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Thread: I got banned from #animeone

  1. #1

    I got banned from #animeone

    Yesterday I made a bad joke on animeone sending a link to a french game webpage ( )

    I just sent it one time and it was the first time I did something stupid like that on the gan and then I got banned with no warning

    An admin might have thought that I sended a virus or something like that but I was not the case it was just a stupid game.

    How could I contact an admin of animeone in order to be able to rejoin the channel?

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: I got banned from #animeone

    you might have noticed that that appears (though my french is a bit rusty) to be an outwar-type page.

    I have to point out that in the channel rules (which chanserv spammed you a link for when you joined, and which was also in the topic and available from !rules) outwar-style links aren't acceptable, ever. Regardless of how cute you think it is, it's .... well .... simply against the rules.

    It's very unlikely with rizon's recent level of stability that the ban is still around. I'd recommend not letting it happen again, because while the bans in aone are by default temporary (and usually only last as long as the server stays up) it is likely that repeatedly doing stupid crap like that will get you permamently banned.

  3. #3

    RE: I got banned from #animeone

    Thanks for answering me.

    I hadn't read the rules, and I'm going to do it.
    I'm very sorry for what I did, I understand now that if everyone were to do the same thing it would be unbearable so i apologize.

    You were right I can now rejoin the chan

    Thoses outwar-style link were new for me and I didn't think before posting the link.


  4. #4

    RE: I got banned from #animeone

    what is "outwar"?

  5. #5

    RE: I got banned from #animeone

    outwar is a thing that you spam it, or link it.

    People click on it, your counter goes up, and your ranked or whatever.

    its annoying as hell when you get someone thats spamming it

  6. #6

    RE: I got banned from #animeone

    oh ok, I understand now. Thanks Lego

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