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Thread: What is to become of the female gennins?

  1. #1
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    What is to become of the female gennins?

    There's been lots of specualtion going around this whole forums, and lots of questioning why the female ninja's suck(except Temari). So, lets all put them here and speculate it out what probably would happen to them.

    Sakura = Probably become a Ninja medic. Booksmarts, and good chakra control, but NEVER meant to be on the battlefield. She's bad at fighting. Probably end up with Naruto instead of Sasuke. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] , Especially after Naruto show her his Ball. (Heh)

    Ino = Probably would be a good spy. With her mind control. And goes out dating Chouji,if he's not dead.

    Hinata = Somehow, I don't rate her very highly. She's not bad at fighting, but not a potential either, I cannot see her going into war and fighting along side most of the more talented fighters. So she'll probably become a chunnin and teach little kids at the academy. She dresses like one too.

    TenTen = Probably become a sniper. Taking out targets from afar. Not meant to be a close ranger fighter. Probably chunnin level as well. Maybe Anbu.

    Temari = Perhaps the most potential of them all, since she is the daughter of the Kazekage. Hope she eventually goes out with Shika. Probably closening the relationship with the leafs and the sand. (Because she is the only (I think) daughter of the kazekage).

    Female Naruto = She's at the public bath all day long for some strange reason. I swear she has a camera behind her back.

    Discuss. Voice your opinions or your own prediction. If you think their going to die soon, go ahead.
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  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    What is to become of the female gennins?

    i seriously could not care for the females of the naruto world. i don't care if they become strong (good for them) and i don't care if they stay weak. i've managed to ignore any of the females' progress in terms of storyline and skill. none of the girls are truly bad ass like faye valentine from cowboy bebop.

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  3. #3

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    Sakura may have good chakra control but compared to Hinata who you dont see as having much potential it's pretty damn pathetic. The Hyuuga learn to control precise amounts of chakra as soon as they can walk, it's necessary for the Gentle fist style of fighting. I also think she's more of a med nin. But then I just dont like Sakura at all and I'm a Hinata fan so I'm completely biased heh

  4. #4

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    All the female genin suck as ninja.

    v yea, Temari is probably most talented v

  5. #5

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    Save Temari, all the female genins in naruto suck big time. They really need to train their asses off to catch up with their male comrades.
    I can't see how any one of them would become just as half as strong as Tsunade-sama. I hope she trains some of them.

  6. #6

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    Temari has a lot of talent and, in the manga series, is really ahead of the curve (as are her brothers). Good offense and defense and very confident. Though we haven't really seen her hth capabilities, just her fan.

    Tenten is a weapons expert which makes her a hth fighter primarily. Specialization is fine, but she needs to be able to combat the obvious counter-measures that can be used against her. While she is supposed to be good, she did get owned by Temari's abilities.

    Sakura may be smart and have expert chakra control, but her chakra is minimal which in my opinion doesn't necessarily make her a good medic ninja (don't they need lots of chakra to heal? Sakura's may be enough *shrug*, though I'm not too sure). She really needs to stop blushing over Sasuke and focus on herself. Her crushing on Sasuke is what's holding her back.

    Hinata has a lot of potential, with her clans Blood Limit ability. Her hth is superb and hard to counter and is more effective with her Byakugen. She just needs the confidence to move forward. Naruto helped, but she either needs an external impetus, again, or she needs to find something to work towards.

    Ino, meh, I dunno. It seems the same with Sakura though Ino seems more in control of her self than Sakura. She may be training hard for all anyone knows, but maybe she just doesn't care to do much right now.

  7. #7
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: What is to become of the female gennins?

    i think the main reason why she is the best female genin we've seen so far is because not only is she the kazekage's daughter, but she is the oldest one. so i guess she has had more time to learn and develope her skills.

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  8. #8
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    RE: What is to become of the female gennins?

    I like temari, she has a big ass fan and is very good at using it, she could become a skillful jounin

    R.I.P Captain America.

  9. #9

    RE: What is to become of the female gennins?

    Role of the female genin? Please the male genin.


    Damn, a lot of female forum-goers are gonna hate me for this one.

  10. #10

    RE: What is to become of the female gennins?

    COMFORT WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #11

    RE: What is to become of the female gennins?

    The female gennins are only going to be useful for making babies and doing the laundry.


  12. #12

    RE: What is to become of the female gennins?

    To be fair to TenTen even though she was butchered by Temari she couldnt have drawn a worse person to fight against (save Gaara of course)

    I recon she could have beaten most of the people there apart from Temari, Gaara and Neji.....hmm and maybe Lee cos of his whole crazy speed thing

  13. #13
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    What is to become of the female gennins?

    tenten is garbage. i think some of you guys think tenten is strong just because she is in a group with a stud and a stud wannabe.

