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Thread: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

  1. #81

    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Who remember Shigure, the umbrella master that got wasted by gaara in the forest. didn't it seem like he was a lot more powerful than those other rain jounins.

  2. #82
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    @animemaster: True, stupid me! Can't believe I didn't think of that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    @TheAwesomeChow: I barely knew that "umbrella master" had a name. And well, to be fair, Gaara is not exactly an easy match-up.

  3. #83
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    this special was really boring. why make it about the weakest village in th world and their only powerful thing is the hero water which got defeated by naruto and sasuke when a jounin used it... the only good thing was that sasuke aknowldeged narutos strength something i don think we will see in the regular anime.

  4. #84

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Yeh, it was nice to see some teamwork happening there~
    BUT as usual, Sakura proves her inability to dish out any moves...
    It woulda been nice to see some Gamabunta or something... oh wells

  5. #85
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    What I don't get is that we see Team 7 every week. So if they wanted it to be special why not show one of the other team's. I wanna see Neji/Lee/Tenten get a episode devoted to them.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  6. #86
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    What I don't get is that we see Team 7 every week. So if they wanted it to be special why not show one of the other team's. I wanna see Neji/Lee/Tenten get a episode devoted to them.
    My dream too.

  7. #87

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    BAD, really BAD. Another episode devoted to Naruto making an ass out of himself and sasuke being all better. I mean at first the whole Naruto being loud and stupid was funny but it stopped a long time ago and now its just stupid. I mean cmon, dog crap?
    Anyway it was also cheap that suddenly naruto went into kyubi mode without any special reason. Its starting to replace Naruto's moves. instead of thinking of a smart move or trick he can use he just goes kyubi and is suddenly strong [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]

    Was really disappointed at this ep i thought the series had grown out of silly things like this.

  8. #88

    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    I thought the special was ok. Nothing majorly exciting, but a fine feature nonetheless.

    This Naruto feature, Jump Festa 2003, and possibly the movie coming in August, suffer from what I like to call the "DBZ Movie Syndrome" or DMS. The features aren't clear as to WHEN it is taking place. Naruto's able to control his red chakra? If thats the case, hed a done that between either episodes 53-60 (when Sasuke was in the hospital and training, that doesnt seem right) or after beating Gaara (sasuke is wearing different clothing by that time).

  9. #89
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    I didn't watch the OVA yet (it falls into the category of an OVA, i think, how was it released?) but i really need to know one thing..

    does the villian transform into a giant version of himself towards the end? like in every DBZ filler crap, the villian has to become three times taller than usuall, so that his 'coolness' would increase as well...

    well, does he?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #90

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    very good. you are an anime otaku.

    he drinks this "hero water" to make him very strong.

  11. #91

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    it was an okay ep. not to suky and not to great, but just bout in the middle.

  12. #92

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    The special started off decently with sasukes counter to the large number of kunei's but it totally went down hill from there...

    The last ending fight was pathetic, the water swords looked dumb (neat concept, just failed horribly due ot bad animation / colors) and Naruto seemed more like an idiot then someone who is actually strong and willing to sacrifice...

    The only tacticalful thing they did was a "made you look" type thing... I was hopeing for naruto and sasuke to do some good team stuff but no...

    I guess the only place this ep fits in is during the training before the main tournament but before Naruto and Sasuke learned there uber moves (chidori and gamabunta) since Naruto had the Naruto Renden (combo).

    I dont really care if the ep doesnt line up with the timeline at all.. but atleast make it entertaining... which this wasnt... the fights were all 1 big massive attack. I even perfer the DBZ "fast hands" thing then this... What makes naruto fun to watch is the hand to hand combat with a little jutsu thrown in for twists.

  13. #93

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    i liked it. i thought it was decent. mainly i liked the sasuke/naruto teamwork cause it's been awhile.

    though i also would really like a special/episode devoted to neji/lee/tenten's team with gai thrown in as well since he's there leader ^-^

  14. #94
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Shit. Mine is taking forever to download this series. It's been 1kb/s for the last 9 hours. You guys are downloading it from Toriyama World Issit? Is there any other fansub for this series?? I'm getting sick of waiting for this download.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  15. #95

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    I say this is better than crimson four-leaf clover, but not by much. At least this didn't have zombie ninja puppets that kept using recycled animation.

    One thing I was surprised about was how this special was so violent. Sasuke just kills a few guys with ease, Naruto gets stabbed in the back, that guy gets impaled on the water sword (and yet he survives WTF), and Naruto actually kills someone. I'm sure that nothing like this will happen in the manga anytime soon.

    Also, the animation in this special sucked, or rather, the drawing did. Sometimes the character's heads were HUGE.

    And don't get me started on the new characters. Every single one of them sucked. Especially Shibuki, the village leader. He was just an idiot. You know, he actually reminded me a lot of Inari, except without any believable development.

  16. #96

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    if shibuki had used taijitsu to fight the other "strong" jounins and the super strong jounin was just watching, then it would have been much better than the twister crap. And if they used a couple of water clones and kawarmi, then it would have been better too. Then if shibuki and that guy fought for a long battle and Sasuke didnt jsut come and "save the day", then it would have been much better. Shibuki should have at least had that guy down and hurt, so it would make sense when Naruto and Sasuke beat him.

  17. #97
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: Hybrid
    Also, the animation in this special sucked, or rather, the drawing did. Sometimes the character's heads were HUGE.
    Unintentional Chibi Naruto's. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    Aargh!! It's 89.7% and it's still moving at 1kb/s!!! Something is very wrong with this torrent. I can feel it.

    UH oh. By all you guys talking about it. It sounds like a suck balls episode.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  18. #98
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    i was able to get the non-avi format version.....but its taking FOREVER to get the avi there a site out there that has it on direct dl yet?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #99
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    phew!! Finally Finished. Yeah.. The AVI is damn slow. I don't know why..

    You guys are all right about this anime. It sucks. Bad. Very bad. Kishimoto couldn't have write this, and if he did wrote it, he's probably high on something. Because it's very very awful.

    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  20. #100

    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    In the last part, Sasuki totaly think that Naruto is so cool and they slapped hand. I think that is total crap.

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