    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Do you know for a FACT that the translation came across perfectly and Itachi didn't say something else than what we read? Alot of Itachi and Kisame's statements are being contradictory with that statement so I wouldn't belive that whole heartedly. Itachi needed rest, we don't "know" Jiraiya could defeat him, your making an awful lot of speculation on one statement that could have been a mis translation.
    There's another thread in the Naruto Open Discussion that asserts that the manga translation currently on Narutofan is flawed, and the actual conversation in the manga goes as follows, which is essentially the same as the translation for the anime:

    Originally posted by: raijin
    Actually, the manga has mentioned it, but the current circulating translated chapter where it is said is somewhat mistranslated.

    Although I could do a translation myself from the raw manga, here is the conversation (from the manga) between Itachi and Kisame after their confrontation with the Konoha Jounins translated by AK of Troy (the individual who translated Naruto Volumes 1-12 and is the translator at Toriyama's World):

    Kisame - You may be able to keep up with him but I don't know about me...
    Kisame - He's on a different level
    Itachi - Yeah... Fight him and we either both end up dead or get lucky and get a draw
    Itachi - Increasing our numbers likely won't make a difference
    Kisame - We finally find him at the ramen place and his bodyguard is one of those "legendary three nins"...
    Kisame - Against him, the name of the "Leaf's Uchiha Clan" and the "Mist Seven Shinobi Swordsman" will just be tarnished...
    Itachi - Yeah... But...
    Itachi - Even the most powerful have a weakness...
    Hey guys,

    I don't know if it's jsut me (and i don't think it is) but everyone reading the above quote is thinking "so itachi and kisame think jiraiya could whoop their asses", but if you really read it, the line where itachi says "yeah...fight him and we'd both end up dead or at best a draw" (or whichever translation you go by), they are not sayin that jiraiya would beat them. they are talking about NARUTO! As evidence by kisame saying about finding him at the ramen place n having a boydguard as a sannin. Sure he says tht him n itachi wld lose to jiraiya, but they both agree that they would lose to Naruto too.

    (please dont flame me...but do post back n tell me if u dnt agree cos i'm pretty sure that's their message)

  6. #106

    RE: Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Thats Dumbest thing i have ever heard. They wouldnt have approached Naruto like that. To stop Naruto completely all they had to do was swipe the sword near him. They didnt even need to touch Naruto in anyway to stop him. Saying that Naruto could come close to beating either of them is completely IDIOTIC.

  7. #107

    RE: Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    The wait is finally over, Tsunade, probably my favourite character other than naruto and kakashi, has finally here i can't wait to see the next episodes when shit goes down. Everything's going so fast now it seems that we're bound to see some filler episodes before we get to the good stuff

  8. #108

    RE: Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    No that is not their message. You will attract flames for being blatantly wrong. Why would they have to draw Jiraiya away from Naruto if Naruto is all so powerful? Why would Kisame have no fear in cutting all of Naruto's arms and legs? How come Kisame easily took away the all powerful Naruto's chakra? Why is Orochimaru able to beat beserk Kyubi Naruto but admittedly weaker than Itachi? Why does Itachi and Kisame run away from Jiraiya once he started his jitsu? Why couldn't Naruto do anything to help Sasuke if he was all powerful? Is that a mistranslation too when Jiraiya tells Naruto that Itachi and Kisame is way above Naruto's level and that he will only get killed if Naruto went after them? Come on they obviously meant Jiraiya.

  9. #109

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
    Originally posted by: Mongoose
    There's another thread in the Naruto Open Discussion that asserts that the manga translation currently on Narutofan is flawed, and the actual conversation in the manga goes as follows, which is essentially the same as the translation for the anime:

    Originally posted by: raijin
    Actually, the manga has mentioned it, but the current circulating translated chapter where it is said is somewhat mistranslated.

