he looked so innocent when he was young, he also dosnt look normal .. was he just drawn like that to kinda repersent a snake or his part of a snake looking family or something?.. it like his a alien
he looked so innocent when he was young, he also dosnt look normal .. was he just drawn like that to kinda repersent a snake or his part of a snake looking family or something?.. it like his a alien
I thought it was just due to contacts and lots and lots of make up (especially eyeshadow) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Maybe it will be revealed later...... could it be that a snake demon possessed him at a later date, making him truly evil and snake-like in appearance? hehe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
Most likely he has some kind of bloodlimit me thinks.
Or probably he's born with some kind of birth defect. Probably he was laughed and scorned when young, thats why he's probably such a overacheiver. And most probably talented too.
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
HAHA thats prob why he attacks konoho ..to get revenge for people making his younger life hard, but he was like best student out of the 3 sannins wasnt he?
Hrm, but who in fact has proven better in all accounts so far? Naruto (Jairaya) or Sasuke (Orochimaru)
That is definetely a weird style he has. it might just be a blood limit. but if it is, then how can he transfer his blood limit from one body to another. and at the same time acquire a whole new blood limit as in the case with kimi and sasuke. it's weird and kishimoto should definetely explain things on that one.
isnt it kakashi? he trained in the same group
sasuke --> kakashi
He acts this way now probably because he was corrupted earlier in his life or he may have seen something that mentally altered his perspective on life, and decided to go evil(the darkside so to speak)
R.I.P Captain America.
its prove that hes damn cocky and can own.
I wouldn't say Orochimaru is evil or darkside. He's just a greedy bastard who wants to know all the jutsu's and rule the world.
Whats wrong with being ambitious??
J/k. Heheh.
I guess it's his inhumane ways of doing it that he is evil. he treats people like resources. But then, you some people like this who venture past taboo's to find secrets never ventured. Need to be a bit mad. Like always said, there's a fine line between genius and madness.
I bet Orochimaru's the only person who knows the switching body jutsu. Or transferring soul Jutsu.
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
i think your right, and if im not mistaken he was actually the one who created that jutsu...or maybe it was an extreamly hard jutsu to master or something. ahh im confusing myself.
The switching soul jutsu might of been in secret scroll that the hokage has. He seemed to know what it was meant to do when oro told him about it. he might have been shocked that oro did it. but he seemed to know about it. maybe it was some extremely forbiddern jutsus. like the jutsu that revived the past hokages(1st, and 2nd) into other ninja's bodies. Sarutobi and the anbu knew of the technique but were shocked that someone was actually using it.
that cant be....because oro discovered how to perform it after countless experiments on the bodies of other ninjas that he killed or captured
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
im certain that its not a bloodlimit. its just they way he is made by kishimoto also i dont thik its something wierd with kisame just because he looks like a fish i guess kishimoto wanted characters look a littel diffrent than just looking like nomral ppl.
Always the assumptions of bloodline limits with every unique character introduced. Every new character is not going to have a special bloodline to them.
that prob why he look like a snake cause snake shed skin ect..
he looked/talked like a girl -_-
wtf? if i met a girl that had a voice like orochimaru's.....i'd be pretty freaked out
10/4/04 - 8/20/07