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Thread: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

  1. #41

    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    anyway.. gai is not goin to use just his eyes lookin at itachi's feet.. he can use his other senses like ears to hear where is itachi really goin.. if he ain't sure which kind of minor movement of itachi's feet will show what movement itachi'll make.. then i've no idea who will..

  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Originally posted by: kyuubi_
    so you mean that jounins have better eyes ?
    how bout hokage ? they've about the same eyes as sharingan ?

    If Gai have to fight itachi.. he won't be that dumb to only stay there and monitor Itachi's leg... but with his high speed movement.. don't you think itachi will have trouble dodgin attacks ??
    im sure most of the high level jounins and the hokage can easily match lee's speed....when it comes to genjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu, they are on a whole different level than genins yes, if jounins can move that fast themselves, then should be able to see the movements just the same....

    and just as kakashi used that water barrier jutsu, itachi could perform defensive and offensive jutsus just the same, except very quickly
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #43
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Originally posted by: chambers
    but five or six is ok right?

    EDIT: ok ill refere you back to my point that mnay boxer fight by looking ta the feat. if you do anything with any force whatsoever your feet show it, they show which way you are about to run, they show which hand will throw the next punch. also we havent seen a sinlge example of a silent technique (AFAIK apart form itachis) therefore as soon asits performed gai knows what it is.

    also your fogetting the fact hat gai has obvioulsy trained with this method, therefore it will probly prove to be a LOT less of a handicap as you would imagein

    EDIT again: no i do get it. i get it completely. but why on earth do you feel the need to single me out for such things when clearly just a msg or two before someone did it also. beacuse? iam arguing with you.
    nice job applying real life to an anime. it'll definitely support your theory. <--- sarcasm.

    and i'm not forgetting anything. gai looking at kakashi's feet isn't gonna make him a winner, it's just gonna possibly negate genjutsus performed by sharingan. and it's not like kakashi is gonna use the sharingan every second... he'll lose if does so. and you say A LOT less of a handicap... well, it's still a handicap, no? no matter what, gai's method ultimately puts you at a disadvantage.

    and listen, i pointed you out because there are only TWO things i look for when i'm arguing/discussing on the forums in situations like this: any reference to my name and any reply by the people i'm arguing with. so i ignore majority of the posts in the thread. and don't tell me i'm missing out on whatever... i haven't missed out anything yet.

    Originally posted by: kyuubi_
    Yah assertnfailure, I agree with the way you explain yourself with the eyes thing.. but don't forget the fact that if Gai is to battle Itachi.. there won't be much jutsus for Itachi to copy.. and of coz.. you can copy hand seals better than other physical movements coz you're more familiar with it...

    that also explains that there sharingan won't be as good as you see from copyin other's movement like what it did from copyin jutsus..
    you're making it sound as if taijutsu is not a jutsu. remember how easily sasuke's crap sharingan copied lee's moves?

    Originally posted by: kyuubi_
    you said anime. so why can't Gai defeat Itachi ? since it's anime then everything can don't make any sense. it'll be what the creator wants it to be.
    well, if you're gonna go that far with it, then what's the point of discussing? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    and don't multipost. use the edit button, kthx.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  4. #44

    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Yah assertnfailure, I agree with the way you explain yourself with the eyes thing.. but don't forget the fact that if Gai is to battle Itachi.. there won't be much jutsus for Itachi to copy.. and of coz.. you can copy hand seals better than other physical movements coz you're more familiar with it...

    that also explains that there sharingan won't be as good as you see from copyin other's movement like what it did from copyin jutsus..

  5. #45

    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@

    nice job applying real life to an anime. it'll definitely support your theory. <--- sarcasm.
    you said anime. so why can't Gai defeat Itachi ? since it's anime then everything can don't make any sense. it'll be what the creator wants it to be.

  6. #46

    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    you jusyt nullified every possible discussion EVER.

  7. #47
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Originally posted by: kyuubi_
    Yah assertnfailure, I agree with the way you explain yourself with the eyes thing.. but don't forget the fact that if Gai is to battle Itachi.. there won't be much jutsus for Itachi to copy.. and of coz.. you can copy hand seals better than other physical movements coz you're more familiar with it...

    that also explains that there sharingan won't be as good as you see from copyin other's movement like what it did from copyin jutsus..
    i was referring to the fact that itachi prolly copied tons of jutsus from other ninjas he has encountered....sharingan users can remember jutsus that they copy, i'm sure itachi knows plenty to use against gai without having to steal any of gai's
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #48

    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Well. I skipped a cuple of pages. But man. Dosnt the Sharigan Take eye contact to work? Sure he has all the skills he copied. but yah. if you dont make eye contact it dose nothing

  9. #49
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    eye contact is only necessary for hypnosis and mangekyou
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #50

    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    [i]Originally posted by: Mut@t@it's like saying, 'oh, a wooden shield can protect you from a bow and arrow so therefore it'll do the same against a machine gun.'

