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Thread: Naruto Raws for AMV's

  1. #1

    Naruto Raws for AMV's

    Does anyone know where I can get Naruto Raws through bittorrent or direct download I want to do an amv but I dont want the subbing to get in the way.
    Sorry if this is a n00bish question but i ran a search and didn't get any results...

  2. #2

    Naruto Raws for AMV's

    Well, the old raws are really hard to find, but I have found a couple of recent raws (69-75). You can get them here. For the most recent raws, you can look on google and you should be able to find them. Hope I could help.

    EDIT: Sorry, when I looked at those raws, they were actually just the scripts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. You can find some REAL raws from here. They have the most recent raws and will have future ones. For the older raws, your going to have to ask people to reseed them. Download Anime and We Get Raws has older raws but they are not seeded. Like I said, your'e probably going to have to ask people to seed them either on the forums or on the irc channel of those websites. Hope I could help.

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