    Although I could do a translation myself from the raw manga, here is the conversation (from the manga) between Itachi and Kisame after their confrontation with the Konoha Jounins translated by AK of Troy (the individual who translated Naruto Volumes 1-12 and is the translator at Toriyama's World):

    Kisame - You may be able to keep up with him but I don't know about me...
    Kisame - He's on a different level
    Itachi - Yeah... Fight him and we either both end up dead or get lucky and get a draw
    Itachi - Increasing our numbers likely won't make a difference
    Kisame - We finally find him at the ramen place and his bodyguard is one of those "legendary three nins"...
    Kisame - Against him, the name of the "Leaf's Uchiha Clan" and the "Mist Seven Shinobi Swordsman" will just be tarnished...
    Itachi - Yeah... But...
    Itachi - Even the most powerful have a weakness...
    Hey guys,

    I don't know if it's jsut me (and i don't think it is) but everyone reading the above quote is thinking "so itachi and kisame think jiraiya could whoop their asses", but if you really read it, the line where itachi says "yeah...fight him and we'd both end up dead or at best a draw" (or whichever translation you go by), they are not sayin that jiraiya would beat them. they are talking about NARUTO! As evidence by kisame saying about finding him at the ramen place n having a boydguard as a sannin. Sure he says tht him n itachi wld lose to jiraiya, but they both agree that they would lose to Naruto too.
    That's highly unlikely, as the latest episode (85) shows. If Naruto was the one they were concerned about, why would the anime and manga show the girl distracting Jiraiya? The above conversation is talking exploiting a "most powerful" ninja's weakness, and the subsequent hot chick was sent to keep Jiraiya busy (Jiraiya himself notes this), which clearly implies that Jiraiya is the "powerful" person referenced and the girl is preying on his weakness for women, and not Naruto (else someone else would have shown up -- a ramen chef?). Would Kisame be casually talking about cutting off Naruto's limbs and leisurely attempt to cut off Naruto's arm if he were the ninja that Kisame says is on a "different level"? He never would have waited or kept his guard down if he were wary of Naruto. Instead, Jiraiya pops in in the nick of time to save Naruto from being one arm less and manages to drive away Itachi and Kisame from taking Naruto right there. It would make no sense if Itachi and Kisame were wary of Naruto rather than Jiraiya given how the story progresses.

  10. #110
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Well, first time I saw that episode I thought they were talking about Naruto too. Well, not so much Naruto, but the Demon Fox is who I thought they were talking about. After reading the TW guys translation though I do think its Jir they are talking about.

    One thing puzzles me though...

    If Tsunade is the Snail Trainer...why the fuck does she have a pig?

  11. #111

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: LostAngel
    hmmmmm A/A 85 is out but it has 0 seeders/leechers... thats makes me sad =(!!
    the tracker wasnt updated there were over 1000 seeders i got it d/l in less than 20 min

  12. #112

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    If Tsunade is the Snail Trainer...why the fuck does she have a pig?
    The pig is a pet. The translation from A/A has Tsunade as a slug tamer, which is a better description. She's a slug tamer the same way Jiraiya is a frog "tamer" and Orochimaru is a snake tamer... think about it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  13. #113

    RE: Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    JIRAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. #114

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Kagari
    Oh wow, Gai's "Dynamic Entrance" has got to be one of the funniest things i've seen in a while.....and when he's explaining how he had to use the forehead protector, I kept laughing all the way through!!

    Great Episode....but Jiraiya's jutsu is still a little gross [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Definately. Best Dynamic entrance ever!

  15. #115
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Noir
    Originally posted by: Kagari
    Oh wow, Gai's "Dynamic Entrance" has got to be one of the funniest things i've seen in a while.....and when he's explaining how he had to use the forehead protector, I kept laughing all the way through!!

    Great Episode....but Jiraiya's jutsu is still a little gross [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Definately. Best Dynamic entrance ever!
    the ONLY dynamic entry ever.

    EDIT: dynamic entries are and can only be done by gai. naruto doesn't have enough fairyness.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  16. #116

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    not true, naruto did a dynamic entry in the bridge fight against haku and zabuza

  17. #117

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    The black flames were produced by Itachi's other Sharingan technique known as "Amaterasu" (God of the Sun).
    Little is known about this move because he did it instantly and the effect was interruped by Jiraiya's reaction as the next frame.

  18. #118

    Naruto 85 Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    yea i just noticed that too, but two words, DYNAMIC ENTRY

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