(There is hentai in this image, though very comically done, but still; some might find it offensive though I find it unfathomable)
What are they saying? You choose. Give it your best shot!
(There is hentai in this image, though very comically done, but still; some might find it offensive though I find it unfathomable)
What are they saying? You choose. Give it your best shot!
looks like sasuke is boning some girl while in the middle of a swing off a tree. and i don't know what it says.
maybe sasuke got a kinky sexlife ;-)
My guess is he's trying out his new pile driver jutsu [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
thats naruto henged into sasuke and the other one is sakura i think its some kind of hentai by bakafish if i remember correctly naruto is trying to hide from sasuke
he says
"im king of the jungle bitch"
lol yeah pretty much look like that
wow.....disturbing......but if the plot DOES involve naruto henged and stuff.....then it sounds kinda interesting [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
where'd you come across that anyway?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
here is the link to the manga
and there some more hentai about naruto i guess
Dudes you don't understand the game! I edited out the bubbles so you are supposed to write your best dialogue. One for Sasuke, one for Sakura.
lol, nm about it being interesting.....now i remember why i found hentai stuff to be so disturbing :X
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
You guys suck. You ruined my game. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Sorry, but the game was confusing. and shocking. i mean sasuke with a girl. i'm shocked. just kidding.
But seriously, that picture is mind boggling. we simply don't have much to say. it's too much for words.
I mean who knew sasuke wasn't gay
sorry man that was my bad actually i didn't read your post properly.....