    EDIT: i didn't mean that temari was garbage, i was talking about tenten.

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  14. #14
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    What is to become of the female gennins?

    I was just thinking of making this thread, because I was getting pretty tired of seeing Sakura's only role in the manga now was to cry about Sasuke.

    As for Sakura, I think, despite her lack of many skills, she'll become a medical ninja like Tsunade. This is only because Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are obvious parallels to the Sannin (Ero-sennin, Tsunade, and Oro) Naruto basically has given up on her too (romantically speaking)

    I like Hinata, she's pretty weak, but we really haven't seen that much of her to judge anything. Oh, and she's definitely got Naruto.

    Temari obviously rocks. I got this vibe from the last couple manga eps that Shikamaru...and I'll just trail off there.

    TenTen's only purpose in Naruto is to narrate Neji's fights and please him during nights. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Ino, the forgotten genin: I don't think we'll see to much of her anymore.

  15. #15

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    The only female i Naruto i care about is Hinata,i hope her love for Naruto makes her to work hard and become a great Ninja.

  16. #16

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    I don't think Sakura will become a medic ninja. She'll probably become a genjutsu master. Kakashi made the comment that she had talent in that area, when she dissplelled the sleeping feather thingy. Genjutsu has only been used a couple of times in the series, which means that it is probably hard to master. I would like to thingk that Genjustsu requires A more precise use of chakra than the powerhouse ninjutsu moves. If this is true, then I think we can expect to see Sakura as a Genjutsu expert.

    Hinata is more the type to become a medic ninja. she dosn't have the disposition to be a fighter. Because of her byakugan, she can see the chakra vessles in the body. This is ideal if she wanted to become a medic ninja, because she could repair broken chakra vessles. Also, the gentle fist fighting style concentratres chakra into the hand. If you can damage the body using that technique, you can logicly conclude that you could probably repair the body. Hinata could use her byukugan to see the damage, and then use her hand as a scalpal to operate.

  17. #17

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    I can see Sakura in a teaching position in the academy, because she already fills an unofficial teacher role for the watchers of Naruto. Other than that, I've said this many times before, but I think Sakura will become the type of ninja who has a few very basic techniques, but uses them with such great efficiency that it puts everyone else to shame.

    I think Hinata will end up with Naruto, though I wonder if this means Hinata is no longer in the Hyuuga clan, or if Naruto gets introduced into the Hyuuga clan.

  18. #18

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    Remember how Naruto tells Neji how he will become Hokage and change Hyuuga for him... His gateway to that may just be getting with Hinata, that makes him king of Hyuuga and Hokage all in one... I can definitely see that happening

  19. #19

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    Yeah, that's what I think is gonna happen too, gokundagreat.

  20. #20

    What is to become of the female gennins?

    Hotsuma and XwingRob, all I've got to say is [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. I hope you are joking, or I forsee several nights on the couch in your future!

    As for the girls, you have to remember that the characters, especially the newbies taking the exam are preteens or early teenagers. Girls at that age generally tend to have crushes and act momentarily braindead. Just like guys are out to prove that they are the best and are ready to kick the world's collective @$$. Most of the time the feelings tone down, though sometimes they change completely. Like you who were ragging on Sakura's obsession with Sasuke, you'll notice she's calmed down. She held a fairly normal conversation with him in the last episode. While she still has an idol-worship complex, she's matured somewhat. I personally don't see her as having the patience right now to deal with kids, so I don't think she'd be a good teacher. She has a wide working knowledge, so I see her as a great backup ninja in a fight. She thinks fast on her feet, but if she's far enough away to observe the actions, she'll quickly figure the jutsu out and come up with a counterattack.

    I agree that Hinata will be a teacher. She seems to be able to empathize with struggling children. Plus, if she's crushing on Naruto, she's got to have patience in spades. With her Byakkagan (sp?), she'd make a pretty good fighter, but I don't think her heart's really in it.(I think she's got paternal pressure on her.) She'll be a good teacher for her children, and she'd be a good defender if someone threatened someone she cared about, but I don't see her as a long-term ninja.

    Since I don't know much about TenTen and Temari, I cannot say much. I don't think the anime gave a very good view of either character. It was more of an in-passing type glance at the characters. Both are fairly confident, and appear to be hard-working (TenTen's pushed by Gai--nuff said there, Temari is being pushed to excel and works with Gaara, so I imagine it'd be tough there too). I think they could make it in a fairly male-dominated ninja society, but I don't know if it would be their job.

    Ino is fairly advanced, and she is a born leader. Her takeover of the leadership role of her team is apparant. Granted, neither Choji nor Shikamaru argued with her, but she also orchestrates the attack combinations. With her advanced mind-control jutsu, she is skilled enough to be a formidable opponent. I could see her heading a team of her own in the future.

    Those are my speculations at least.

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