Sat, 09-18-2004, 09:32 PM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
oh u mean her...yea i don't think they are a good friends to Ayumi, maybe cuz they just jealous of her being a model and stuff. Y ayumi even like satsuki anyway what so good about him?
Sat, 09-18-2004, 09:38 PM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
cuz satsuki is cool. he has not emotions showing. he's good looking (supposedly from marika and the teacher at the preschool). he says "not really" a lot showing he can care less. it's the same reason why girls like sasuke in naruto.
is satsuki still in elementary school, right? a 5 year difference from kippei so i thought he would be in middle school. but if u were in middle school u would wear a uniform, right?

I tried my best...
Sat, 09-18-2004, 11:07 PM
Aishiteruze baby
guess he's in a school that allows street clothes. remember in the first few eps that kippei said he didnt wear a uniform when he went to pre-school and but yuzuyu's pre-school has uniforms. uh, so yeah
Mon, 09-20-2004, 10:28 AM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
doesn't Miki look better when her hair was red....is seem alots cuter than black hair.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 06:02 PM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
lol, yea she did look better with red hair. but. she did look good with black hair in ep 20. i'm not sure what went wrong in ep 21, cuz the animation there wasnt what i liked =\
Mon, 09-20-2004, 10:14 PM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
i didn't notice about the animation but i think miki looks the same w/ both hair color.

I tried my best...
Tue, 09-21-2004, 10:18 AM
Aishiteruze baby
well...her personality is pretty much the same, except now without the keychain.
I think she was pretty cute when she was crying in front of kippei.
Tue, 09-21-2004, 12:26 PM
Aishiteruze baby
true *nods*
uh, if anyone read that the series might end at ep 24....well WRONG.
looks like the series is gonna continue. i just looked up at the animax air schedule and it looks like theres gonna be a ep 25 and 26 and maybe even so on =O
Tue, 09-21-2004, 01:37 PM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
It is 26 episode.... at least according to anidb
Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:02 AM
Aishiteruze baby
wonder if Miki like Kippei?.....she do show some female personality in the last fews episodes.
Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:34 AM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
Yeah... i think she liked him... that was part of her breakdown when she saw Kippei making out with Kokoro...
Fri, 09-24-2004, 10:00 AM
Aishiteruze baby
Aishiteruze baby episode 23 is out
-Episode 23 Spoiler-
I think kippei been dump by kokoro in this episode, and y is kippei call her chin instead of chan now? what is chin mean? anybody know?
Fri, 09-24-2004, 07:27 PM
Aishiteruze baby
Wow, that was a pretty good episode.
**Episode 23 Spoilers**
The scene with Yuzuyu and Marika was so cute. Yuzuyu definitely acts older than a pre-schooler.
Did anyone ever notice that Kippei and Kokoro wear the same color and style earrings?
I can definitely understand Kippei's feelings in this episode. It's the dilemma that we guys all face... The irrational behavior of the girl and the non-existant explanation afterwards... I mean, seriously, girls, we are not mind readers, no matter how hard we try. If you care so much for your significant other, then why do you not explain things to him instead of acting on impulse? I totally feel for Kippei in this episode, and as such, in the end, I feel like, "what the???"
It really hurts when you care so much for someone, and really want to help, but have to feel frustrated because you don't know what to do... because you can't figure out what is wrong.. *sigh*
**End Spoilers**
Three more episodes to go. I wonder if Yuzuyu's mother is just going to come one day and take her back? Or maybe they'll all live happily together?
Fri, 09-24-2004, 08:48 PM
Aishiteruze baby
WHAT?? WHEN?? does mirkx not post aishiteruze baby torrents? cuz i don't really go to animesuki anymore. damn, well i guess i better start dling it.
THUNDRAKKON!! what do u mean "irrational behavior????" there is no irrational behavior. kokoro didn't tell kippei becuz she didn't wanna trouble him. she probably feels like he already has yuzu to take care of, which is already a handful.
sure u really wanna help the one that u care about. that person might be so distressed that they don't feel like talking right now. he/she might eventually but sometimes it's a bad time to talk about it. u know what u can do that's really helpful? just be there. even w/o saying anything, ur physical presence is very comforting.
psh...irrational behavior...

I tried my best...
Sun, 09-26-2004, 01:50 AM
Aishiteruze baby
See... Now if you able to explain things clearly like this, us guys wouldn't have to go through the pain and misery of trying to figure out what is wrong. I do agree that girls have perfectly logical explanations for whatever they do... it's just guys can't figure it out, and you girls tend to not want to explain it to us.
If you want us to be there, then why did Kokoro dump him in the end? He made her a bento, at lunch with her, they were happy, she had a phone call, he inquired, he went there to be for her, and she dumped him, with no explanation. How can a guy figure out what to do with that? Does he continue to go after her (with the possibility of annoying her even more) or maybe she wants him to go after her (to show persistence and diligence)? Then again, she could want him to give her some space.
It truly is hard to care for someone... Yes, your actions are probably not irrational behavior, but it sure seems that way for us guys at times...
Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:15 AM
Aishiteruze baby
ok guys should be able to figure something like that. i mean would u want it like that too?
kokoro's behavior is also her personality. not every girl is alike. u kno u acts like the loner but she actually wants kippei to be there. her mouth says go away but she's actually glad that he came to see her. and she doesn't want space. i think he gave her enough time during the summer.
about kokoro breaking up w/ kippei...didn't that happen before? u know they'll get back together. she mite say i wanna break up but she actually wants him there. i suppose she thinks that dragging kippei into her matters will burdern him, which u wouldn't wann do to u r loved one.

I tried my best...
Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:51 AM
Aishiteruze baby
That's the type of logic that drives men crazy! You do this, but you actually expect that. You say you want this, but you actually want the complete opposite of that. How can a guy win against these types of behavior? *Brain goes into mental meltdown again* [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
As for us wanting to be left alone when we say we do, I can't speak for others, but I usually am quite straight forward. If I say something, that's what I usually mean. I wouldn't want to say the opposite of what I want, well, unless it is because I feel that it is better for her to do so. However, at least I would explain to her why I am doing so.
Sun, 09-26-2004, 03:13 AM
Aishiteruze baby
well some guys pretty much don't even want to take the time to explain things. LEAVING GIRLS CONFUSED!!

I tried my best...
Sun, 09-26-2004, 08:01 PM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
I think kokoro dump kippei cuz he was thinking about having kid with her. When kokoro walk to see her dad cutting the rose when he say is bad for the kid..maybe that the reason she dump kippei
Sun, 09-26-2004, 10:14 PM
RE: Aishiteruze baby
kokoro knew kippei was only joking. plz! they're only in high school. i think those roses probably were part of kokoro's past (wel...DUH!) but it might have something to do w/ her mother. well, that's my guess.

I tried my best...
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