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Thread: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    hmm.....well please tell me that konohomaru isnt in this one much
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: SpankyDaM

    Agree with you here - it did feel a very weak episode, and I think I preferred the 4 leaf clover to this one overall - will have to see if an ANBU AonE sub makes it any better.
    how the fuck would they make it better? by inserting their usual colorful mistranslated phrases?

  3. #23
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    ^^^wtf is up with this fool? you need to chill out.

  4. #24

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    stop putting your blind faith in crappy groups in spite of better ones releasing something earlier. tw consists of 5 active fansubbers and can beat 2 groups

  5. #25
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    M has a point in the fact that there's no reason the sub will be better just because A/A subs it.
    TW after all has more experienced translators, so that really makes no sense.

    And no, there's no Konohamaru in this one. It sucks on it's own accord. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  6. #26

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Stop flaming people just to get your post count up. You're avocating another group who does something for free against other groups who also do something for free.

    I don't give a flying fuck if you like one better, there is absolutely no reason at all to trash talk another.

    Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'

    I don't do fan-subbing, but you bet your ass I have a lot of respect and appreciation to the groups who spend hours working for free, and I don't mind even a little if out of hours and hours of subs, they have a mistake here or there.

    Grow the fuck up and learn to smile and say thank you, perfection isn't everywhere

  7. #27

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    I'd like to apologise as I can see that my comments on waiting for the ANBU-AonE subs was taken out of context - if you read my post I was very critical of the anime itself - poor plotline, animation not quite up to the usual high standards we've come to expect, and characters just not 'feeling' right in the way that they're acting.

    I have complete respect for every group that takes the trouble to allow us to enjoy such cool anime, and as I said this special was a very nice surprise instead of having to wait for the weekend release of the next installment of the anime.

    I have a preference for the ANBU-AonE subs, as those are the ones I have chosen to collect, if other people are enjoying the TW subs then good luck to them - they did a nice job on this, and if any members of that group read this post then I'd like to say thanks to them.

  8. #28

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: logic
    Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'
    Well "logic," I AM a fansubber, I have my own forum and my group gets trashtalked all the time by gorbellied, folly-fallen giglets like you. You're an imbecile for assuming so much. I'm not a bitch-ass leecher like you so watch your mouth when you talk to fansubbers, child

  9. #29
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    ^^^^who cares your still a loser, and to those who thinks im flaming him for no reason heres his earlier comment that ticked me off.
    "such n00bs you are, anycase TW just released the avi version, the torrent's up if you wanna get it, and I don't know why it would take you that long to remux the mkv it's f**king xvid and an mp3, you really are f00ls"

  10. #30

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: _M_
    Originally posted by: logic
    Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'
    Well "logic," I AM a fansubber, I have my own forum and my group gets trashtalked all the time by gorbellied, folly-fallen giglets like you. You're an imbecile for assuming so much. I'm not a bitch-ass leecher like you so watch your mouth when you talk to fansubbers, child
    Ah, so you should come to this site and trash talk AoNE then? Do unto others... f00l.

  11. #31

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    First off, Kakashi, it's "You're"
    Of course you'll never be able to differentiate between a good sub and a bad sub with that grammar.

    Second off:

    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Ah, so you should come to this site and trash talk AoNE then? Do unto others... f00l.
    If you were to finish that phrase it's "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you"... well AoNE does unto others what i am doing unto them

    And finally:

    Unfortunately if I continue this "game" of back and forth I'll have to deal with every person who resorts to name calling and ad hominem attacks, so I'll just drop it here.

  12. #32
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    lol what are you a teacher? this is the first time ive been corrected for grammar on gotwoot. what am i writing an essay or something? is someone grading this so i have to make sure to type with proper grammar? fuck off

  13. #33

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    lol what are you a teacher? this is the first time ive been corrected for grammar on gotwoot. what am i writing an essay or something? is someone grading this so i have to make sure to type with proper grammar? fuck off
    B- See me after class.

  14. #34

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: _M_

    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Ah, so you should come to this site and trash talk AoNE then? Do unto others... f00l.
    If you were to finish that phrase it's "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you"... well AoNE does unto others what i am doing unto them
    I didn't finish it because it is well known enough that you don't have to, that however is besides the point, you're correct, the saying is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, notice the distinction between that and "Do unto others as they have done unto you".

    Correcting grammer and spelling is a pathetic way to try and insult someone on internet forums.

    I thank you for being a fansubber don't get me wrong, however I don't appreciate your personality or attitude in this recent discussion which is why the argument is happening.

  15. #35
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    About the ep, the villians sucked dispite looking cool they were defeated by one hit each except the leader who owned by two genins. Best part about it was seeing Sauske fire techniques and seeing the water sword.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  16. #36

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004


    plx C0RrEct mA1 Sp311iNg plx. 1 r g07 h0rr1bL3 SpE11InG. aNd 1F Y0u Wan7 7u g37 uR P0sT c0un7 uP pLx g0 aNd sa1 sumd1ng uz3ful

    Oh yea and btw I failed my english class do theres no point on correcting my grammor.

    DID U KNO HOW LONG IT TOOK TO TYPE "l337"? freakin like 2 minutes to type that short stuff...

    Back to topic: Im still trying to place where this "OVA" is in the anime... rite now i got after chuunin prelim and before chuunin finals SHOULD be right after jiraiya teaching naruto to use kyubi chakra. (ofcorse this is OVA so there is no point in trying to figure out) =D


  17. #37

    RE: Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    Originally posted by: _M_
    Originally posted by: logic
    Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'
    Well "logic," I AM a fansubber, I have my own forum and my group gets trashtalked all the time by gorbellied, folly-fallen giglets like you. You're an imbecile for assuming so much. I'm not a bitch-ass leecher like you so watch your mouth when you talk to fansubbers, child
    wow you deserve a trophy, your parents must be very proud of you. if they are trash talking about your fansubs, then maybe it's time your group get better at it or something. Personally, I think TW subs are alot better. So I highly doubt AnBU is going to beat TW's, maybe in quality of the file. Please do not correct people's spelling errors. It is unneeded. We get his point, that's all we needed to know.

  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    apparently knowing two languages gives people arrogance rights

    getting back on topic though......
    WOO WATERFALL NINJAS!.....nobody ever thinks about the waterfall ninjas.....
    its pretty sweet to actually see their hidden village, but anyone else recognize the 2 captured guys that are talking from 16:38-16:46? Maybe they defected to the waterfall village, because they look EXACTLY like the konoha genins that opened the scrolls during the second exam in ep 35

    Aside from the lame way naruto finished the main villian off.....i didnt think this episode was THAT bad
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #39

    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    i speak 3 languages and i really don't care about others making any kind of mistakes in any languages....

  20. #40
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto Jump Festa 2004

    What? Is TW actually tranlating episodes from this year again?

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