    But the bullets will never hit if the f***er cant aim the gun. From what Ive seen you have to make eye contact with him. So I would say looking at the feet would work.

  11. #51
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    jeesh...the eye contact is only neccesary for the genjutsu techniques, the sharingan can still anticipate movements without having to look into the eyes of the opponent.

  12. #52
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    gai's method is ineffective. it ultimately puts you at a disadvantage even if you are at the same level, in terms of fighting skills, as the sharingan user .

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #53

    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    We didnt see Gai's method. Without seeing it in action it is impossible to tell if it would ultimatly put him at a disadvantage or not. Saying anything is for certain is just ignorance.

    What we did see was Itachi respect Gai' fighting ability, telling Kisame not to underestimate him. Gai also didn't show any fear standing infront of Itachi which is either due to extreme stupidity (Mutata' will go with this one) or a belief he could fight him. None of this means Gai could stand a chance vs Itachi though.

    I for one think Gai couldn't defeat Itachi. Gai never shows any sign of him believing he could win, just that he could fight him till reinforcements could appear.

  14. #54
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Originally posted by: Shin_Naruto
    We didnt see Gai's method. Without seeing it in action it is impossible to tell if it would ultimatly put him at a disadvantage or not. Saying anything is for certain is just ignorance.

    What we did see was Itachi respect Gai' fighting ability, telling Kisame not to underestimate him. Gai also didn't show any fear standing infront of Itachi which is either due to extreme stupidity (Mutata' will go with this one) or a belief he could fight him. None of this means Gai could stand a chance vs Itachi though.

    I for one think Gai couldn't defeat Itachi. Gai never shows any sign of him believing he could win, just that he could fight him till reinforcements could appear.
    what the hell are you talking about, don't act like you know me. gai stood there wanting to fight them because not only did he know that more people were coming, gai isn't a pussy.

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  15. #55
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Holy shit. I can't believe this is even a debate.

    In order for the Sharingan to work, the user has to make eye contact. Itachi cannot harm someone, even with the Mange Sharingan, who is not looking into his eyes. If Gai-sensei can fight effectively without looking at Itachi's eyes, then he cannot be harmed by the Sharingan's genjutsu, predictive abilities, etc.

    If Itachi's Sharingan was a bazillion times more powerful than Kakashi's, and it amplified every copied technique's power 100,000-fold, it wouldn't matter because Gai knows not to look into his eyes and get raped by Itachi's Sharingan.

  16. #56

    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    This started off a Resonable Debate but this is more like a Flame war. who ever Argues the longest wins.

  17. #57

    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    shad up kumiriko, i say keep the flame war going. I like reading these types of topics. it makes me laugh

    FLAME WAR........GO!!!!

  18. #58

    RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Let me put this into perspective for you all.

    Itachi is stronger than Orochimaru
    Kakashi is scared shitless of Orochimaru and admits he'd be easily killed by him
    Kakashi and Gai are at the same level

    Therefore,Itachi could wipe the floor with Gai.Some of you act like all Itachi has is his sharingan,he was a fucking ANBU captain,not a ramen bitch.Of course he is well-rounded in all areas;taijutsu included.Why do you think Asuma and Kurenaii couldn't keeo up with him.They could follow Lee when he started opening gates,but they couldn't follow Itachi,starting to make sense now?

  19. #59

    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    what the hell are you talking about, don't act like you know me.
    Sorry, I didn't mean to put words in your mouth.

    gai stood there wanting to fight them because not only did he know that more people were coming, gai isn't a pussy.
    Is English your first language?

    EDIT: vvvvv vvvv Perfectly!? For a 3rd grader maybe.

  20. #60
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Trick to Counter the Sharingan?

    this is what i meant to say: gai stood there wanting to fight them because not only did he know that more people were coming, he wasn't gonna back down. gai isn't a pussy.

    my thoughts were cluttered.

    but nice attempt at trying to get me for my mistakes by asking me if english is my first language even though i've been speaking it perfectly the whole time, moron.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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