Heh. I vote for the ruler of Caloria! She's hot and wise and perceptive. Yuri certainly needs the first quality after such a long pestering by Wolfram, and since he's often naive, the last two could also be of tremendous use.
Heh. I vote for the ruler of Caloria! She's hot and wise and perceptive. Yuri certainly needs the first quality after such a long pestering by Wolfram, and since he's often naive, the last two could also be of tremendous use.
I still find it funny that his name is Yuri, when yuri means lesbians...
NOOOO!!!!!1!!1!1! OMFGZmack!!1!!!!!!!1
YurixWolfram FUREVAARrR!!!!!!!!!
(honestly, i think that the relationship between those two makes me laugh more than anything else in this show... Can't wait to see Wolfram's reaction to this. As for the Ruler of Caloria... I don't trust the broad... something's up.)
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Yeah, that was true for a long time. But little by little I'm getting tired of it. It hasn't changed at all, apart from Wolfram getting even a bit more jealous, but nothing new has appeared in that relationship since that fateful slap (and if it went the way Wolfram wanted, I would cringe...).Originally posted by: masamuneehs
honestly, i think that the relationship between those two makes me laugh more than anything else in this show...
It's somewhat obvious Yuri doesn't quite appreciate the situation, and most of the time doesn't even react at all. That's why I wouldn't mind if the situation was resolved somehow, and Yuri was free to pick a girl. I know it could only produce far more traditional comedy seen already in multiple series, but at least it would be a change.
Well, at least there is Greta. Instituting her in the show was a very good move. (She and her situation always remind me of Aishiteru ze Baby, one of my most favorite anime series ever.)
Hello I'm new here...
I'm appologizing right now if this question as already been asked. But, can someone tell me what's happening with this anime....Seriously I love it and it's the only anime I am currently following....Cause it's the only one I actually like, I'm vey picky. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img].......
Anyways; I'm waiting for epi. 54..XD
Why are you waiting for ep #54, when #57 is already out? Browse the last few pages of this thread, and pick the links here and there. It's just that the Gotwood main page hasn't listed the "new" episodes. Fortunately some servants of the Secret Bit, wielders of the Flame of Torrent post here meticulously the links to the new episode torrents. Just keep your eyes open. Just don't hold you breath, because the sub releases are quite infrequent, it seems.
How old is Flurin supposed to be anyways? If I were Yuri she would be my number one pick regardless [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I like the green-haired doctor myself...
They are all probably 100's of years old or something like that
Thank you! I hadn't checked the older pages...Didn't think the links would be here. Now that I do i'll check in regularly. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Thanks again!
You can download the anime from www.anime-krake.org directly...
A very nice episode. Yuri used some magic without even completing the full transformation (though he still didn't remember much afterwards). A little bit of traditional action, and traditional plot twists. And it looks like we will enter next the very traditional "bring your otherworldly friends to Earth" arc... Not that I would consider such necessarily bad; for example in Inuyasha those were very good episodes.
Yes, it was a good episode indeed...
I wonder why Yuri is not allowed to go where Shinou is...
I also wonder why they didn't capture or at least stayed to talk until Belal woke up... They simply left...
This is indeed a good question, because originally they travelled there to talk to Belal (or at least Yuri planned so). It became obvious Belal wasn't the one behind the misdeed, but like you said, it would have made sense to see if Belal knew something.Originally posted by: Budweineken
I also wonder why they didn't capture or at least stayed to talk until Belal woke up... They simply left...
Heh, I bet I wasn't the only one who thought Belal was very similar to Theoden under Saruman's control, when they entered the hall...
I didn't think of that, but now that you mention it... yeah very similar...
Next episode will be good, when the Queer Five finally go to Earth... I wonder how Yuri's life will be affected with all the gayness...
It'll probably be a blast with Yuri's mom... I wish Yuri's brother had more involvement, I think with the action moving to Earth he'll finally get his chance... I'm pretty sure he learned some abilities from the guy he met when he was little...
Also, I forgot what happened to Yuri's dad... is he dead?
I don't think his dad is dead. Wasn't he just extremely busy with whatever he's doing, some business most likely? I seem to recall he was shown in some episode, and he tried to spend some time with Yuri, but Yuri passed and went to play baseball. Though I could be remembering wrong as well (with all the anime watched, wouldn't be a mirable...).
Some small role for his brother would indeed be good. Let's hope he's in.
I think the only episode he has been shown was in the flashback episode where we meant Yuri's brother...
I may be mistaken though...
Yuri's father is definatly alive, like mentioned he was in one episode and he complained about how yuri didnt want to spend any time with his old pop.
when is the next epi of kyou kara maou going to come out?!?!
Read the second post of this thread: