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Thread: Cant get off the Yellow on BT

  1. #1

    Cant get off the Yellow on BT

    OK I'm having a small problem with my bittorrents from this website. I am constantly showing as if I'm behind a firewall when downloading, mainly Naruto.

    I have the ports opened up in Portfowarding to this computer. I have my IP addresses correct, and firewalls down. I can go onto other sites and download just fine and be in the green but when I'm here its still yellow. I dont udnerstand...Please help

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: Cant get off the Yellow on BT

    yellow doesn't always mean broken. sometimes it's just that you haven't had inbound connections.

    check your ports and ranges again to be sure, but if you're going green other places and just not here, it is probably just the torrents you're getting aren't giving you inbounds.

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